S An Analysis of Skandia-Arcadia History

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An Analysis of Skandian/Arcadian Government &

You have been warned, this is not for the weak of heart.

omething that Skandia & Arcadia have become well known for is being a Democratics
Republic. Where most Minecraft Factions simply run on a simple monarchy system,
the faction of Skandia and ultimately the alliance system of Arcadia were based on a
policy of Republican Ideals. Yet despite these ideals it is of some interest to look back
through the histories, from Era1-7 or Era1-3 on Voltz and see how true Arcadia and Skandia truly
hold to the Republican and Capitalistic ideals that defined its society. The way we intend to go
through this is relatively simple, Eras 1-4 Tekkit, Eras 1-3 Voltz, and Eras 6-7 Tekkit. So, lets
start with Era1.
Era1 was the birth of Skandia, however even then its best to look back a bit further.
Skandia was born on December 8, 2014, yet this is also the birthdate of the faction of Unity
which later merged into Skandia on December 20, 2014. As a result of this, Skandia from its
start was a split alliance, and if youve read its history youre fully aware of this in what is
known as Skandias Civil War. The merges that Skandia did into its faction however would not
have been so disastrous if not for the fact that there was an active and collective leadership.
What ended up happening was you had a Military Dictatorship put in place where the Dictator
was simply nowhere to be found, meanwhile your Empire is split into three different ethnic
groups with all three to claims of power.
You have the UnitySkandians (Unitians) who are very Pro-Capitalistic, the
MushySkandians (Mushians) who are very Pro-Communist, and the OriginalSkandians who
were wiped out by both ethnic groups in a combined effort. This clash of ideals in a way is very
similar to West vs. East in real life, and it was seen as such during the time, and although it
couldve ended up entirely differently, the Unitians did in the end win this conflict and gain
control of Skandia. This led to a capitalist society to be formed for the alliance under the
military dictatorship previously set forth for Skandia. This victory however was only possible
due to an alliance with Cassassins and political maneuvering from Unity. Not to say that the
Mushian leadership didnt do such moves, it was often seen during the time that people would be
split between the two sides, and theyd constantly steal members from each other. One with the
allure of a better society, and the other with freedom and lots of space, in the end with the victory
of Unity these two civilizations were put under control of Tonymai1 in Era2 with the task of
uniting Skandia.

his leads us to the events of Era2 which are to this day known as the Reformation
Period in Skandian history. Both politically and economically this signaled the rise
of Skandia as their dictator managed to compromise solutions between the rival
groups without splitting them up as had been previously. Even during Era1 Skandia
had been the greatest power of the server, yet united instead of split turned the great power of
Skandia into the super power of Skandia. This however would not have been possible if not for
the harsh policies of Tonymai1 of forcing the Mushians to conform to the society of the Unitians.
Often if an individual deviated from the path they would be forced to conform back or face the
wrath of Skandia, this however was not so much a show of force in wishing to maintain power as
much as it was a fear of a 2nd Civil War breaking out in Skandia.
Regardless of tactics, the unification of the two groups was a political victory for Skandia
as it moved away from domestic affairs to world affairs. As Skandia became more used to the
environment of the time, and as Tonymai1 gained a position of power in the server leadership, it
was able to observe factions and their policies leading to collapse, and often times, would take
the members and absorb them into Skandia. This led to Skandias population going from 26 at
the end of Era1 to 37 sometime before the end of Era2, a 142% increase from before and making
it over 3x as large as the next biggest faction. With such a large population base Skandia was
able to further extend its influence and move into the economic factor of the server.
This led to plans to completely control the servers economy while bringing in tons of
wealth into Skandia to fund projects, which at the time was completely necessary as Skandia was
undergoing massive growth with little to no funding. This led to alliances and the absorption of
more groups into Skandia and eventually buying out land from players in the economic district,
although never coming full shape due to a server reset, Skandia had been a position to fully
dictate the economy by the end of Era2.

owever, one of the most important time periods defining both Skandia and Arcadia
was the Golden age of Skandia during Era3. During this time Skandia experienced
unprecedented growth, activity, and domination over the server. Taking action on
the power gained before during this time period Skandia began to turn itself from a
Superpower Faction, to a Superpower Nation. Government was reformed to adopt a council
(which did not become effective until Era4), economic policy was re-instated allowing for an
influx of unprecedented wealth, culturally Skandia became the icon of a utopian society, and
socially Skandia became the leaders of the server.
Despite the amazing events of Era3, which if you wish to learn more of you can go to
http://arcadiamc.weebly.com/skandian-history.html and read up about it, the main goal here is to
see what happened here that defined the next nine months of Arcadian policy on DNT? For
starters most of the success attributed to this era was by the simple action of letting Samness7
handle affairs of the city and as such allowing Tonymai1 to change his activities to a different
focus. Before this time period Skandia rarely meddled in other affairs, after, dozens of factions
collapsed either discretely or publically by Skandian hands. The most famous of these was
Pentagram and was the Skandia of PvP where Skandia was to PvE. The defeat of Pentagram in
World War 1 led to Skandian domination over both spheres of the server, and during the war
Skandia experienced nationalism that would never be seen again. The war had brought out the
best of Skandia, and as a result led to a Renaissance in Skandia.
The adoption of a Council to replace the Military Dictatorship is the primary example of
this. Skandia overtime changed from a Dictatorship like every other faction, to a Republic with
votes, leaders, councils, and unions to oversee different projects. Companies began to rise in
Skandia such as BosCo and LoydCo which competed with each other or for Government
contracts, it was in a way, the birth of Capitalism. Skandia became throughout Era3 a society
that adopted these ideals for itself, but as the wave of Nationalism disappeared, much as it this in
real life, peoples thoughts once again turned towards domestic issues and the golden age of
Skandia had come to what can be seen as an end. As a result of this conflict Arcadia was born as
a failsafe political maneuver that would adopt the ideals that Skandia had established, yet as can
be seen during Era4, Skandia, and what now became Arcadia, failed to truly follow these from
then until the end of its days.

ra 4 is the Dawn of Arcadia. It was meant to be a League of Nations following a

growing rise in Skandian Power with the intent of curving it. Similar to the real life
group following the end of World War 1, the League was too weak to actually
accomplish much. Skandia had become a Nation in Era3 but its communication

networks were left intentionally weak, what ended up changing this was an event that likely is
the most important in both Skandian and Arcadian history, for its likely to say without it
Arcadia would not have survived the year it did.
This event as it would be come to known is the Arcadian Coup. It was done with the
help of the Co-Leader of Skandia who organized a 2nd coup in the faction in order to attempt to
siege leadership. Him and his followers with the help of one of the five Arcadian Factions left
with the attempt of crumbling Arcadia and creating a new order without the limitations that
Arcadia placed preventing the Needless destruction of groups attempting to reach Arcadia.
Although such a thing was not expected to ever occur, thanks to a massive database of
documents and files stored for emergencies (most of which were essentially a kill switch for
traitors), the coup was shut down, but the damage to Arcadia had been accomplished.
The Arcadian Council was shut down giving Dictator powers to Tonymai1 to handle the
emergency. A strong communication network was established, traitors remaining were purged,
and those that split, specifically the traitor Arcadian Faction, were dealt with in the Arcadian War.
It is the only war that Arcadia has mobilized troops in mass and placed a priority on fighting. It
was however through this saga that managed to crumble Arcadia and open once blind eyes to the
reality of the situation. Where Arcadians wished to bring peace and prosperity they had brought
totalitarianism and conformation to the server, essentially forcing it to accept Arcadia as ruler
and conform to its ideals.
The Republic as it called itself had a Single leader whom essentially had dictatorship
powers. The factions in Arcadia, although with no desire to leave the alliance essentially could
not have if they wanted, and claims to land, disarray, and disorder in the alliance were more
troublesome than they were during the Skandian Civil War. It was Era 3 that created the
Arcadian Dream, but it was Era 4 that showed the reality of what it would take to reach it, and
this dream as can be observed during the Voltz Eras truly, was not what it was originally
envisioned to be.

he Voltz Eras were without a doubt the hardest times for Arcadia as an alliance. As a
result of this, they are some of the greatest to analyze the evolution of Arcadia as an
alliance. A simple way to show this is to take the three different Voltz Eras and the
events that plagued all of them, and to see what governments the alliance had during

these eras. During Era 1 it was a Republic, during Era 2 it was a Fascist State, and during Era 3
it was a communist nation. Similarly economically it shifted from Capitalism, to Planned
Capitalism, to a pure Planned Economy throughout the eras. What was it that changed Arcadia
so drastically to adapt to, what is seen in Modern (Western) Society, controlling and repressive
Overall the first Era of Voltz was similar to the 2nd Era of Tekkit. It was basically Arcadia
learning how to play the game and to rebuild itself a new working system. As such, it retained
the capitalist and republican qualities that were meant to define the alliance. However, Era 2 was
one of fear as the VoidWalker wars began over a mysterious group of terrorists who relied on
surprise attacks and mystery tactics to accomplish their guerilla war against Arcadia.
These tactics led to the continual destruction of Arcadian bases leading both the people
and the government to turn against each other as being traitors. As this fear began to prevail in
the environment, the republic of Arcadia slowly dissolved as strong leadership was needed.
However it was not until the Crown Jewel of Arcadia, its 2nd Fortress City, which was thought to
be impossible to be destroyed from the outside, was destroyed that Fascism in the nation truly
took off. All members were looked at as potential traitors regardless of position, all items were
searched, members were held as suspects, and fear of being accused by the government as a
traitor was everywhere. Economic items were hidden and distributed by the government and
secrecy prevailed as anarchy took over the once unstoppable society. Images were taken and
analyzed to determine how such an attack could be carried out, and original analysis taken from
one such indicated an internal attack (later analyzing a different image this was shown as
incorrect). In the end, nobody was a traitor and the people responsible were caught and
annihilated (although honestly not entirely legitimately), but this was the end of a Republic
Era 3 faced no threats but as a result of the previous Eras actions, Arcadia began to adopt
a communist society. People were split up across different bases and items were produced at
each one. Each had something special, and a different type of defensive grid. Nobody knew
where all of them were but Tonymai1 himself, and the Council, now re-established, had a secret
base which to this day remains secret knowledge due to the nature of the base and its
indestructible abilities by both staff and players. This system of communism and government
control prevailed for the rest of Voltz leading one to question whether Arcadia was really a
Republic after all, in the end, returning to Tekkit for Era 6 (Era 5 was skipped) this question is
pondered more economically.

n Era6 on Tekkit, Arcadia attempted to recreate their Era4 empire. The only difference
was they didnt want to enforce the server as they did in Era4, but instead be an example,
a, US History reference, City on a Hill. To this regard I truly do believe that Arcadia was
immensely successful. This era for the most part was one where Arcadia kept to itself,
simply being an example and growing itself with the intent of not repeating the mistakes of the
past. The economy in Era 6 was controlled to a degree, but nothing immensely, which leads us
to Era 7, the Final Eve of Arcadia.

his Era was probably the most successful for the alliance of Arcadia, yet similarly all
the more troubling because of it. Era 7 had extremely strict government control over
the economy turning it practically entirely planned. Businesses could still run but
they could not compete with each other, instead it was a competition for government
contracts which would then be given to Arcadia or sold in the economy of the server. In a way as
evidenced by the collapse of DNT after this Era, Arcadia, truly, achieved maximum control in
Era 7 while maintaining the freedom of the masses as they intended to in Era4, so in a way, it had
achieved its original goal by the end.
Politically, Arcadia maintained a power house on the server, yet unlike before this power
house was through the staff instead of actual numbers. Arcadia knew that it had such a strong
control over the server, in fact, practically running it, that the need to maintain numbers was no
longer an issue. As such, much of the server was kept free to pursue what it wished while
Arcadia remained isolated out at Sea (to prevent Land disputes such as those in Era4), and
advanced its own metropolitan society. The government had a tiny council that was actually
more powerful than before, and the group was split between its fighters and builders as to allow
harmony for both sides. Elections and votes were still held, and the Presidential &
Congressional System of Arcadia remained, it was, in a way, Harmony.
Economically, Arcadia had a very controlled economy (which had there been another Era
wouldve been more controlled). The reason for this control however was more to do with lag
than anything else. We can consider lag as we do pollution in real life, too much of it led to
disaster. The government in Arcadia ensured that the companies failed to pollute too much while
simultaneously controlled the item supply to feed the global market. In no way was this not a
communist style of government, as the government controlled both the manufacturing and
selling of these items. Companies grew as the government needed them to, and provided the
needs for an orderly society and Arcadias economic dominance of the server. During Era 7 like
no other era was the currency monitored, and Arcadia as an alliance at one point controlled over
50% of all of it.
Socially as it had before, Arcadia became the icon, and the faction that many looked up
to. Due to the elegance of its society and the grand scale of its cities, it was the cultural model

for the factions on the server, and as such the four valuing factors of society were under
Arcadias control. It had taken time, but Arcadia had achieved complete dominance in a year
from Skandias start, to Arcadias finish. After leaving the Server in Era8 it collapsed likely as a
result of the lack of Arcadias presence. In no way is that meant to say that Arcadia was
everything that embodied it, but controlling so much of it, upon leaving what could it do but
collapse on itself?

he term Man learns from history that man learns nothing from history (Hegel), did
not apply to Arcadia in Era6. Indeed it is a question to ask, why is it Arcadia, a group
led by kids, was able to learn from its mistakes of the past while countries hundreds
of years old in real life have failed consistently to do it? Personally, observing the
eras of Arcadia, I believe the primary reason for this is that Arcadia was able to not only adapt,
but to accept.
A common mistake of the world is that people are unable to accept others that are
different, and in a way Arcadia was very similar to this in its start purging everyone that was
different. Yet what in the end let us prosper, what let us become likely the most advanced and
dominant group that Minecraft has ever seen was not our size, was not our conditions, and not
the ages of the people actually composing the group (which were varied incredibly), but our
ability to learn & change.
We define Arcadia as a Democratic Republic, yet that really isnt the case, that isnt what
Arcadia is. Yes, it is the values that we believe are best for a society, but what made us prosper
in the end was not Republicanism or Capitalism. In the end, Arcadia achieved its ultimate goal
by learning to adopt and merge the theories of Western Governments with those of Eastern
Governments. We took Democracy and merged it with Strong Government. We took Capitalism
and merged it with a Planned Economy, and what we got was a successful Civilization. That is
not to say that merging is the way to solve the worlds problems, but it does mean that we should
all take a step back, view our journey through Minecraft, and find meaning in it of reality.
We as a people should not define ourselves as American or Russian but as People of
the Earth. We should start eliminating the divides that began the society of Arcadia, in an
attempt to achieve Peace and Prosperity. The world is continuously classified as West vs.
East yet why does it have to be that way? What we did is we looked at them as two solutions to
each others problems, and we blended them together to fix those problems. If there was any
value, any experience, that we shouldve gained from Arcadia, its that no one set of ideals, no
one group, can achieve harmony. Attempting to force people to conform to our beliefs destroyed
us, and indeed stepping back you see that many people of the world doing this are in a way
making that same mistake.

What defines us as Arcadia is not our democracy, or our ability to be a republic, but our
acceptance of individualism and turning that into a beautiful society of mixed beliefs. Arcadia is
a boiling pot of different backgrounds, cultures, views both religious and political, and our ability
to accept each other for who we are, and learn from others. Arcadia is not the Democratic
Republic that we claim it to be; it is not any one form of government, nor any one group of
people. What defines us as Arcadian therefore is our ability to see past the social norms of our
time, and our ability to adapt and change to what will best meet the needs of our people, it is the
ability that we have to unify under a single group regardless of culture, or background, in order
to create a Utopia that serves the needs of all regardless of ideology or belief, that what makes us
the group that we are.

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