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ED 345 Calvin College Lesson Planning Form


Joy Oh

Date: 11/12/15

Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Science

I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
Traits/characteristics that get passed from parent to young
How does this lesson tie in to a unit plan? (If applicable.)
Lesson on traits that get passed on - parents and their young
What are your objectives for this lesson? (As many as needed.) Indicate connections to
applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to only certain students write the
name(s) of the student(s) to whom it applies.
I can tell what traits get passed on from parent to young
SWBAT explain what a trait is
SWBAT understand the text that is read and answer questions accordingly
L.HE.E.1 Observable Characteristics- Plants and animals share many, but not all,
characteristics of their parents.
L.HE.01.12 Classify young animals based on characteristics that are passed on from
parents (for example: dogs/puppies, cats/kittens, cows/calves, chicken/chicks)

II. Before you start

Prerequisite knowledge
and skills.
(formative and

basic knowledge on physical appearance (pre-assessment)

that animals can only give birth to their kind (pre-assessment)

formative: discussion and questions, observation while doing matching

summative: matching game

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation
Options for Perception
picture book with visuals

Options for Language/Symbols

book with visuals
matching tags will have visuals drawn on

Options for Comprehension

game where students can go seek their

Multiple Means of Expression
Options for action/interaction
students move around and look
for their parent/young

Multiple Means of
Options for recruiting interest
book and game where they go on
a seeking matching game

Options for Expression

orally (answering questions, use
of vocabulary)
physically (going around and
looking for their matching
visually (students write/draw why
the two got matched)
Options for Executive Function

Options for Sustaining Effort &

giving set goals
informing time left and task

Options for Self Regulation

informing time left
looking for their matching

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and do you have them?

Is Your Mama a Llama? by Deborah Guarino

Matching game

Do you need to set up

your classroom in any
special way for this
lesson? If so, describe it.
III. The Plan


The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher
activities and student activities
// As students come back from afternoon recess, tape the role for the matching
game onto their back if possible. Warn students not to touch or mess with theirs or
Ask students what they remember from yesterdays science lesson on
parents and young animals.
Introduce to students that today we are going to be trying to look at
traits that get passed on from our parents to us.
Traits are things that get passed on.
Is Your Mama a Llama?
Who is _____ (characters names)?
Why cant _____s mom be Llamas mom?
Read the story, and answer necessary questions. Remind/ask students
what a trait is and why certain traits cant be passed on from other animals
to different animals (i.e. a bat to a llama)
Matching Game
You each have a small sheet of paper taped to you.. DONT READ
mystery matching game.
You are all going to be looking for your parent and child by reading
what kind of traits you have.
Model: Mine says, I am a dog with green spots and big ears. Help me
find my parent! If I find a person with a tag that says, I am a turtle with
green spots on my back. Help me find my young!, could that person be my
matching partner? Could that animal be my parent? (expected answer: No!).
Ask students why the turtle couldnt be my parent (expected answer:
because a dog cant be a turtles baby).
Model: Mine says, I am a dog with green spots and big ears. Help me
find my parent! If Brandons tag says (and he is going to read this), I am a
dog with green spots. Help me find my young!, could he be my partner or
parent? (expected answer: yes!) Ask why? (because they both are dogs with
green spots!) Ask: Is it okay that my parent has big ears and I dont? (yes:
even we dont look exactly like our parents)
Youre going to go around and ask your classmates if youre looking
for a parent, young, or what animal.
When you have found your partner, you will come to me, take a piece
of paper, glue on your tags and you will write why each of you got matched
(teacher will model it)
Remember to use inside voices!
Dismiss students and start playing matching game.
Give warnings on how much time there is left.

Ask who hasnt found their partner yet and provide help.
With 3-4 minutes left, collect (turn into turn-in basket) students
sheets with tags on them if they got to it.

Your reflection on the lesson including ideas for improvement for next time:
The activity was a success - students really enjoyed walking around
Some students were absent, so there were students without partners, and some
students thought they had more than one partner
Most students were looking at the picture and not the words

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