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Kruti Dave

UWRT 1101-028

WTE #2
Digital literacies are a crucial part of society. Social networks, blogs,
and youtube are among the most popular ways to connect and voice
opinions. Digital literacies are indeed a language of their own. Social
networks such as facebook and twitter allow individuals living on polar sides
of the Earth to communicate with each other. Youtube is another way to
spread; videos, songs, and news which can be sent to any corner of the earth
just by a simple upload button. Blogs are similar to youtube, blogs are just
another way of spreading news and ideas. The list extends but these are just
a few examples of digital literacies. Digital literacies are truly varied from
verbal communication.
Social networking is a phenomenal tool that has a language of its own;I
use snapchat and facebook to connect with those who I am not able speak
with in person. Snapchatting allows a photo to be sent instantaneously.
There is communicationation involved in pictures, like the quote a picture is
worth a thousand words. Since Im attending university the main way I
interact with friends back home is through snapchat. Instagram is another
social network consisting of only pictures; ideas and thoughts are diffused on
that site as well. Im not directly speaking to them but it is as If Im sharing
my world with them directly. Facebook is an even less direct social network,
photos and messages can be uploaded worldwide. Facebook adds to a more
visual language drifting way from the traditional verbal language,I see posts
on facebook from friends whom i used to interface with and til this day I still
get a update about their life. Digital literacies do take away from traditional
face to face communication but nevertheless social networking allows more
alliances to be made. Digital literacies can be an indirect language but the
implication is understood. These literacies form world of their own and
produce connections which are equivalent to new language. Texting is
another big literacy, humans save energy and time communicating via text
messages. Messages sent back and forth through these literacies could be
interpreted differently than intended. This truly shows these devices can
obscure ones perception.
New literacies are being formed rapidly. Ten years ago only a small
proportion of literacies that exist today existed, indicating that the growth of

these literacies are exponential. Using digital literacies has just become a
daily habit. Texting, snapchatting, and youtube are part of my daily routine.
Most humans are similar to me, and have been accustomed to using these
literacies. The slightest reduction in social media usage seems almost
impossible. There will be an expansion in this particular criteria in years to
come. In the next ten years digital literacies will be the main form of
conversing. Traditional verbal speaking will have disappeared and
communication will solely be done through the web or a network. Humans
will be so accustomed to interacting in this manner; that they will have
forgotten how to transverse verbally. Digital literacies are also a more
efficient way to export opinions into the outside world. Perceptions will be
more obscured because the only certain way to be aware of a message is
being able to interpret it practically. Language produced through these
literacies is usually not tangible because it can consist of two separate
Digital literacies create a language of its own. The interpretations are
varied from verbal communication to digital communications. Humans are
evolving to be accustomed to the digital web; in ten years digital literacies
will be the main way of interacting with one another.

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