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com/forum/m/17339906/viewthread/11201077-skandianhistory-article-1-3]Skandian History, Era1: Part One[/url]

[url=]Skandian History, Era1: Part Two[/url]
[url=]Skandian History, Era2: Reform of Skandia[/url]
[url=]Skandian History, Era3: Skandia's Golden
[url=]Skandian History, Era4: Fall of Skandia[/url]
[url=]Skandian History, Era5: Voltz[/url]

[url=]Skandia's Civil War: Era 1 (Stand-alone)[/url]

[url=]Arcadian Coup Explained (Stand-alone)[/url]
[color=#dd2423]Arcadian Voltz - Not Covered by Era5 History (Stand Alone) NO
[color=#dd2423]The 10 Skandia & Arcadian Wars/Conflicts (Stand Alone) NO LINK

So, ya know, who doesn't love war? Actually, hopefully we all hate war, but
regardless, Skandia/Arcadia has been in a total of 7 Wars and 3 more
Conflicts/Strikes since its birth around 9months ago, so I guess we fight a lot on MC,
so lets see, just about, who and what we fight.

[b][color=#2360dd]Skandia's Civil War[/color][/b]

So before Skandia got into any wars with other factions, we had our civil war which
was essentially a clash of Skandian ideals. You had OriginalSkandia which got
completely decimated out of existance, and UnitySkandia & MushySkandia who

were sort of rivals vying for control. Eventually this led both groups to expand
politically and gain their own sets of allies, and it was through this expansion that
Skandia became the Super giant it is today.

Technically, there never was a real battle, just a ton of tiny stuff that changed how
Skandia became. Around the end of this time period you had Unity gain leadership
of Skandia and completely remake the MushySkandian base from their 'poverty' so
to say. This effort forced Unity ideals over them, and their ideals over us, and
through the work together on Mushroom City, Skandia became united. To read
more about this
[url=]CLICK HERE[/url].

[b][color=#6e23dd]The Anarchist War[/color][/b]

One of the main Unity policies was to not let people come and leave, and it certainly
continued throughout Skandia's history up until Arcadia's formation. Originally, it
was to not let the base location out to others, but later became something to keep
Skandian secrets in Skandia. Needless to say, a player named Moneymanx joined
and left Skandia joining a faction named Anarchy in PvP. When Skandia demanded
he be kicked or the alliance stopped, Anarchy refused, Skandia neutralized the
alliance, and Anarchy enemied Skandia.

Skandia, having been to Anarchy's base before (Smart move on their part right?
Always keep your base hidden), went and essentially, broke in, and killed all the
Anarchy members on. This brought them below power and Skandia over-claimed
the base, and two of Anarchy's members under the agreement they wouldn't be
killed, went and showed the location of two more bases for Skandia to destroy.
While attacking the 3rd base however, all of them were killed by Malahostias who is
sort of that God PvPer that goes 6v1 and wins, and that sparked enmity between
the two.

Meanwhile the Anarchists went to form a faction on their own, but their leader
Kebbleshead wouldn't stop bugging them, as in attacking, and Skandia let them in
for protection. Following a betrayal in Cassassins, Unity's closest ally, the betrayer
went and teleported Kebbleshead into Skandia and one of the two Anarchists in
Skandia, had been a traitor and told Kebbles how to destroy all of Skandia's

security, which he gladly did, and was kicked before he could let off a nuclear bomb
under the base. The war technically reached its end at that point, but officially
reached it upon Kebbles being banned for multi-accounting which he admitted to
and Meph checked out for me, wasn't that nice of him.

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