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Matthew Kee

2nd period
Honors Lit 10th
Character one has been introduced. Does the lagoon infer that its a
tribe or an alternate universe? School sweater. Huh. An accident or just a
coast of a populated city? Is scar the island or vehicle that was used? Climate
seems very tropical and hot. Holy, is the bird dangerous? Oh, another
character is being introduced. The grammar is quite awful in this new
character. The boy seems a bit chubby. Whos the man with the megaphone?
No grownups does not seem like a good scenario. So apparently the pilot
disappears. There are other kids? Plane crash, probably a boarding school of
some sort. How was the pilot attacked? Air-warfare by the looks of it. Fair boy
is now named Ralph. The chubby boy is in custody of his auntie. Orphan
originally? Maybe parents had an accident. Once again, the poor grammar
shows in this child. Great description by the author by the way. Water seems
beautiful. Ralph begins to strip. What kind of rating does this book have? The
chubby boy reveals his nickname, Piggy. Ralph begins to tease Piggy. New
landscape change. Ralph is very observant. Ralphs dad is in the navy.
Piggys parents are unfortunately dead. Aunt owns a candy store. Wonder
where the chubbiness came from. Piggy begins to panic about never being
found while Ralph has confidence in his dad. They find a conch. Sponge-bob

reference anyone? Conch becomes a horn of sorts? Another child appears.

Johnny is now introduced. More children, unimportant of course. Twins Sam
and Eric are now introduced. A party approaches the scene. Different school?
Leader of this new group examines Ralph. Merridew is the name of the
leader. Actual name is Jack, but Merridew is preferred. Jack is a, er, bully at
best. Turns out Jack is a choir boy (coughs). Voting between Ralph and Jack.
Ralph wins of course. Jack of course becomes embarrassed, typical. What a
genius, that Ralph. Jack has a position of hunters. Arrogant leader and
hunters. That does not sound good. Simon is now a third in the people for an
expedition. Ralph comes out a bit harsh to Piggy, but Piggy seems like a crybaby. Poor Piggy. Ralph and Jack seem to be clicking better now. Tracks
appear on the road and create curiosity. More exploring. Childs play with the
rock. Yada, yada, yada. They find a piglet, and that piglet gets slaughtered.
Jack and a knife. That does not sound smart at all. Foreshadow?

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