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Matthew Kee

1st period
Mr. White

The method of development is a unique combination of the two

elements, argument and persuasion. The method utilizes the more

aggressive tactics of argument with the subtlety of influencing and appealing
the reader. The method usually follows a structure. The structure begins with
a claim followed by multiple appeals backed by evidence. These appeals
expand the claim in multiple directions while maintaining the connection
instead of going off tangent. The assumption is the opinion of the author that
follows the claim. These elements are the argumentative side of the method.
The persuasion comes from the reasoning and fallacies used to support the
argumentative side in a subtler manner. With these elements combined, a
proposal can be created as a solution thought up by the author.

The first thing to note is that the writer, while distributing the some of

the blame on the advertisement companies as well as web companies,

dishes most of the blame towards the audience themselves. One quote to
note is if you dont know about it, you havent been paying attention
(Harper 546). The writer basically states that many people blame cookies as
malicious without actually understanding what cookies are. While people
demand more security to protect their privacy, they do not understand that
with this security come restrictions towards this freedom on the internet.

Quoting from famous singer, Hannah Montana, you cannot have the best of
both worlds.
The author utilizes a handful of rhetoric methods to further his
argument. The first example is the Juxtaposition on page 546. He compares
The Internet to the television to depict how malleable The Internet is.
Because of this malleability, there are too many factors to account for rather
the sole blame on privacy leaks through cookies. Another method used is the
Connotation vs. denotation. Alluding to the greasing of gears with the
fluidity of the internet, the author further paints a visual image of the
complexion of this world. While the question what am I getting in return is
a basic question, the rhetorical question causes the audience to stop for a
moment and ask themselves if they truly know what they receive out of the
internet. The usage of phrases such as business attacks privacy further
shines companies in a poor light in visual detail.


Upon finishing college, these new and nave adults venture off to the

great world upon them. All of a sudden, a realm of information from 401ks to
mortgages and filing for loans engulfs them. The point is, education chooses
to educate students in algebra or cursive handwriting rather than informing
them of their basic human rights. All of this information can be fatal when
graduates are thrown into a world that moves so rapidly. While there are
multiple factors that cause the education system in America to fail, this point
is aimed towards the curriculum. Simply put, the curriculum should be
altered in such a fashion that basic knowledge becomes mandatory rather
than arbitrary facts.
The current class system contains one guideline: to meet all standards
by the end of the year. To determine whether that guideline has been met, a
standardized test is issued to define the proficiency of all students. This
standardized test morphs students into mere percentages and numbers
rather than portraying the qualitative data. Also, because of this loose
guideline, teachers are free to pick their own adventure as they lead their
students on a wild chase to catch all of the standards. This chaotic frenzy
causes students to be on different pages or even books. For one, this skews
the so-called accurate data of the standardized tests. Furthermore, students

are longer engaged in learning but focus on memorizing facts and numbers
to receive a number to put them into another four year cycle of this
nonsense. By the time they exit the cycle, none of that memorization of facts
and number pay off unless it relates to their passion or career. By reforming
the curriculum in a way that actually engages the students, students will
have a chance to actually find out their passions and pursuits before entering
a career school or college.
The classes that have major impacts on students lives are the classes
that should not. The core classes are defined as a class that is required for a
student to progress further in his or her life. These classes only focus on
three to four subjects. It is hard to believe that a persons progression in life
is dictated on whether or not they have mastered the Pythagorean Theorem
or if they can recite all fifty states in the country. The concept of core classes
is a good idea, but the content in the concept must change. Instead of
focusing on meeting standards, schools should incorporate classes such as
current events to discuss problems that are actually affecting the students.
This group discussion based class will allow students to unite as a whole and
attempt to resolve the problems. This is the kind of class that builds a
foundation of critical thinkers.
Ill admit that the proposal given is very vague. While it is impossible to
fix a centurys worth of problems with this one solution, this is an
oversimplification of things that must be repaired in order to produce a

generation that is brighter than their predecessors. This is why topics such
as basic rights and current events should be of higher priority rather than the
classes that are top priority as of now. By focusing on these topics instead,
students will become engaged because they want a say in topics and issues
that actually impact their lives. This passion is followed by a drive for a
passion found, and thus beginning a positive domino effect. With this
scenario, students will become a community of bright thinkers and learners
rather than robots copying and processing chunks of information only to
regurgitate it one year later.

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