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Hoop Pass

Date: 10/5/2015

Teacher: Luxin Xue

School: MSU Elementary School

Class: KIN 355

Equipment Used:
Grade Level:(2nd grade)
2 hoops
Time: 10 mins
Targeted NASPE Standard(s):
Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement pattern.
Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects others and
self in PA
Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/ or social interaction
Specific Objective: (By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to
identify three ways to encourage teammates to work together to achieve
a common goal. For example, using please/ cheer for teammates/ highfive, etc. This will be assessed by observation, checking for
understanding, and review at the end.
Concomitant Objective: always be kind/ motivate people/ importance of
team work.
Procedures Followed
Warm up: Line up first when I say go, students put your N/A
__1.5__ toes on the green line, tell students we are going to
play a game named Hoop Pass today.When I say go,
quickly find a partner, move forward, and spread out.
For the warm up, when I say a number, you need to
make numbers with your partner. For example, 11, 26,
Transition: Students who made units digit (1,6,4) move
__30___ to this (right) side. Students who made tens digit (1,2,3)
move to that (left) side. Make a circle.


Set Induction: So for this game, you need to try moving a

hula-hoop around the circle while holding onto everyones
hands. Two teams gonna compete with each other. (give each
team a hoop) Thump up for understanding.
Learnable Piece: You will learn how to encourage
teammates to achieve a common goal. That includes
things like congratulating others, cheering for your own
team, and high-five etc. Your goal is to do at least three
things to encourage your teammates.





Presentation of New Material/Directions: Now, I need

you to hold hands, if you are not comfortable with this,
you can hold arms. I will leave the hoops here, when I
say go, you start passing to your right. Any question?
Ready go!
(Count time)
-When it is done, tell students give a high-five to your
teammates, say good job! Also tell them the time
Now, discuss with your team how can you make it
faster. For the second round, you need to pass it to
your left. Go!
Same as the first round. Also ask students why
you move slower to your left (from time count)
Because we all have a dominant side. If you use right
hand to write, then right-side is your dominant side.
That means you are more comfortable with your right
side when you do sports or games
Transition: Students make a big circle after the game is
Activity: So tell me what did you learn from this game?
How did you encourage your teammates?
Possible Modifications: Take two more hoops, passing
them at the same time. Two groups join together.
Lesson Review:
-How many things did you do or say to encourage your
-What makes you a good teammate today?
-Great job!


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