Final Indirect Lesson Plan

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Hayley Turner

edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan

Central Focus: : Being able to determine two similarities and

Subject: 1st Grade Physical Science

two differences between the size of objects using their sense

Common Core/Essential Standard Objective:

EX.1.E.2.1 Identify change in an object (color,

size, shape) using one or more of the senses

Date submitted: 08 December 2015

Date taught: N/A

Daily Lesson Objective: After research, students will accurately compare changes in objects of size using the

senses of vision and touch.

21st Century Skills:

Communication, self-direction

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Vocabulary): N/A

Prior Knowledge: Students will have knowledge on how to correctly look at objects and compare them to other objects.
Students will know to use only their eyes and hands to make observations. Background knowledge of senses (touching
and looking). Students also know how to make a venn diagramh


1. Engage

2. Explore

3. Explain

4. Elaborate

5. Evaluate
Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills

Description of Activities and Setting

Students will be asked to share what they previously learned about

color, shape, size( CFU). Create a list on the smart board to record what
they answer (CFU). They will watch a short video about physical
proprieties of objects and different sense you can use to identity these
Students will be divided into groups (3-4 students each). They each will
have two different rocks that are different colors and shapes to observe
and explore and write it on a pre made sheet of paper with the two
rocks listed they are observing to share with the class. Each student
from the group must add one thing to the list to make sure they
understand the different physical properties of their rokcs. Then they
will make a separate list on a separate piece of paper about the senses
they used to identify the change in size, shape, or color from one rock
to the other.
One group member will have to come up to the board and put a
difference observations of one rock to another they will put their
answers on the board. Then a different group member from each group
will come up and share what they have learned about the rocks and
explain what senses they used to figure it out.
Using word, students will remain in groups and create a venn diagram
that has similarities and differences of the two different rocks. There
will be an example of a venn diagram on the smart board with
similarities and differences between dogs and cats to make sure the
student understand a venn diagram and have an example to look at.
There will also be directions on the board for the venn diagram (Rock 1
goes on the left and rock 2 goes on the right).
Students will be evaluated based off three levels. Mastery, partial
mastery, and non-mastery based off what they provide as a group.


Hayley Turner

Being able to successfully determine two similarities and two

differences between the two rocks.

Be able to clearly explain the senses they used to observe the


Partial Mastery:

Only being able to successfully determine one similarity and/or

difference the two rocks

Not able to explain the senses they used clearly


6. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills


Not being able to successfully compare the rocks

Not able to explain the senses they used.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations

ELL Students: Will be provided pictures with

words in their native language as well as what the
word is in English. They will also given them pre
made venn diagram that has 1 bullet point on both
sides. Student will also be evaluated based off if
they can successfully find one other similarity and

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

ELL Students: When students are put into groups I will

make sure they are working with another student who
could translate what we are doing for the ELL student if
they have any further questions that I cannot answer.

Materials/Technology: Venn diagrams, paper, smart board, DVD player, television, two different rocks
Reflection on lesson: N/A

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date:


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