Final Indirect Lesson Plan

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Final Indirect Lesson Plan

Jessica Williams
Subject: Kindergarten Science

Central Focus: Classifying objects based on their weight.

Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:

K.P.2.1 Classify objects by observable physical

properties (including size, color, shape, texture,
weight and flexibility).

Date submitted: 8 December 5, 2015

Date taught: N/A

Daily Lesson Objective: Students will be able to classify objects by weight. (light or heavy)
21st Century Skills: Communication and
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Collaboration., Critical Thinking and Problem
Prior Knowledge: Students should know how to classify objects by texture.


1. Engage

2. Explore

3. Explain

Description of Activities and Setting

Students, who remember what we learned to classify objects by last week?
(CFU). Yes, thats correct we learned how to classify an object by its texture.
Today we are going to learn another way of classifying objects. To begin I
would have my students sit in their desks and close their eyes. I would tell
them to hold out their hands and sit quietly. I would come to each student and
place first a feather then a textbook in their hands. I want them to see the
difference between the two objects weights. Then I would have them open
their eyes and have them turn and talk to their table mates about what they
thought they had in their hands and what they thought of the object.
Next I would have my students get a worksheet and an iPad. The worksheet
will have the words light on one side and heavy on the other. Students with
ADHD will be paired with a student who is well focused and pays attention to
minimize distractions (PID). I would tell them I want them to use the iPad and
take pictures of 6 objects around the room and pick them up and see how they
feel. ADHD students will only be required to find 4 objects (PID). I want the
student to decide if the objects they chose are they heavy or light? Once they
take the pictures, I will upload them to my computer and print them out for
each of my students and have them glue the pictures to either the side of the
paper labeled light or heavy. Students with ADHD will have to bring up their
papers when finished to show me so I can monitor how well they are getting
along (PID).Next I would have them sit down on the carpet and we would
discuss why we did this activity. ADHD students will sit at the front of the
carpet so I can keep their behavior under control and help limit distraction
I would have students turn and talk and share the objects they chose and
whether they were light or heavy. Then I would ask Who would like to share
with the class one of the objects they chose and whether it was heavy or
light?(CFU) Great job! Then I would ask about a few objects to check to
make sure they understand the concept. Is an apple light or heavy? What about
a button? Book? (CFU). So class when are describing if an object is light or
heavy that is called weight. Something that is light does not weight a lot and is
easy to hold like a paper clip. Something is heavy when it is hard to hold like


a stack of books.

4. Elaborate

5. Evaluate
Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills

Now that we know objects are light or heavy we are going to take it a step
further. I want you to work with a partner and come get a scale from me. I
am going to have students get one of each object: an apple, paper clip, a book,
pencil, an orange and a bottle of water. I will explain I want them to put the
objects on the scale (one on each side) Then on a work sheet they will record
which was heavier and which was lighter. I will explain that I want them to
compare the apple to the paperclip, the orange to the water bottle, and the
book to a pencil. Then draw a picture of the objects one on the heavier side
and one on the lighter side. I will ask students when using a scale how will
they know which object is heavier? (CFU) Yes, the object that is lower is the
heavier one. This is expanding their knowledge further than just is an object
heavy or light and deciding which is heavier.
Formative assessment will be done while students are comparing the weight
of the objects. I will ask them which one is heavier and how do you know
(CFU). For Summative assessment I will have them write down what light
means and what heavy means and draw a picture of an object that is light and
one that is heavy.

6. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations
For students with ADHD I will have them work with a
studious student that doesnt mess around so they can
stay focused. Instead of finding 6 objects I will only
require them to find four objects to cut down on
distractions. When we are sharing on the carpet, I will
have them sit at the front near me so I can keep them
under control. I will also have them come to me after
they have glued down their objects to the correct side
of the page so I can keep tabs on how much work they
are getting done.

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

Materials/Technology: iPads, worksheets, pencils, scale, objects being compared (orange, pencil, paperclip, book, and a
bottle of water)
Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

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