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Sectow 1-4 1 2) ike walibely that stdets whose names ha +o Fall at the top of a pase & the phore book will ci Ffer systematically in heig st from the Pryslates of Studuts. ibis more likely that Angineeriag MAES will differ aad veey Whely that Stoduts involved with basketball infranyrals will ok Her. &) WD is correct Secthio, 1.2 4) No. The medias of the Sample @) Let XX; dteote the old Salary of the uth woe ker ve ” new ” Ve Me yo et 1,2,4,7 is 3. Je Lk, Lue) LK +504, Taso nw = nan 1 8. Te ZUGt50-X-59- TUDE gb t a-t = Sea The mean increver by Pro phe variance ir vnchaaged- Wy) Class 4: MyzPo MTE Class 2: M240 F274 ae Clunientel, X2 aot! Soe eye) + #474) 5 NAA Jo+to Sector |. 2 1) 210) Meee Weds. 18 $25 : , WaaCX Ng) = 24-27 is chavsed to 312-7 a) Mena otter chaaye is Xe soXa : ex = 94.274 F%27 290-279-274 242-7 ” ar i . 355.243 4) The Mediad ir unchanged af 18- le te 2) Zxy = 2x2 a4au + 342.7" (4 Ea ag) ren ins a ncepiie Go) - FULT BART 2 4 2es 2 ear [Exar — 19 Xa 4us-jo( SESH 2 Ne.4S - a Sa* = Section 1-3 aa Stem Leal me ° 1234456884 : pootl | teRaserse7T OOM 2 023459 2 03784 - 7 _ ) 5S ps iW : Ha oe ! 3 a fié r to [x27 wes e a * x manner eees 7 Number of ses The baxdod show S outliers. Sects, 1.3 3 the his bog com should be Skewed +o Fhe ig ut: oa, ») The histoycany Chold be stewed to the left. 7 The histogan Fhould bea rom tely Sgmmeteic. B) Since the som of all celatva Frequencies must be one, the onissing rectangle has a height) of OL WW) nall 4,10, 20,25,71 76,77, N, 1468 B82 Q,= 20, Q,= GY TARs 44-20 = 24 LF TQRs 26- There are ac points Jess than 20-762-16, so there are no outliers on the low side- Thre is One grind B82 thd iy greater tas 44 r76=80- Thus 82 ts an outher- 4 Sector 12 a 12) The mean. on ee Se. NaUS Daler ty = - ave 1) wm, cya, (0), (ca). I) UL), CC, CeCe), Ca) CR) Sects 2.1 4) 9 41,43,45 by Pl Ever Momber d= PAP Sr eet c) No, the se} of possible outeomes is still 312 2,4f 4) Face: 1 2 2 45 678 Nude painted Poe ee PrP Ps AP 2 Apel peg Probability pr PC Eves Wamber) = PC2) ePC4) = 3 (gq) +2(a) = - : 4+)ay Sample syate consists Of He Fo llouiey 27 outcomes, vt 2494 Ligh 4i& gad ged ae Rey a6 Sorte Go ek 8 RR Y yYy Rh Y G BR Y aR G yY mR G GC A G AY # _ es Gy & RY y yy 7 GY ¥ RY @ yy eé G sY RG A Y Gk G G@ R Re y YCey G ¢ y RG G Y 6G G & G Seckon 2.) 4) by A= YRRR, vy, cee} - 3) B=RYG, ACY, YRE YER, Gey, GIRS 4) Cf} RES CRE, GER, YEE Gre CEY, Gest e) Ancz 76664 £) AvBs JaRe, 1,C66,KYE, REY, IRE, YER, CRY, cra D Ancks peer, vt AfaC 2] REG, GRE, COR, YEG, C76, coy t DANG ece\oe | A morally exclusive + 3) Bac= BF . B aw Care mahally exclusive . @) a) Fale, b) Trae, cy True . R(T) <002, P(EaT) =< 0:0? lo) Pleyed), a) PCEOT) = PLE) TMD -P( Eats OI Teez- Oohs Onl! by PC ET) = Pl EoD’) « I PLEVT) = Io. = 0.84 ©) P(E)= MEAT) + PET) ol) < 0-014 PEATE) —e PlEnT 0-049 e 14) PSgsten finchos) = P(AvB) = f(A) +PA)-PAaz) = 0-994 0.96-088 =0-°F 16) Bloog Tepes A 3B AS oO Probability 35 +) 05 9) RC Type 0) = 1- Pb tye %z 1-[o.sszo:) 40-05% 2 OF b) P(deer aed cortain B antigen) — Pltype A) + PL dyge °) SO UrOSs OCS Sechon 2.2 a Dio Hl2zay(W=4o 6 Oe Ge ue 2252 2 (D- (DM) (9 = 276 Te] Wel § 8) a) (26) (107) 4) 29025) (24) (19) (9) (8) 2) LOCIEYUYE _ . gog) (26%) (10%) 7 cS) Is cans! ores ) ee Str et 1a) PU Mateh) = PRR) +E) + RSS) Ole) 44+) =F Sector 2.3 Selet ombl a 15. 2) 10 fwes. B are 10 aups, Zare 1S anps) Fue Us vbteinel. Ag: Ct relecbe iso hoane fue. tau... 3 Let ee 1Oaqps)=PAnAD= FA) PALIAR(E)(2) 256 b) Pla furs Jeleckd ) = PLA, AAP) = Pray PAZ TAL) / “CH: 98 ©) Plmore the, 2 fuer selected) = Pint 3 fuer are Jo ous) = PAA, AA). FA) AIA) PLA, AnA,) = (4) (#) = 2 7290 Secton 2.3 agenew <7 6) A= Allocation secter is laeasel Ns tea-allocofon Sector ts damaged. PlAawS) = 0-2) PAS) = 07, PLAAN) 20.1 PLAD= Paws) + PAA) = 0-2 5) PIM) = PIAS aN) & PlAaw)= 0-8 ) PUNIA)s PAW) PAW) oy PA)” PAANDT Aw) 02 > 3) Pian), PAW) ob Piny 08 8 ©) Ant lay- Aw? ) oes fA) coe Equivaledly, Pla) = HNIA)e1- 5 =F. 4) PLA Iw), AMM) 0-7 LZ RA) “98 8 Equivalently, PAT W=)- PAIN) = 1--% =F- to) LL: Lauen ibs the acres | a Ne Philip hits the arget. 5 As 05, PLH=03 ~ Md Bare bad ependens tvade. PLUK) = PL) PCH) —pient) EAL ARH WR) Sine Ly are ind. OS TO-J- OSD sobs DY Pr eractly one hit)= PLAN) + PLEA HD = PCL) PLAS) + Le) POH) Stee LW artind. 20S (|-0-3) + (1-0-5) 0.3 20-5 Oo) 144) Prmactly Ont hit) = PE LAGacHy onehix JJ . PCemncd Fl Ermet\y mht) PlEnetly one AHL) = ROTH | oros) 97 os oy Sec hey ae ae 8 16) ovo Components . 700 are defete, 45 are d are drawn. 2 Tompene, A: Fret Componead dau is defective B: Secor L a e a) P(A). 22. 2 2 » POBIA)= 28% =) Fiaas)= Pra) PeBiAd = (Jes-)( 284.) . 208 19990 4G FIIO a) PAT B= PAD FLAY) = (F555) ( 285) = Ze © Pla)= Plans) + Plains): Fat. Jo. MLE #) lals)= Fone 2 eee . aay 9) fle)< 0-3 | POBIA)- me 0.2993 PB) #PCBIA) thy Aad B rrenct indepowet « Sine PCB) is verg aamdy Qqval do PEBIA) sh weal Le tle +e trent A ma as though they were ceases Inde pen det: _ PL calc sn SHIT PCBlak SUV] sos 20) PC Blak sw | Suv) = ~—etswl Sid (Ss PEWS ek 22) E: Parcel is seat express ES; Parcel is seat standard, Ni: Portel arcives the ata day . PLE)-0.25, ANWIE)s045 PIES) <0.80 a) PLEaN): P(E) PMIE) = (9-25) (0-%F) = 0.2975 » a c*) = AE et) Peles 4) Pim) s PINME) +P (WOES) = PLEDPONIE) + CES) POW y 21-25) 045) + (I-0-25) 0:80 = 0. 837F Povie) Pee) 0 2377 agg Pst ERED PYM TES) LED” 0- 8375 <>) PLEln) = Seche 2.7 26) Ds A pecrn has the disewe q ie eet ts posite TM: Te - 2 Test is mesa d PLDs 005, PC TP) D)= 044 > PCTP Ips ee ‘ BD PUI EP) Cer ane ee es CALC) i Pap») PO) P(EPID) POD eAfoorroar(eay ») peor rw) - Pot iecot) ator) aa PCTM JO) PED) + PCT |DIPLP) 0-94 (o4r)t 0.01 (os) Fo) P(Systenr fnctews) 42 fc = PC Gag) v(cvn] eaceentne PF 1- aq = 7 0F!3 4 c) flthee oupeneats all Fraction) = (apse de fsb ea soedy 34) Ama & ide|perdet —9 W ASB ace ind WY ALG artind: i, ci) AY BS are ind. 2) PLAS B) 5 PLB) ~ PARA) = PLA)-PIAPCR)= Ci-Pearseca) = Prat)Ice) thy ASB arcind. et) PCAnd®) = PLA)-PLAAB) = PLA) -PCAIPCO) = HAL PCOS = PLA) PCBS) They A,BS atin. eu) PASAB) = -PCAVG)= 1-P0A) ~ PCP) LAN) = IH PCA) PCB) +PCA) PCR) = f1-prAdTC 1-10.03 = PLAS) PE BS = BY) The AS, BS are id. Sector 2.4 2) 9 P(xK<2) = PC Y20)+ Pvt) speoape Boro =ote Oy ee a) ale Plse) - ape) _ <) - eS ed = 0 (oS) tI(02) + 2lo-1) + Flor) < 08 * a) CG: Zh) ?0)= BH yo pt = [or cospetor) aitcot) a7 C01)] because ihis the oalg o8 a -08 20-96 4) a) Red is rhe only pet - wih LFede!h- 4 7 ty) Pe x ocont) rion) ates) 2008)" Lon Ff = [eh con) (ony 42'lor4) 49 Ct) AF fo: 1)h- aa x? ] fo) =2 z ( £3 8) a) (CX Secher 2.4 1) fou th Goxale © ° elsewhere " 1 a) PC 8 (2) 5.08. qn0-08) | 0.2711 \4) 9) Let X be ahe av mer ofthe 1° qears that A cen ys Growl (12, ot), Plxyiertoer)> 1- (1G) 0s O45 = ofol2 yar lle a7 8) =Px<4)= S (Mf) o05" vesiea sorniees o) The pobaily ce ca Ee a (G2IS) ere s 9-20 Sects 4-2 It) fo) Let Y) be the number of gtecs hy Fare either degraded or sceap. Yr , Biromial( 19,04) PCY v2) = 1-PIY sz) el 2. ¢ 5 oat to = 0.3222 A) The peobsbilty noe % gear is ethee 624 formtay oF degraded is 0-B0401F< 0-95. Ley Y be the number of geacs tha} ace esther can farmias oe degraded Yu Binomial ( 19, 0.95) PC Ys a3<( 9) 0-45! @0s) = 9-3 22) Pl Yeyl. F[a-Xey): F[X-nah (5 ea | io . ny 2 Z ) tcp Le crpry : The We Bisowiel (0, Hp). 24) Lak X be tenouber of Congerests thd work ia He Fildes ana Ret 7 de the av mler a} comgoncats tha} \ ch ix the secord dest ya Dee Coco (2,00) 5 ye Brromiel (4, aan) F( Desisa with tuo Comyoatats warks) = Poa) ei Pico) = (8) 04% 01" = 0.9900. PC Design saith four comportats works). P(y¥x2) = P(%s2) Eis 2 (FD) can cae e 0.1963 Yeo | isl The desiga with fac Compeatats 4 the greatec probabilrty of Practiering . /} Section 4.3 —— 2) 22 pemt £23 mb X: Number of par des In Dal. OE ilcode. cia ome X~ Prins (6) oy 5) PU Xs2). on xen : ‘| | A) Uap deca SR a a d) Als at=20)26 e) ee 2G 6) Leb X be the number in the sample thet carey He sere Thee X is the avmber of Suceenses in Nz ]000 with ps0.0002 - Sine a ww Aege ark p is soall Xa Poisson (ssp conee2) ) . Xm Poissss (0.2) +o a verg clove agoxionn How. ve PL ) cee Xoo} + on 1) Pltee) « Se alsa Pernoulli totals, eee a) Pires © 29.1627 oy : 2 c) P( X2)- 1-0 Xz) 21 Se Sf 0X Deon Neo xT d) Sirce Xe Poimos (or ) De ot €) Sa Xm Poise (or) , Galak =04F te) Let X represent the avarber of packder in Jat Let DR dewoke the exqected avaber oh particles in Ore mL, They Xu Potorw( 3a). f Ne tB i vbserved they i < 1B Ljg. The vacertaaity is OF ofiE = 25 ean Qe) ) «) Bale per acre X: Mamber of plaate in a weeny regioy - Kw Polsew( yon) Xn Posi (2°) -t9 18 | FOxei8). e320, a ays i 13) | foo ft ds bY The area of the circle laith radians hae 14-9 GEN. da ual of acres the area ts 7 (100) Bi4tS-1 So 72124 acres Lit Bi devote the number 43 760 i then tealo-72/21, Asie per rere of gach in the circle. Xan Poissaw (7. 2p) fl mW FEE 0.0505 oa ected suet of plats ger tere, resend Phe exe y the nverber oF glete te Oot) feren- if %5 dhuarves they oe sor ty Ox =) ES s22.3¢ o-1 DN

P0645 Xe o6ssh Sir Te ae x = Pf_ eos 0-005 | = Plage sec oe] Fon Nl) Table, P-2.58 ge czseh ~ O44 . Thos ones 2 258, ms 0. 00194 cm. oi | 18) let Robe the leag th of a cor. O)) elisa, | Ad oe Drea Cran On orga Ola 1 €) Since Ra N(10, 0-01) | th, Aw NK IB, 0-01) | ae Seckow 45 2 And Y Acc a au's be thet a XmMk, G, [X= 0-45, oe a tif gD / “Ase 25, Dy so0e5 MsOSxrY . Since M is a lineor combina of independ} normal u's MM is nec ovaly dist ibeted Jar 05K aft = 0S(0) 4 0-252 0.475 . 4 a au i a on Sosa Gir oy = onsite Cero; y+ ovoas = 0-\00I2 5: Ma N( 0.418, Ges 0.00125) ») P( my o-5)= Play S04 2 f(@7o-71) 20.2384 os Sechw 4&7 2) Xn Exponts tok C0), Feeds ef *, x70 yim ie > otherwise « Cee OARS a Fo).P(Xer haat boxes i ° ase Stee gene ‘ ye i! 5) Let mn Vathe medion op X. |f Ces tO) = fe Pa 1 ere Ths eo Los | m=1-3863 years. ©) Ore geese yeacs. eet xe th Whe (com) peceertle of X . they ORCC) fc NX Gu ee cree le | —€ 20-4 %o 21-8326 years. Dechert aca Px 22) PL Zy aeaa esi “Her r26h 20-1938 b) Let Sto denote the Jot percestile - | =2°]7 Her 2, Sig7 22 oe. 1f8) 0-02 PTS < Sol. Plea der2 Ste O18) Byer h28, ele = 2o~ 1-29(0.1581) = 19.798 | c) No, becowe wa clo acl how ny Sisheibebia of page thi ekeneves. In garkeilar, we do aol page Fhickneses ace normally distributed 4) a) at X,-., Mag be the anus of tan on the 62S firms From M191) fable kow whether tHe dlistributed A2625- The, X is Spestoats Laie o $2? 200 with mera Zt Van 2000 | rae We Ge P(X 7lit0)= P( tr Wate ste) ater - 1) = 0 84/3. Bb) Let Y te the number of farms whore tax is greater thas $2000. They Yn Binomiak(nz625, p= 0-10) Epes Ae 1 0.2% < 0.6064 Rize) sll z 7 eerb= sentorts V615 (0-1) (0-4 Sechon 4.11 Oey Xs Anowd of Warpeze ie wefer. Heiden, Ceotmant I a wae . eee eg ye Hee taasha\s, at worgpre 3 in te 200 wofers 15 aggoximately aceoally dist bode d with ete Onl shalacl dwinkise Gg = 2! ne oa Vivo PUR zI-30r)- \(27 [Zor =ts = P( 2707!) =0.2384 5) Let Keg desote the apts percetile oases Pl xe Reb = Pl 2 ae eceely of the Samele, Meow: 0-007 Rui Zea —— = 74, 1-3 ~ 0:67 (0-007) Frm W101) Haile 2, = 0:67 Shi atcen ec) Puan, re thet PLR rrsest 0-oS5 PL Rrest=Pl ey ma vA From Not) tate FC ap1-645F = 0-05 - aGkors EN a: 645 Soli: “ay hh gields nx )083. VA 1o) Let X be the number of cars thet fa the dert- Xw Biaomidh Caio, p20-2) | 19° DP Hoe P(xz12) = Plez Ua) ae | Pema aleenes C Vite 000-2) (0-8) ] [ ae § 0.4834 | | Sechen 4.11 30 1, het 4 ) a) X desote the number 4 O-ring thet meet the specification GS pr04) Pls ete) = Plas 888) x FL as up new] S 10 =D (ol) = fle <-1n) 20.1335 Pei 5) Let Xp, deste the Goth gircectle - I(x = x,J=0- 60 e602 ((X <%= [fe~ Me xmeotea) By 2 02S fram Vite00(0-4)(0-1) 7 'NO1) tile. as. Mey 700 | SO, 0-45 re ua Me = AOR 5 ) From pat (a) the probabiley thet | ewer than 840 O-rings meet the specification on ony given day | Os ase Let Y deasote the number of days on whieh Fewer thaa 84> O-rings meet the specificatss - Yr Binomial (S, 0.1920) ae Pyz3)= 2 (fous 0.1387 9-3 14) a) Let X be the number of qackdes coctained in a 2m) sample. The Xn Poise (60) at Z. X-60 N(0,1). ae Plage) = PC Sire tC amet 5) Let F dercte the auuber of samaes thet Contain more Hea Fo F~Binomial A te pro-aer) ag Wize 2 (CY )e fois? (\~0% Ae 0 7414 <) hep W derok ae ny aiar oh Samy les tha G@abain mart thay Fo parties Ww Bisomiak Cas 100, ps0-201F) Pl 240) & PC By Gorbd=to0(e-40V) |. : Cae Ves stein ORD) =P( dz -0:223< 0.587) i ie 0.0142, Gs 0.9015. oe aa | aw, wy Vf e) Gof 4) aaa 2 4) y) X30, S248) net 4] Conf bice fom 2 Boos = Ih. x: = 146 Xtig & . 2- ; DO +496 HB Ba gD) ra d) RBS, 5048, 74, Z.., = 203 G4], CnRidawe interval is 3-8 + 2-93 8 or (25, 5-1) rr =) X38) 5248, nate so the “ge conficltace bound GY or SawAes 7 4 -se@42, TS | Zo roe * VG J} o= PC Sr boB3= oI 50 He olhol jaws 0.7198. NY) Bors h96, 96 (28 20-7, so ne l@l. ®) 1B) = 2320 2.23 ( 48) .07, 4 ne2se, i. a. a. to). Large Sang CT fe PB whe T is vake | ot Ze = Fs 72, 5210, Nao, Bors hb | DC r eas ce ile or (79-40, 79-62) y) K272z, Sel, nclF0, By oore 2 28! 274-24 vite 7 ¢) X=72,5=19, asiro Vice cat * 2 aash cD: Jat2e) 4 oe (644 Fey pee Plazl2z)eO.us2 Fo, 2 FON t= 0.7776 d) Foose 46, 1-46 cB) =I {S90 4217] 2) Broorg i 281, 201 (4-)ers, $0 ne 35 Seckos 5.) 14) a) Rs V0, Sear acios , az The lower corfiderce bound ts re ze = (So-bb9s ZL. 95-39 We ace 457 confident that is 9ren b) The buer confiderce bound 148 148= x- Be 2 ITO-Ze as J Veo * P(270-82)~ /-0.7881 Fe deb o7el, bafeo-768l . 22) 4) True. This results frou the Xt 146 & pwhich ism 45% cr. pression b) Fable. This is a speeific interval, so it does a} make Jease to talk abou} the probability that if Covers the true value- <) False. A confidence interval sage something abou there the trne valve Ts likely Fo be. Tf does aot sag where the next measurement is likely to be. 24) Let X be the number of Ff Confidine intervals that Fail to cover tha true mena: Then Xa Binomial(200, 0.19) PC xzis) = Pl x2 16) Pf ey, (U6-£) > 229(0-1) 2 o(01) (4) =f[ 2%, -106% 2 0-e5sy Sector, 5.2 —_—_ 2) 9) x17, ns / 23 2 na7S) cr fe p; Paty [Pep Whee Went q 9, x42 7 2 Ps Se + Renee 7544274 ps !7e2 | ( Fqr 20-2t0s yp ea, aie i 9S cx fe fr etrorsis6 [sera or (0.196, 0.495) 2) Zee. = 2-33 | WW) crf " O-240F 42-23 outer tines 5) ge (0-128, 0-852) cs) Leta be the required Sample si : A sabsfies the equation 0.05 = 1-46 RSE) Replacing P with ©-2408 ond solving fic a gields 42277 . | 4) A sabre the equeby O.0F8 23s (ee? Solving foe mn gields 02393. } ©) Let ¥ be the number of AS confidence iatervale the4 cover the true prope bes: Yn Biac PU 192) = POZA) PL 2, W-4) 299(0-4F) (oor) mial (200, 0.45) | = 200 (0-47) HPL bz 0B Je0-20%0 . 6) X<37 aaSo fe whe a 50-7222, Bogs hos The lower confident bousd ts p= Zoos Fa-~? x ©. 7222 ~ 1-645, | O-T2Ci-0 7222 : ete) oe 0-622 . The ae Other exeraves in Seeks 5.2 are Similac to exercises 2ays bu al. 4) Fabe. The gepalates must be norm Gy nab, Teles. S077 1x) 102% © Me x = Uaioe cr Fe fe pies aye, 5 ts Poca cae! | asf cr & aas + 257) a oc (18.744, 14.488) Gy eee geen Gay cule age t 3-565 EE af (08.577, 20.143) c) No the value 19.26 15 44 autlier. Jo) 925) xe 86.56, FF hold en heonehuawl + : y Jo 213, aay, CF pe 865bt 4.604 Se or (ener, ee. 662) 14) 4) pepeto-V2% b) Ha 6 SNIF, 520. 212, nald, eerie a a oat cr & 6.5969f + F259 one or (6.481, 6714) 16) The value @5 Comes from a no onal porte with Shandard devialee ORIG Sine! <0") acon Xt2e a the CT & | tan fey 4 gs ,o28, eee clae as] cl fe p horolies cucingiin Ce eration iS on (64.32, 190°68) est 146 (8) Sechor 54 i Ea) Xe Cagnete Greeti) cle) aad y: 7 Hues yearald wo. Ny 2 87% Xs 12621, Se 2 18-10 } nyst92, Fs 162M, Sy2 2849 Fuere 2 h9E Acs ff Ais (XD 1 2.2, 1e.1e ce J] 162. . (126.21 16241) + 1.96 aa xe Phosphe whe ae in a tented pleat oF ° 1 Uatreated “ to) Xe Lifetinn of am byyeA benasisben ah ie tyye8 [ nae feel 7 or alee Ay = 60, X ! 7 LE] 9) 180, J» 1658, Sys re) Borough s 5 ee past asf cy fe Afy (se27-s6rey th iso ee Cs26, 222.14) Weare 2S] arfitar Hat 1 js behwees E26 and 220-79 hours Weare at leat s7 Corft ot that expeekd Vifefue of type A brawizboe 35 greener Hon the Caperted Ifekae of the te B travisber . Seetan 55 Py - i 2) pee PLA snd made with geld wire meth He Fpeerhenton J ye ie r Ali mingen es 3 2 68 Re i Eley, te! 68+) hay 24 D Geet nea ley Bie eo? ie 0.792 y= (20, = JOS, Aya rytds 122, fy= Pee Tisst lees fy hope Zo. ozs 7 ae 4s] cl & Bf) 3S (Poft Hey (0 -749- 0-668) + 1.96 ,/ C792c-0785) 67 | ee oe (0.188, 0.02%) ch before reconfiguration | 8) py =P froducing = defectve circu ty~ PL Hw fter “ 4d y> Pye vey 30 Ayaisoo, 2399S, fas FO te pas, Wa stall ny = 1709, Jat, tye heer = AIU-O2S) 0.13 (1-013 ) recone a5] CE Fe Of 1s (0-0) LIE) Treee hss 9S waft or (0.072, 0.127). Weare at that Px 7 Py , he tr ceducing the detect cate in + of circuct beards. cecohyurehed was su cet | manu fa crace in i om ; | ) ‘1 Peazere concer teahiss (4 watrested waste va ler - a i ma trealed a oS, X23 68S Ss 25.72 O27 V2 RI, sve Sample nes Qe Small. Tf Xan Y ave Inde penderd random variables ond XN), YOM, 07) 7 ther Woe, CF he ky is (Ds bg Es +e Se Si whe vs (A - B) rounded ie te the newed jateper. Ga, (2) ays! i 7 7h 7 * | ve cop rounded dou, to the . ee ee ee er GC F-t Tig. ne 2045) ty, = ce ae asd, cy €r A ts (6.83 - 272) 4 2.447 Jews ne Vis er Cj. 32, 568) Sectey ech 6 8 i : : | ) Xs Alumnan Boxide tn aaity *4 percent 38 coal Sample Fron Knott Co el aiacal gee way y : Wlvminuan doxide (fram Leshe Gant : Me Guaty . } Mye25, XS I2I7T, Ss 2.02 nil if Nyab6, Fs 26.98, Sys 202 Small sangle sites, Sapyoe XnW(G Oy") Ian, %) independently . 2.232% ls eecis : 6 Vis B, combed dour to the on” antares} integer. ey jee, 6 £6 0.01 = 2. 896 i 223% 202° is (22.17- veda 2.846 ae gal cr & Ay is G2 | | oe C1942, A-478) - } mAh weer, Gat Nyrs, F279, Fx6 Small Sample sives. Xe fercedt ef bacterial cells killed os the me thalated Poymer Si. a a os meHylerted fobuer Sy XM(A, Gt) ; 7 ~M5, $). 1% | 68% vs Corey" 24 Dy eer 3 ted s ous = a + 99. ad ” is (95- pit 206 | or (i744, 32.55) Sechow ST » x : 34 Xe Tartare act concentration befwre a cold hadi liver process ey o 7 after ” : 2X- a D2x-7 rw M(f, 56) itd : reey ED 143, Sp ror lbe a Ls ayiset, cT fe Jy is D+ %,, |e ae = 2.965 fr, 0.04 0.122 axict & 4 Sie oe er [04 0-24) 4) Xs Cachohydeat® eet ee td chet ote plant: He “ ‘ root “ : pey-t nce. Uh ai Fferewres are A gces cnr ps oss, Spe 0283, €, gots! Espa) ‘ 0-237, asf CF fp /t hf is oe + 257! 12. a (0-3,¢-82) 6) xX: Meee! cles a track cus hot ye melon ” a colds pe: ke cea ee 0.30, 0-38, 066,04 032, 058, %4, als, o4105 nvis, vzo78, 5201558 ty 0.01 a. ae cr © 75 of, fps omet ners oes. 7 or (0-254, 0-537) Section 6.1 40 | 2 =), : | Joa) a6, Xebr, Se00d thy meer he wy Test Herbs 2, RA® _ leaves ae petra cee acs Vadee Pol, 2zmiory Vor" } : P-value = (E 2x Bor | Port) = CMO.) pv y o8iJ2 0.2090 b) Povalve + 0.2090, 40 6} He is drye then Phe sample ir in the most extreme ob its distribution + 4) a) rato XENAB, 52014 Hos Ps 1a, NA gle 2. XZe , 48-12 | 2 ihe Pops 2-105 wa We Wee an wtolh) why Asld » P-vahes 2 Plime RV 2-105) or 2 (Cmte) avy ros} whithur ts Jey He owe. | Pevalans 2PC Moiev e-hor ds 2[0.1464) « 0-2438. b) Eg the meer Fill volume were 12 own ces (Pele), the perbability of vbperwiny A Sample meaw as fear from IL as the value 1-48 thet was achually observed would be O-2498 . Since 0 2438 ts aot Small jt is plausible that Fhe mean Fill volume is | 12 ruaces. oes Lr Hos Az109 , Bip 4) 904, Ra Pe P[chooring phasicion uth hish technical sevlls J H+ gers Be p27). 2. tte - oer 9S 2 HIB Lous 2418 ee Ve a 734 Pavalue = Pc nten) RY pass & 0-00 Rezect Ho. We conckud® ey yee wear ig of pabets with high pediaical skills peter 8 physiee Sec hw 6.3 43 6) fz POA. incine colic meets the stanlacd Hes pros, Hy feos nz5o, X19, pz ZB 2076. Pal: PE Mo, ev 1-46) 30923 Rexect Ho. Ase conclude Hak fewer thea Mer Of the incinera tees meet the Standard. 3) w PIA machine i qualifier f. 2. 97,008, Bee pwo08 «300, Xz (2, Pe 30-04 } } 0-04-0008 Ae 5) Zorg > = ——__—— 0.08 (j-o0 i eo Povalae = PC Mio) Av < -ussye 0.0 ort. Rezect Ho. The machine can be qual fed. 2) 0) Resect the asa Hs thevalue 221-03 an outlier b) The assum phous apreac to be met ce) Rezeck the Assam hws: The values are in increasing order, so this does aot apyear +o ben sina gle candan Sampling. 44 Sechs 64 ¥ 320.75, 523.493 i 4) 4) as26 X: Gaceteation 9f chromivm ta sly XD MH. 6°) Hy» sto, Wye Azo | 7 : Tz xX 20:75 -20 | a ee Tour = 0-497 Na V2z6 | Pevalve = PC 4, av > v.973 5 | From the t--able 0.19% Pose Do ah cezeck Ho, A complete porknze gives Pao "0. | We tan ask conclede thet the mean Concentration is gceatec tha, 20 og /kg . 3) We Ayt5, Wye Maes | 75-25 : | Toy 2 ES resi i i povawe~ PL 4, Rava “F545 4- table 2 From the P-value <0. o00S | 44bx 10” 56 A compre package gives Povdeh = Resect Ho. He conclude that the mean Concestrabed is less than 27 ma Iky | Section 64 03.2, OPO, ABI, Ad, OFS, arle 45 8) NM, Pacwkg ob jhe alumina. Xow | st) a) pee pees, Me Ve - Dente ee Se a 2.401 fae eee ee 2401 g Pevatae~ PC - 74-6853 Fron rele 7 7 vot « PEoeed pe wort gives te peel , FO | A coma ter qackant cee ae p-value a waclude, thet A785. eee Jo) F% 4-8, 1°, Ye Anand a Fees hab came and o HE Tae: xe Nod: 7 yet, se 2-228 Po: Pur, pi: As 8- ] ace 22-8 2 0-744 } 2.32% | 3 | P-value = ae £ (a) eno Tt pom t-toile P2025 A comprter packs 90'S Pape eae (oe thet the mese aamound V5 [84% Phan 8 - Section 6.5 2) Xs 20-45, seiys, Ho» Wz 0 Oe &-D-0 Vee Povale = PE mony ev ¢ -202320 We conclade thet the mean weight of is greater than the} of females. 6) 4) The 60 Courts may not be inde pe Consecutive Hme periods. Ny 2482, Fe 22, ee 22.74.90 (AID eee ee 7 462° By é: Ho» Ak xo He Ay Aly 1 Aly i ese 7278 P-vawe = 2 PT 8) Rv y 3-505 2PC tas) By From the £-+eule OVI PC oO-do2. (ode pies | eo Soler Ceoaclede thet the mean sSummee and wiateee Bisel Kichever is fers thea 040 ZA Com pater | Wwe tan mass cates diffec between Sects, 6.8 I 4) The clefferencer ace 0.0145 )-0-0120, 0.013), 0.104), 0.0244, 9.0534. Fo D021 0.0434, 0.0441, o.o4rp De0.036 $,s).0¢2, nase, Hee Mp2 0 Me Ay to. 4. 3-9 = 2956 > b-0 vA Povalee ~ 2 PC 9) 21 tay av ¢ 2.73 Da 1.493, Sp2 3-662 aaé Her JAyeo, Hie Arte £- -1.463 -o0 3. 6h Ve P-values 2PT bes) Rv x -0-44f 2 ZIT fs) av €- 0-493 3-094 dd fanless hike is Jess then One. From the {table O20 ty af the rm ch, , the P 4roy 0-74 7 Volue is the ween vader the 426% 0-88 7 Signed Caste probity mass Goss 30 | (8 Ffunchsw eerrespondiag +o Ss < 10. From the sisned Tank table P yO. 1250 We Carnot Conclude thet the mean thicken i's Jess than 4). 8 wm. Seciee 6.4 2) ©) Be «| As 425 x Poetic. ne 493-07 ES anes) ec Ae aie EOsO| | go 442-0 FR =u 4y97 ~0-63 = 4268 58 6 aye) 0-44 a yo f° -)-F° -38 We comok conch Semple 6) valve 0-43 0-73 0-43 le 24 al 2-56 2.93 3.72 644 I-00 eee the cank = 70h deb AAfe Cannot Con clude Raak 1 ea 6 Pot Dyer wh W ~ Ok Ke RK de that the meae hie MEAD: S426 Stace the js ofp the Value 9S vader mass frac Ss 6 Tank Saple Hos / The tet sym ohh yo The X \A/2 V4: meh, hggothest> Ady # Cor reszoaitn Vem ieee hob the 52 na a) }ecan be hypo theris form jt 4/o, the P puree the eer the sisoed cack gobs fan Greer garding +o From fhe sipned Pez. (0.0547)= 0-)09% phickaess lifes fo 42. mim. wy Ay Fo che VW is the eo canks cocces poling samele: the sangle si a7. Siace the al ternative Pon ht. toga D the fovalee fs F Loew unter the Jaly mess Pinched es are probabi jo W 214: 0054S) = 0-1040 ean cates after: 3 %3 Sechin 64 8) Ho» /r/y7° BAA Value Rank Sangle. an a ny <0- ee x ie fpsh stetiske tl 1s ea Te : the som of the casks jae 3 is corres yon! hay fo the x somele. 1280 a x Wel3l- The samgle sues 12.87 5 x on ns: ; jz) A , re Me !9, nelS. Stace ee iB 5 A aah ace borh 9 ceater ie | GI iy than 8, conte phe Bsure ee ie A of W andr Vie fh, (0,1) atte. 13ly in x W = m Umar), ie? _ Ge npaele = Tea 4 ¥ Ina Comsaerd /id 1926 is x ee e z P-value = ° lo, ev 2 4ely (332 8 Y my 0-000 (34 i Y 043 2a y Ale can Mee lode ay ee the at ee ai y Ree teat ald greater 1972 23 of tlecke cucu © days: 1974 24 y Fal : Gi 1376 ae Y 378 26 Y 19 87 a7 y (3.96 2> 13.97 an 13.94 go | 2) 7 oS Bs Gost He ‘aml oi an oberwated is FT. givty thd 5S in cow o. Thea, Ho: Fer tach column 5 D) The mow todals are 0} The colvma ohls are 0 oY ja - PS = hye Bs 15400, OQ = 309 03,2500 m= 968, O22ll74, Og 252 The ex pected values are Egy = OOF whee 0., 21200 Ex ace shows in the Fo llowiny __ Good A \"aaal see, ; ig 242,00°8,, 4.70, 25H 403.3308, TH-FBEy, 22.08. cone Rescind Seen a 328 20 FeO B 27a) 482 = mod7o35 732%. A) There are (3-13-12 4 derrees of freedom. Pevalees &( x. (4) Fon the Yt fotle , FrE19. A compuler peckaze av 773k ges Paonia. |Where ws' no evide ce that the foprteus of collecs in the Three categories « Her Aeon the machiaists. oo = 21-975 There I. 14-12% degree of feeeden, Dale = fc oe Ry x 21-475), From the A’ se 0-05 < Peoel. A commuter onk : qos peckase gives P20.00594 . The thearehca) mode] observed values well. 8) 2) The cow totals are 0.2 49, O.; The colvuan tol are Oy=70, 0, 5 19 grand Fob Ws 0,, = /PO* The ehpected oes ast explain the lo be O72 20. The 2 valves are er ae eraee thas S. 3) The chi-square tes} should not be \ some 24 the expected values are lex 12) 01,247, 02, = 6%, 07-5320. 525 0,258, O,eTl, O17 23%, 0. i Gy. Wot. Cea ccne era the following tatk, Influenza Headache Weakaess Tharthaw 2) Preath Thece age (DOF 1-6 degrees rf freedom. as = 2 z ous ead ee Cae fae nv ITsT] From + tale 0-00F thy Tz-2) = (943 -5-)<(9:-9). b> xX has ee ial with for+iL 9 has been replaced with yt3. This iavolves only adding a Constant and anal 4 ply by n constant neither of which changes the correlate Ccipeny Ups lOXel —» WslaXrl > Eus-R)- (1080 10 Ret) | wis(h-3) Box Yer = Bog c oo i dee G*2 > Ce B)= Gee3-F-2) G5) | ¢.: ZeurBar-B aw TARO) | ic we Fut FE esr Cea Ziyyyt 4 3, g has been replaced a oastaat, multiplyiag xX has been replaced with [9942 with 2x2, Th Javdves only addia va coashant and nterehnusing X amt the corcelaton coeChicret- Gas a6 a cernle ck the pie t being clustered with posite slope. ; js clustered arousd a line with False. Siace the gle is cluster ia afwe slope, felow average values of One vartagle will ie H ‘fo be auaciated with above average values of the other: a €) False. The correlate coebheient describes the shape of the plot ynot ths location celakve +o the axes. jl oy _nvae of which clases 4) a) Tue. acound a lhe Section 7: { ——- 6) a) Let x repeereat velocity SUK RI, 2. Gil 21662 Fs 7-018, ZMG-B GD) = ~ 2.170 pe ZUMA Ry F : TORK Tye Fe nee Io) a) Hos se HU. Pro. rs0-lo Actoo GNiosE | 2.09 -0,80 Aad lef Y ceycesen atceleréas, Zl a4-H 6.968 ©) Mo, He seid (242, Soo)is Qn anther: d) No eblect. Gavecting waiks From meters to certmefers or From Sects to miaubes lavelves mul Ayling by a Gustant Which does nob ee the Correlabor Coethcitat. | Vader Peo, U has a Stvdentey Us Vere | Ee = Wis iayahes, vie sactecste egret Iti nen Av 32017 freedom. P-valee =f testes 2” y 2.01} mw y = 0.0222 Since the degrees of freedour br codlfngy (oo is arse b) No we can sh, coaclade Hat P70. We caucol that ts large. J earene. Schon 22 | py) a) 196) 32. | 2 326 2.42 (f02.7) | oO a 22 pee b) The avfference ia Pes A. f change is xX 35 rhe tafe icsed] es eae Bi22-42. 0 fore change in teasile Streag th re dicted from a ey of 3 in the Beisel) hardaess ts 2-42(3) ay } : se. 61 4) cs l- Zlyi-Go)* ea aoa ! Tye De "> erg > O° 8129 6) avto, ZUR 177, Tyg e 19-10, Xs 26.96 Fe 0.5168 TUe-R) CHG) = 826.94 rate Dll a7 | ir Yee Fox Tlyge Pome. The Tot] sym of Square, SET= le Pun 4 SSE ST YG) s ce IDC) 212.177 YY) Tha error Sumol squaces, Se ere en seen CTRe One, a Zep G” = SST-SSE = [Alon (2177 = £423 ZUR) GF) scl Op eeu . sath 2 p ap ° oe Boz a> Bix = 0.248 The equates of the leas} squares Tine is Ys 0-24%+0.0083 X d) 0-293 - 0-0983(42) = 0.62 um. e) Let x be the required Feanger at : 0-5 3 0-248 40.0982 X, Jo nade c §) Now Tf the cetual amouat of warplag happtas to come the leas} Sq vares Thea, ond above the value predicted b Kine, gh Could exceed OS mm. | 10) a) Seater glot hdicotes thel the linear oe | model js ay b) Ks tI, Fe! 74, TH-Rs 007, Bt ea. TUR ileal X= 1). 738 TDUw-2 I Liyi-9)* The equates of the leash squares line is ge -4b 138 THO x c) 79.750 (0:1) 73757 4) “gy. pee THI 4e) = SYD a {I a ©) The fied valves os Pot Pi Ke al tach Xe and tHe 4 | residual values Eos gingc fr each ¢ , are Showa iy the ] | Following fable. | | sted Value Residual | x A 2 as 143 cad ae 1-325 4.63 y-9 80 37S, B45 9.668 45 Iso is 199% Fas 23-3) ee alu The poiad whose restdual har the largest magnitude 1s C125, 1-23). | 20623) ] a) fs —————"———-. < 0-49 | Tue-w) Deae-T)* | h) Sore Tigegys 2043, Ves Cr TES: S3RassT- G2 284.63 | ¢) SR, Sr-VE _, LO. Cir )SIT or: og csr! sare oe) =c™ 63 OuTruT. 2) fretehe _ Cont a a x SE Cook zr P von staat Pox be 4361 Sie ne zB fe sp tte 0082 a Tempera we fix 0-3904 53, 0.02063 Pevehe fr festiwg the fico asad Hy foto Pevalee fr keohey Be Bse asses He fds. 4) n-bes 6-224 b) Biv osers Gs] Conficeae interval is or Whos (0-270. 6264) ] 5) poz h428, spr oeeM’, & oder ary ct fe fe is 0.62454) or (~ 0-296, 3.172) Sgs u-02063, ener = ! O-Bomly + 32-176, 1-436) + 2-776 ( 4) He pret, He fica a B -0-4 | o.go7iy-2°4 | Grol ie = 3102063 eae Se | P-value aii) ty pu y, ~4-F00) or which ever is lets Hes one. 2PC fay pu <-4rety Foom t-tble 0:01 P5902 - A Come ute package giver feo.oll The claim | i] ts ast plaxsille. Sect 73 2 = a a ) e@) X20. The respwe ts Ae Boh by Hos prs! | Hy Por! | po-) . yzer-) Ae I wo. 62454 ' | Ss Bs foval« PC dey RY % 0-701 | x conte peckaxegives fs0.26). Flom t-4table 025675 0-40 The claim is plansille | 4) output: | The Regression equates is Engise NO = 7p 0-753 Engine AP Predictor Coef se Coef 4 - P Gastast fsorore spe ear! Bessy _ Gugine IP Biro. 75264 Spo 0- 0241 a zB 4y | Po value for decking Hos B22, Hi B,t0 Povehe fedoBy He Piao, H,- Fo. ' | Xa Ergin BP Me as sigce Lf ee © eons BIG the des don TE ses y: Engine Mo, a) B = 0-7F264% 5) By no-77004, Spo o-o2alt . bey, gens ee (0.696, 0-6/0) 95h, CE fu Pp is 0-75264 + 1-96 (0. o2z%e) =) Hot Pree, Hye Piso ts Be OB 0.15269 -0'8 Ra omer arag cau sf P-valae © PC deny Ry § 162) ao P(Wee,1) Av < -164) s 0.0 526 of sin th be large - 8) a) X= 4254 TOG- RI Pel 38> 1224 2: I (M- FIG 9) pegs el pi Tue" = OSo2, foucia toe The least Sqoces line is ys 70-374 4 ) fe ERAT Lupa) Ligi-g)* BOC oar oe 7h, os fbr 25, =O: ca P Due-#)* ~ eed ah a: ba oors 7 207% | Mig ce fe fo is ~ 0.374 ¢ 2-079 (0-113 ace fp js Ordon 4 2.074 (0-0264) i) sy 0-3e2(o-S) = O 1S volts: } ay 2437 Bee oar et = L Bie oF Speed s [ihe ae 0.052 | b., cut © 2.07% | G57 Pedichen ialerval is 0-196 £ ® e) Leb tas 7 B. 7p. 5) cesote the m\ mrole cules whos model value is He das = 0°43 Bue Ret ome 5 -0.907 oe if Sr tac ea <3.778, Lide-7s 0-402 65 Boia 0.302 X Cre) Zep" ae o05ly 09-0264 RY or (= 0-61, 014) or Cott oom) ae 66 @) ©) contaned: aA Js fw Pi crs = 078 4 . s (he & ae = 0.0122 j-o 8 oe BABA 8 Chor 59 poke Pavalae = fC fon) Rv y 4.07 S Fon gefaule PS 0. 0005. - eat ee gies Pao. 9902F3 we 4) conclade That phe metr pote sal of molecules whose moaned val Ae Bas greater than 0-93 Vale 12) athe wrath of the confident interval is googes Henal ae So = She Since rend: Tug FI ace the same foc each Con fidear® the wiath of phe confidence jateeval ts ac ja creating Puackow 4 the Ar Hertare, X-% He 249, the value 2-4 ts closet 42 * aad the value 21S ty rhe Farther’ can oe ee oa toe confideace interval peas walla be Whe phocker) ana the Corfiderce jajerval at o.\5) ett ba the loag ert i) | oe qs pe equates Ss qe Ey |

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