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Aileen Quinones

Annotated Bibliography
Greenstone, M. (2015, october 5). What Immigration Means For U.S. Employment
and Wages. Retrieved from The Hamilton Project:
ployment_and_wages/. The Hamilton Project disccusses the impact of
immigrants on employment and earnings, and an economic approach to an
immigration reform. The authors then go in depth with pointing out facts and
they also provide graphs to represent their information. This will help me in
my essay because it gives a a major paragraph topic information which is
how Immigration can contribute positively to the U.S. economy.
Hanson, G. H. (2012). Immigration and economic growth. CATO Journal, 25-34. This
article disscusses the relationship about U.S economic development and
immigration. It also gives specific contribution from immigrants to the United
States like new innovations, high-skilled labor as well as low-skilled that
makes wages to be lower and profit for the business owner(s) to be higher.
This article is great because it gives me many things to talk about in my
Ibarra A. & Carlos A. (2015). Mexican mass labor migration in a not-so changing
political economy, 15(2). Ethnicities, 211-233. This article talks about how
many of the immigrants that come to the Unites States are from Mexico. This
stresses the facts about how mexicans are hired for cheap labor. This article
is important because the information can be used in the more political and
economic facts.

Aileen Quinones
Annotated Bibliography
The Washington Times. (2015, October 5). Why immigration is good for U.S growth.
Retrieved from The Washington Times: Immigrants create new businesses which means they
creat more jobs and help the economy grow. An immigration reform could
help the economy by boosting gross domestic product and productivity. This
information is relevant for my paragraph about why an immigration reform
can help the economy. (n.d.). why we believe immigrant workers are a good thing. Retrieved
from Jobs in the USA: Immigrants coming to the United States to
work can also affect the Unites States positively. As many more people are
going to college to get their major, immigrants take the small jobs that have
been left and need to be filled in order for that business to succeed. Also,
they keep the cost of employment down. This information can help me on two
of my body paragraphs.

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