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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership / M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education
Name:_Samir Ahmadov__________

Date: ____09/06/2015______

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Chang, I-Hua. (2012). The effect of principals' technological leadership on teachers'
technological literacy and teaching effectiveness in Taiwanese elementary. Journal of
Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 328-340.

Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what
is the theoretical background or overarching theme):
1. How to improve performance of teaching effectiveness with teachers`
technological literacy?
2. Which aspect helps principals to effect technological leadership on teachers`
technological literacy and teaching effectiveness?
Purpose of the research:

The purpose of this study is to understand measure and improve teachers`

technological literacy and among technological leadership of principals
personally characteristics and their point of view effect school or district
teaching effectiveness with technological literacy.
What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:

The survey target population consists of 604 (210 male, 294 female) teachers randomly
selected from 100 (numbers in the categories may not total 100 due to some missing
data) elementary schools metropolitan cities in Taiwan.
The experience of teachers was: 120 teachers - 5 years or below, 235 teachers between 6-15 years, 224 teachers - between 16-30 years, 26 teachers - 31 (or above)
The survey questions was teachers to evaluate the principals role about their leading
and enabling technology use, teachers technological literacy and teaching
effectiveness in their schools. The respondents in this study were teachers (from many
position) reporting to their principals (gift card provided).

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

The survey target population consists of 1,000 teachers randomly selected from
Taiwanese elementary schools and 60.5% (604 of them) questionnaires were returned.
Data Analysis:
Research was about the relationships between principals technological leadership,
teachers technological literacy, and teaching effectiveness and tested the structural
equation model (SEM).
Findings or Results (or main points of the article):

Five factors were extracted were as follows:

21.148% (vision, planning and management)
5.858% (evaluation and research)
15.430% (technological and infrastructure support)
14.573% (interpersonal and communication skills)
11.958% (staff development and training)
Four factors were extracted using Teachers Technology Literacy Instrument.

Conclusions/Implications (for your profession):

Teachers technological literacy should discover with guide, with workshop, with
school district technology operations workshop so as to improve technology literacy
performance. As an example the US education departments of many states have
recognized technological leadership academies that use instructional programs to
improvement the technological professionalism of educators. The purpose of this is to
enhance the instructional efficiency of teachers and the learning effectiveness of
students (Chang & Tseng, 2005; ECS, 2001).
The results of the common fit indices clearly indicate that the model fits the data quite
well. School principals as a technological leaders improves teachers' technological
literacy and directly encourages teachers to integrate technology into their teaching and
they also improved teachers teaching effectiveness. The results suggest that principals,
as technology leaders, must develop and implement a vision and technology plan for
their schools. Principals technological leadership toughly connect with teachers
integration of educational technology into their curriculums and they supposed to
encourage and support teachers to put technology into teaching practice. Only a
principal who can understand current knowledge of technology can ensure that the
school will continue to develop.
Students Reflections (changes to your understanding; implications for your

I think the school principals needs to take at least technology leadership training,
workshop regularly and they direct the school teachers some technology workshops.
School principal with helping district IT manager can make or provide at least once a
year for a new and returning teachers. Each schools must develop a long-term
technology plan with a goals for the schools staff. I want to add increase of
technological skills is important for the professional growth of staff. Those things as
we talk school district or schools have to measure their teachers technological literacy.
Also leaders or principals must be able to evaluate their own teachers and can give
them routine evaluations point.
References: (Chang & Tseng, 2005; ECS, 2001)., (Chang & Hsu, 2009; Wu, 2009)

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