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Hadley Mason
University writing 1102

Can you handle the truth?

I decided to think more about how the Nazi party sold fear, and persecution in the movie
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. How they extinguished hope to insure that weakness and
opposition to their standards was eradicated permanently. Applying the information I have
gathered from this movie I learned more how the propaganda was advertised to others who were
a part of the Nazi party, as well as Jews and non-Jews.
After viewing these two movies especially in The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas I realized
that the propaganda of the Concentration Camps had been advertised falsely. What others outside
of the camps were seeing was a place of sanctuary, where children could play and camp members
could socialize freely in a stress free environment. Which was in complete opposition to what the
Jews imprisoned were actually experiencing. I learned from this that one of the many ways the
Nazi Generals disposed of the Jews aside from the ovens and gas chambers was overexhaustion. Their mindset was if you could walk you could work. Age was just a formality and a
number in the eyes of the Nazis who decided how well your capabilities of working were. You
worked until your hands bled, until your feet were in so much pain it was like stepping on a
hundred knives. Mercy was but a foreign concept, pain was their motivation, and death came as
easily as cutting a string. This was hell.
The biggest contribution to this idea was Anti-Seminism which is described as prejudice
against the Jews. This view being the basis of the Holocaust contributed to the way Jews were
viewed, treated, as well as brutally and gruesomely slaughtered. I see this action displayed
through both The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as well as in Schindlers List. The actions that were

Hadley Mason
University writing 1102

executed in the camp remained between those who lived in the camps, died in the camps, and
those who oversaw the camps daily activities.
I remember when watching The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and seeing Bruno perceive
what was going on. How confused he was by what he saw his father advertising to others on
what was going on at the camp as opposed to what was really happening. This type of reaction
reminded me of the innocence that people can have when they are nave to the truth. Especially
with this particular movie telling this truth from the innocent perspective of a little boy. What he
sees as a secret friend in reality is really a scared victim. Wanting freedom.
Thinking back to when I first saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas I remember
key events that stuck out to me. Bruno loves exploring which is one of the reasons he finds
stumbling upon the camp so interesting. Even though at the time he isnt aware of is purpose.
One day Bruno asks his tutor Herr Liszt if there is such a thing as a nice Jew, Herr Liszt replies
I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world. I find
this extremely interesting that those who supported the Nazi party and were the ones persecuting
the Jews acted like they were the victims. It makes me wonder what the reasoning behind the
immense persecutions was. Was it because of Jewish religion, looks, and practices? Can people
really be so heartless and sacrifice human life with the flick of a finger? Thinking about this
quote makes me believe that in reality we are all our own worst enemy. Because we will do
whatever it takes to save ourselves, even if it means sacrificing someone else.
Another quote that stuck out to me is towards the beginning of the boy in the Striped
Pajamas Brunos mother explains to him that we dont have the luxury of thinking some
people make all the decisions for us. I believe that this is completely false. We do have the
luxury and the right to make our own decisions but it is up to us to have the motivation to make

Hadley Mason
University writing 1102

the choice. However with the Jews this power is more difficult because before they knew it they
were being persecuted. The choice they had to make throughout this process of the Holocaust
was either to die for their beliefs and their cause our live in squander in hopes of surviving.
The last quote that I admire from this incredible movie was a comment that Bruno said to
Shmuel during one of their last visits before they both became ash in the wind. Bruno said,
Were not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?
What I admire from this quote is that after their many visits and after Bruno becomes aware of
what the Concentration camp is really doing he still sees Shmuel as a friend even though he
recognizes that they shouldnt be. I admire his innocence so much in this movie because as the
movie progresses you see his understanding grow of why he and Shmuel cant be friends but
they admire each others role in the Holocaust and each others strength and end up dying for
what they both believed in. Even though they didnt know what was happening they died for a
cause, a cause that will never be forgotten. They died for hope.
Its funny to think that the only thing that divides them is the prejudice of one man in
power, and a barbed wire gate. For Shmuel the gates purpose was to keep him in, but for Bruno
it was there to keep him out. As for Hitlers prejudice and power, the only thing that could
challenge him was the realization of his tainted image, loss of power that ended in his own self
exfixiation. Because he could not live in a world where he was not the supreme one.

Hadley Mason
University writing 1102

Work Cited
The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas
Schindlers List

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