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FGCU Campus Recreation

Hoops for Kids


Dominic Volpi, President, SGA


Dr. Michele Yovanovich, Dean of Student Affairs;

Dr. J. Mike Rollo, Vice President of Student Affairs


Christian Terrell, Director

Campus Recreation Department


October 19, 2015


Funding for Hoops for Kids

Hoops for Kids is a non-profit organization designed to influence younger children to be active
through basketball. The event is to be held on the campus recreational basketball courts next to
Alico Arena. The event is to be held on Friday, November 6th. Our team is seeking help to
provide lunch, T-shirts, and entertainment for the volunteers and kids. We need to $500 to
achieve our goals. We need this money because we want this to be a free event so no one will
miss this opportunity. Our goal is to give the children a fun time as well as promoting an active
lifestyle. The volunteers for this event are the FGCU Mens Basketball Team.
The event will begin at 9:00a.m and end at 1:30. The volunteers will help anyway necessary,
whether it is encouraging the kids, to giving them pointers due to their status as college
basketball players. The goal of this event is to influence the younger generation to become active
and push them down the right path. This event is needed because being active is very important
for the kids to live a full and healthy lives. This event can be compared to an event that the Mens
Basketball Team does every year. The event is called Eagle Reading, the volunteers go to local
elementary schools to encourage the students to stay on top of their studies. They are comparable
because they stress the importance of a vital part of the young childrens lives.
The event Hoops for Kids will use campus facilities to limit the cost of renting a space to hold
the event. Our selected site is the outside courts on the side of Alico Arena. Since the event does
take up the whole court, potential users of the court will have to be delayed until the end of the
event. We hope to minimize the amount of people that his effects by posting notices near the
court. In doing this, we will also be able to promote the event for anyone that is local and has
siblings that would like to attend the event.
We need the funding to provide the attendees of Hoops for Kids a meal and a t-shirt. We will also
provide the children with a good time. We will have a live DJ to create an enthusiastic

environment for the kids to be active. We would greatly appreciate your contributions to this
event because we believe it will be a stepping stone for us in the upcoming years.
The pros of both the location and the event greatly outweigh the cons. The location we chose is
an easy way to save money because it is on campus and it is free for Campus Recreation to use.
The location also has two courts so there will not be a space issue for however many kids show
up. The kids will also get to ask the volunteers about their experiences as a college basketball
player. The team will also have a few minutes to talk to the children about making the right
decisions on and off the court.
Similar Event
There is a similar event that has shown to be very successful in other countries around the world.
This event is called Netanya Hoops for Kids. This events main goal is to run educational
basketball clinics for Netanya youth that utilize basketball to teach life skills such as
communication, teamwork, and decision making. Professional basketball players from Barak
Netanya work with the children on basketball fundamentals, and speak with them about hard
work, goal setting, and healthy living.( Netanya Hoops for Kids, n.d.) This Event has been
very successful in helping kids become active as well as leading them in the right direction.
I hope our request is taken into serious consideration. I look forward to hearing from you at your
earliest convenience. We hope to hold a great event with your help.









Work Cited
Netanyahoopsforkids." Netanyahoopsforkids. N.p., n.d. Web.
02 Nov. 2015.

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