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UKanTeach 2 Lesson Plan

Author(s): Ashley Ladd and Courtney Bush

Team Members: Ashley Ladd and Courtney Bush

Title of Lesson: Chubby Bunny

Lesson #: 3
Date lesson will be taught: November 20, 2014
Length of lesson: 40 min

Mentors Name: Ms. Reaver

Mentors School: LMCMS
Subject/Grade level: Math, 6th grade

Concepts / Main Idea - In paragraph form, write the concepts and vocabulary of this activity. (For science lessons, see NGSS
Disciplinary Core Ideas):

The concept of this lesson is to review ratios and how to set them up while playing a game called chubby bunny. By collecting
results of how many marshmallows, big and small, you can fit in your mouth in thirty seconds. We will create ratios with the
data and show the percentage of what size marshmallow creates the biggest number or gain as a whole.

Objective(s) - Write objectives in SWBAT form

The Students Will Be Able To:

Evaluation: Based on your objectives, draft the content of the

-Define ratio while also explaining how to solve or set them up.

-Post test (separate sheet)

-Apply prior knowledge of ratios to solve problems.

-Define percentage by explaining how to set up the problem
and solve.
-Evaluate data collected.

Updated Spring 2014

questions you will ask on your pre and post assessments; at least
one question for each objective. Questions do not have to be
multiple choice. The actual pre and post assessments are required at
the end of this lesson plan.

NGSS and Common Core Standards

Math Lessons:
1. Must include a minimum of one Common Core Math Practice Standard:
#1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
#6: Attend to precision.
2. Must include a minimum of one Common Core Math Content Standard (domain, cluster,
Ratios and Proportional Relationships (Understanding ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to
solve problems)
1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two
3. Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables
of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.
a) Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole-number measurements, find missing
values in the tables, and plot the pairs of values on the coordinate plane. Use tables to compare ratios.
3. A minimum of one NGSS Science and Engineering Practice (number and name of practice)

S1: Ask Questions and Define Problems

M1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
4. A minimum of one Common Core ELA (English Language Arts) Practice Standard (number and
name of standard)

S8: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information

Materials list (BE SPECIFIC about quantities):

Accommodations: Include a general statement and any specific

student needs.

For Whole Class: (21 students)

Per Group/Per Student: (21 students, groups of 2)
-Big and small marshmallows in bowls
-Data collection sheet

(Below level comprehension)

All students should be able to participate in this activity
whether they are eating marshmallows or not. Students will
work in groups to help with completing the lesson; a peer
walking around and checking on students will assist those who
need accommodations. We will make sure we cover each step
in detail and be thorough with the instructions.

Advance Preparation:
-Make data collection sheet and print
-Data sheet for whole class to project
-Create pre- and post- test

Included handouts at the end of this lesson plan document.

List handouts in your materials list above.

Safety: (Include a general statement and any specific safety

Make sure students are in their seats, working on lesson and
not wandering around. Watch for students that arent fully
participating and get them back on track that way they dont
distract other students or cause trouble. They should not be
eating marshmallows for the fun of it and also be aware of
their intake of marshmallows to be sure they dont choke, etc.
Also, do not swing stopwatch around and push buttons

Engagement: Estimated Time ____3 min____

What the teacher does AND how will the teacher direct
students: (Directions)

Probing Questions: Critical questions that will connect prior

knowledge and create a Need to Know
Expected Student Responses and Misconceptions - think
like a student to consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)

*write on board to grab calculators when they walk in

---grab pretest along with name tents
----raise hand when done with pretest
Who has participated in a pie-eating contest or seen one? Or
any kind of food eating contest?


--What do they do in a pie-eating contest?

----Why? What are they hoping to accomplish?

-Eat fast, eat lots of food, time how much you can eat
-To see if people can eat as much food as they can in a small
amount of time

What will you say or do to make a clear and smooth transition from the Engagement section to the Explore
Well we are going to do something similar and play a game called chubby bunny.

Exploration: Estimated Time _____15 min______

What the teacher does AND how will the teacher direct
students: (Directions)

Probing Questions: Critical questions that will guide

students to a Common set of Experiences
Expected Student Responses and Misconceptions - think
like a student to consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)

-Partner up, boy/girl (look within your groups first, well assign
you a partner if there isnt enough boys to girls in your group)
-Remember to keep this in mind: (Write question for them to
consider throughout activity on the board)
**How can you compare small marshmallows to big
marshmallows, using ratios and percents?
-Now, chubby bunny means keeping the marshmallows in your
until time is up, so keep that in mind.
-Each group (partners of 2) will have separate containers of
both small and big marshmallows. One student/partner must
put as much marshmallows (small first) in their mouth while
their partner counts how many, all while being timed--thirty
seconds. The other partner will then do it after 30 seconds
while the partner who just ate marshmallows, counts. (act out
--Record numbers on info/data sheet. (go over worksheet
filling it out)
*Stopwatch on screeneveryone starts at the same time
**RULES: -Put one marshmallow in your mouth at a time
--Repeat with big marshmallows
**State safety concerns---can spit out marshmallows if they
dont want to eat them
---After rules, pass out materials

-I eat the marshmallows!!

What will you say or do to make a clear and smooth transition from the Explore section to the Explanation
Lets create a class data sheet and see the differences in small marshmallows to big as a whole.
Explanation: Estimated Time _____15 min_____
What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct
students to do: (Students talk first)

Probing Questions: Critical questions that will help students

clarify their understanding and introduce information related
to the lesson concepts and vocabulary
Expected Student Responses and Misconceptions - think
like a student to consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)

-Ask partner groups who got the most small or big

marshmallows in their mouth?
*What differences do we see from the data collected? Why?
---What if we compare boys to girls eating small and big
marshmallows? What differences?
-Well use data to see the difference in numbers within each
group by making ratios. (fill out ratios on worksheet)
--What do those ratios tell us? Boys to girls?
---What different way can we write them?
*more small marshmallows fit in the thirty seconds than big
*small to big, big to small, compare other groups small to
small or big to big
-Compare ratios made to make percentages that can show the
differences between the numbers of small marshmallows to
--Percent means part to one hundred
**fill out ratio under percents on worksheet to move forward
with teaching percents
*tell us how much more small marshmallows we can fit in our
mouth because they are smaller and take up less room
---explain how to convert to percentage (add ratio numbers,
divide small or big by total and multiply by 100 to get percent)

-more small marshmallows eaten because they take up less

space than big
-boys eat more small and big marshmallows because they
have bigger mouths

-BIG: 10, 6, 13, 25!

-small: 20, 50, 18, 19, 40
-BIG to small: 10girl/50boy, 6/18
-small to BIG: 20girl/13boy, 19/25
-you can fit more small marshmallows in your mouth than big!
-using a :, /, or to
--small to big or big to small
-partners/small marshmallows used:20boy/13girl
---20boys/33total= (.61) X 100= (61%)
---13girl/33total= (.39) X 100= (39%)
*boys can fit about 20% more marshmallows in their mouth
than girls

What will you say or do to make a clear and smooth transition from the Explanation section to the Elaboration
Now that we know how to make ratios into percentages, how can we use percentages to solve other problems?

Elaboration: Estimated Time ____2 min____

What the teacher does AND what the teacher will direct
students to do: (Directions)

Probing Questions: Critical questions that will help students

extend or apply their newly acquired concepts / skills in new
Expected Student Responses and Misconceptions - think
like a student to consider student responses INCLUDING
misconceptions (italics)

How do percentages help us and where do most people see

and/or use them?

-They can be understood better than fractions, easier way of

showing fractions,
---tests, rates (taxes), discounts (when we want to know how
much more we gained or lost), loans, stock you own
-More marshmallows eaten!!

-----What if we gave you more time to eat the marshmallows?

What would have happened?
What will you say or do to make a clear and smooth transition from the Elaboration section to the Evaluation
Now lets test your knowledge of what we just covered.
Evaluation: Estimated time___3 min___
(Critical questions that ask students to demonstrate their understanding of the lessons performance objectives.)
Formative Assessment(s): In addition to the pre and post assessments, how will you determine the students
learning within this lesson (i.e. observations, student responses / elaborations, white boards, student questions,
Summative Assessment: Provide a student copy of the exit questions or post assessment (additional blank pages are provided
at the end of this document).

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