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Extension Effect of Elementary Students Against Skills In

Brushing teeth
Ni Nyoman Wahyu Lestarina
Wiwid Yuliastuti
Fakultas Keperawatan
Magister keperawatan
Universitas Airlangga
Brushing the teeth in the proper way to clean teeth from leftovers effectively. But
the skills of children about brushing teeth still lacking . This is due to a lack of understanding
about how to brush their child's teeth properly . One way to improve the children's skills in
brushing teeth is through counseling with the demonstration method . This study aims to
determine the effect of education on the level of skills of brushing your teeth.
This study used an experimental research design with the design posttest -only
control design , the number of sample are 65 the experimental group and the control group of
65 people with stratified random sampling technique . The independent variable is the
counseling , the dependent variable is the skill brushing teeth . Collecting data using the
check list sheet . Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney test with a 0.05 significance
figures .
The result showed the skills level of brushing teeth in the control group of 65
children ( 100 % ) is said to be unskilled , whereas the experimental group a total of 61
children ( 94 % ) is said to be skillful and 4 children ( 6 % ) Unskilled after being given
counseling . After analyzed by Mann Whitney test obtained = 0.000 means < , then Ho
is rejected and H1 accepted. It showed there is a difference between the skills of brushing
teeth with a given extension is not given counseling to children grade 3 , 4 and 5 in SDN
Pakis II Surabay
Differences in skill levels of children in brushing teeth showed effective counseling
is done . This is because in the process of counseling conducted demonstrations so as to
improve the children's skills in brushing teeth . The school can collaborate with health centers
to hold regular counseling by the method of demonstration .
Keywords : Counseling, skill brushing teeth , elementary school children .

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