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Design for Learning

Instructor: Abby Johnson

Lesson Title: Classifying Substances
Curriculum Area: Science

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 2nd

Date: December 7, 2015
Estimated Time: 1 hour

Standards Connection:
1.) Conduct an investigation to describe and classify various substances according to physical
Learning Objective(s): Using a graphic organizer, students will conduct an investigation and
classify six substances based on 3 physical characteristics, scoring at least an 8 on the rubric.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today, we are going to learn how to
classify items based on their physical characteristics.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): Students will be given six substances to evaluate based on
their physical properties. Using Popplet, they will create a graphic organizer to classify the
substances based on three physical characteristics. Proficient students will score at least an 8 on
the rubric.
Engagement: Okay, boys and girls, when I call your table I want you to quietly come sit on the
carpet. The teacher dismisses students to the carpet by table. Today, we are going to learn how to
classify items based on their physical characteristics. Before we begin, we are going to complete
a group activity. This is the sheet you are going to use to complete the activity. Teacher passes out
the Classifying Our Classmates worksheet. I am going to split you into two groups. The teacher
counts off the students. When I dismiss you in a moment, group one you will stay in this area on
the carpet. Group 2, you will go to the open area in the back of the room. On this sheet, you have
four categories. Under each category, there are three groups. Lets look at the first one. What is
the category? Correct! It is hair length. Our options are short, medium, and long. You are going
to look at the classmates in your group and decide if they fit one of those groups. If you were
going to place me in one of those groups, which one would you place me in? Think for just a
moment before you answer. When you have an answer, put your thumb on your chest. Teacher
gives students time to think. Which box would you put my name under? Very good! I would go in
the medium box. Thumbs up if you understand. Teacher assesses student understanding and
clarifies any questions. Remember, we are going to be good listeners and team players as we
work together. Walk quietly to your spot and get to work. Teacher walks between the two groups
to monitor progress. When the students are finished, she calls them to the carpet. Great job, boys
and girls! You all did a great job working together. Today, similar to what you just did, we are
going to learn how to look at different substances and group them based on their physical
Learning Design:

I. Teaching: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn about physical characteristics
and how we can use them to classify objects. Has anyone heard of the word physical
characteristics? If you have, hold one finger up. When have you heard the word? Good
answers! Physical characteristics are the things we can learn about an object with our
senses. These are things we can see or feel. Teacher holds up a red ball. What can you tell
me about this object by looking at it? Put your thumb on your chest when you have an
answer. Teacher calls on various students. She will write their answers on the board.
Teacher will guide students in answering that it is red, in the shape of a circle, and is a
solid. Now, when we hold the ball, what do we find out about it? Teacher calls on a
couple of students to hold the ball. She leads them in discovering that it is lightweight
and has a smooth texture. Good job! These are all physical characteristics of an object.
This does not include how I feel about the red ball. So if I said that I love to bounce the

red ball, would that be a physical characteristic? No because it is not something that I
can learn through my senses. That says something about me and not the red ball. The
next item is an orange. Think for just a moment about some physical characteristics of
this object. When you think of an answer, put your thumb on your heart. Teacher calls on
several students and records the answers on the board. She guides them in giving the
physical characteristics. What if I said oranges are a yummy food to eat? Is that a
physical characteristic? No, because it is talking about me instead of the orange. The
next item is a red eraser. Think for just a moment about some physical characteristics of
this object. When you think of an answer, put your thumb on your heart. Teacher calls on
several students and records the answers on the board. She guides them in giving the
physical characteristics. What if I said erasers make the mistakes on my paper go away?
Is that a physical characteristic? No, because it is my opinion. The next item is CocaCola. Think for just a moment about some physical characteristics of this object. When
you think of an answer, put your thumb on your heart. Teacher calls on several students
and records the answers on the board. She guides them in giving the physical
characteristics. What if I said this is my favorite kind of drink? Is that a physical
characteristic? No, because it is my opinion that is not specific. The next item is milk.
Think for just a moment about some physical characteristics of this object. When you
think of an answer, put your thumb on your heart. Teacher calls on several students and
records the answers on the board. She guides them in giving the physical characteristics.
Can anyone tell me something that I could not use as a physical characteristic? Great
job! The next item is a piece of wood. Think for just a moment about some physical
characteristics of this object. When you think of an answer, put your thumb on your
heart. Teacher calls on several students and records the answers on the board. She guides
them in giving the physical characteristics. Can anyone tell me something that I could not
use as a physical characteristic? No, because it is my opinion that is not specific. Great
job identifying physical characteristics! Now it is time to classify our items. Has anyone
heard the word classify before? If you have, when have you heard it used? Classify means
that items are placed into groups because of a common characteristic. Today, we are
classifying substances based on their physical characteristics. I am going to show this
through a graphic organizer. When I look at the physical characteristics on the board, I
see that I have some items that are the same color. My physical characteristic is color.
Teacher writes color on the board and circles it. What colors are these items? Correct!
Teacher draws lines off of the circle labeled color and connects it to smaller circles
labeled with the color names red, orange, and brown. Okay, class what items are red?
Teacher draws smaller circles labeled ball and eraser, which are connected to the circle
labeled red. Which items are orange? Teacher draws a smaller circle labeled orange,
which is connected to the circle labeled orange. Which items are brown? Teacher draws
smaller circles labeled wood and Coca-Cola, which are connected to the circle labeled
brown. Okay class, how did we classify these items? Right! We did it by color. What other
physical characteristics can we use to classify these items? Teacher ensures that they
classify the objects by color, shape, state of matter, weight, and texture. She creates a
graphic organizer for each classification. Great job classifying substances based on
physical characteristics!
II. Opportunity for Practice: Okay, class, now that you have learned how to classify
substances based on physical characteristics, you are going to practice this in groups. I
have placed a bucket of 6 items on each table. You are going to work together as a group
to determine the physical characteristics of the object and place them into groups. You
will have three minutes at each station. I have a blank booklet for you that is going to be
your classification journal. The teacher passes out the classification journal. On each
page, you will write the station number at the top. Then you will write the physical
characteristic you used to classify the items. Each item will be placed in one of your
groups. Classify the items as many ways as you can. I will let you know when your three

minutes is up and it is time to move to another station. Table 1, you may go to your table.
The teacher waits until students are seated. Table 2, you may go to your seats. The teacher
waits until students are seated. Table 3, you may go to your seats. The teacher waits until
students are seated. Remember how to work as a team. Listen to others suggestions and
opinions. There will be multiple ways this can be done. Work together and do your best.
You may begin. The teacher sets a timer for three minutes. She rotates between stations to
monitor students until time is up. Okay, friends, it is time to put the items back in the
bucket. When you are ready, show me by sitting quietly and still facing forward. When I
call your table, stand up, push in your chairs, and bring your classification journal.
Table 1, you may go to table 2. Table 2 stand up and go to table 3. Table 3 stand up and
go to table 1. I am going to set the timer for another three minutes. Remember to write
your new table number at the top of the page. Work just as hard as you did last time. You
may begin. The teacher sets a timer for three minutes. She rotates between stations to
monitor students until time is up. Okay, friends, it is time to put the items back in the
bucket. When you are ready, show me by sitting quietly and still facing forward. When I
call your table, stand up, push in your chairs, and bring your classification journal.
Table 1, you may go to table 2. Table 2 stand up and go to table 3. Table 3 stand up and
go to table 1. I am going to set the timer for another three minutes. Remember to write
your new table number at the top of the page. Work just as hard as you did last time. You
may begin. The teacher sets a timer for three minutes. She rotates between stations to
monitor students until time is up. Okay, friends, it is time to put the items back in the
bucket. When you are ready, show me by sitting quietly and still facing forward. When I
call your table, stand up, push in your chairs, and bring your classification journal to the
carpet. The teacher calls the students by table number. The teacher brings the three
buckets to the carpet. Okay, I want you to share your results with your classmates. Lets
start with the bucket at table 1. The items were an orange, water, apple, a red button, a
basketball, and milk. Find table one in your classification journal. Can someone tell me
one physical characteristic your team used to classify the substances? Very good! How
many of you have that? Who has a different way? Great job? How many of you classified
that way? Anyone else have a different way? These are all great answers! I think it is
great that you all have different answers and some are the same. Lets now look at the
bucket at the second table. The items were Snickers bar, white sponge, cinnamon,
Butterfingers bar, flour, and ranch dressing. Find table two in your classification journal.
Can someone tell me one physical characteristic your team used to classify the
substances? Very good! How many of you have that? Who has a different way? Great
job? How many of you classified that way? Anyone else have a different way? These are
all great answers! I think it is great that you all have different answers and some are the
same. Lets now look at the bucket at the third table. The items were a blue block, a
penny, a quarter, a metal washer, coffee, and tea. Find table three in your classification
journal. Can someone tell me one physical characteristic your team used to classify the
substances? Very good! How many of you have that? Who has a different way? Great
job? How many of you classified that way? Anyone else have a different way? These are
all great answers! You all have done a wonderful job showing your understanding of
classifying items based on their physical properties. Teacher transitions to assessment.
III. Assessment: Boys and girls, I now want you to show me how much you know. I have
placed three new buckets on the table. Each bucket has six substances. When I say it is
time to begin, you will each take one item from the bucket. You will have a minute to
examine the item and write down any physical characteristics about the item that you can
observe. I will give you a sheet where you can record your findings. After a minute, you
will pass the item to your right. Once everyone has seen it, you will then place the items
back in the bucket. I will then give you time to think about how you will classify the items.
The items will remain at your table if you need to refer back to them. I will call your
group by table to get your iPad. We are going to be using Popplet again. Does anyone

remember what we create on Popplet? Correct, they are graphic organizers! You will
create a web for at least three physical characteristics. Then the smaller groups will be
the next bubbles, and then you will place the item names off of those second bubbles. This
will be just like we have used it previously, but it is with a new subject. If you have any
questions, raise your hand, and I will come to you. The teacher dismisses the students by
table. She gives each student a physical characteristics sheet. I have set the timer for one
minute. Remember to record the physical characteristics you observe on your papers.
You may begin. The teacher watches the time for one minute. Finish writing, and then
look at me when you are ready. I have set the timer for another minute. Pass the item to
your right. You may begin. The teacher watches the time for one minute. Finish writing,
and then look at me when you are ready. I have set the timer for another minute. Pass the
item to your right. You may begin. The teacher watches the time for one minute. Finish
writing, and then look at me when you are ready. I have set the timer for another minute.
Pass the item to your right. You may begin. The teacher watches the time for one minute.
Finish writing, and then look at me when you are ready. I have set the timer for another
minute. Pass the item to your right. You may begin. The teacher watches the time for one
minute. Finish writing, and then look at me when you are ready. I have set the timer for
another minute. Pass the item to your right. You may begin. The teacher watches the time
for one minute. Finish writing, and then look at me when you are ready. Place the items
back in the bucket on your table. Look at your observations, and notice any similarities
and differences. Teacher gives students time to think. I am going to call you by table to
get your iPad. When you return to your seat, use your notes to classify and create a
graphic organizer on Popplet. Do your very best. You all are very smart workers. The
teacher dismisses the students by table to get their iPads. Dont forget to save it so that I
can look at them later. Screen shot your graphic organizers just in case. Teacher gives
students time to complete the assessment. Now that you all are finished, I want you to put
your iPad back on the shelf, get your science journal, and return to your seat. Table 1,
you may stand up and push in your chairs. Table 2, it is your turn. Table 3, you may go.
Teacher transitions to closure.
IV. Closure: Class, you have done a great job today learning how to classify substances
based on physical characteristics. Now, in your science journal, on a new piece of paper
we are going to do a 3-2-1. Write down three things you learned today, two questions you
still have, and one thing you enjoyed about todays lesson. I am so proud of your effort
and hard work today!
Materials and Resources:
Classification of Classmates Worksheet
Classification Journals
Science Journal
Dry Erase Markers
Red Ball
Red Eraser
Piece of wood
Bucket 1
o Orange
o Apple
o Water
o Red Button

o Basketball
o Milk
Bucket 2
o Snickers
o Butterfingers
o White Sponge
o Cinnamon
o Flour
o Ranch dressing
Bucket 3
o Blue Block
o Penny
o Quarter
o Metal Washer
o Coffee
o Tea
Assessment Buckets (3)
o Cotton Ball
o Piece of Wood
o Milk
o Tea
o Gray Pencil Box
o Nickel
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Green: Find 10 substances in the classroom to classify based on physical characteristics.
Red: Students will place items in groups based on physical appearance.

Samford University
Design for Learning

Name __________________


Classifying Our Classmates

Hair Length



Eye Color





Tennis Shoes




Assessment Rubric



identified 3

identified 2

under the
All items were
placed in the
correct category
based on their

identified some
under the
Some items
were placed in
the correct
category based
on their

identified only
one physical
or did not
identify any
Students did not
under the
Most items were
not placed in
the correct
category based
on their

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