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Week 2:

In my second week with my TP I went to the school at 7:30. In this time no one of the
students came to the school and I was waiting for them. At 7:35 ms.Fatima came to the
school and we were preparing for the circle time. Then when the students start coming I
set with them and some of them were telling me what they did yesterday at home or of
they went out. Omar really likes to set with me and he were asking me all the time if Im
doing something or even writing my notes he just came to me and asked me what you
are doing or what you are writing. I tried to let him set in his place and I told him in good
way that he have to do not ask the teachers these question because they have their
works to do. At 8:00 almost all of the students came and each one of them took his or
her name and sticks them on the attendance panel. Then they went to the morning
session outside the section at 8:15, they did the national song and read a Quran. When
they finish the morning session they went back to their classes and I took my students
to their class. I set to observe them while Miss Fatima sat with them in the circle time.
She asked them about the helping hand and it was the day for Shaikha to help the
teacher. She shakes her hand with the students to count them and there were 1 student
absent, Shaikha told the teacher that Ahmed is absent then all the students pray that
they hope he is fine. Then the teacher started with the lesson and it was about (me).
Students learn in this class the names of the part of the body in Arabic because it was
Arabic class. Students learn these words by showing them a pictures and video for the
parts of the body. At 9:15 they finish the lesson and it was the time for their playing
outside in playground area. I was there with the students till they finish playing at 9:45
so they went to wash they hands and get ready to eat their breakfast in their
restaurants class. They eat their breakfast and the healthy food. At 10:15 they went to
wash their hands again after they did the two lines for the boys and the girls. After that
they went back to the class and they review what they took in the morning and they
watch a movie about the parts of the body. When they finish they set up their files and
get them back to the teacher to let her take their homework to correct it and they took
their files back to their places. At 12:30 they got ready and took their bags to make two
lines one for the girls and one for the boys. And they go to their busses.
In Monday I went to the school at 7:30 and I sign in attendance paper then I set in the
reception to wait the students if they are coming. At 8:15 we started with the morning
session, students sing the national song then they read Quran with the student who
read with the microphone. At 8:25 they went to their classes and I took students to their
class then they pray Morning Prayer and they inter the classroom. The MST chooses the
helping hand and she counts the students by shakes their hands. In this day each
student brings one of the things that they have at home they like much. The MST asked

the students to bring their things to talk about it and tell us why she or he likes this
thing. For example: Wadhha brings her dress, Omar brings his ball, Sultan brings his car
game and Shaikha brings her doll. They all talked about their things and why they liked
them. At 9:20 they finished and it was the time for going to the playground area. I went
with the students and I was with them and observed them till the end of the playing
time. At 9:45 students went to wash their hands and get ready to eat their breakfast. At
10:15 they finished eating they went to wash their hands and they came back to the
class and they review in that time what they have done with on Sunday. After 45
minutes they set in groups and they were doing something different like writing and
reading about the unit. If anyone finishes with her or his group she can go to other
group and do different thing. They finish this day at 12:30 and they get ready and took
their bags. They got in line and went to their busses and I went back at 1:00.
On Tuesday I went to the school at 7:15 I sign in attendance paper and I went to the
class to wait the students they came to the class at 8:00 and we went to do morning
session at 8:15. After that we went to class again and get ready to go to the trip (chess
club). They wear the uniforms for their
school to know if we lose anyone of them
there. We went at 8:30 and we were there at
9 and there were different areas of different
games for students to do. After 20 minutes
they took us to their cinema to let the
students watch a cartoon there. There were
students from different school from Sharjah.
They took pictures for the students and
students were happy with the cartoon they
saw in the cinema and it was for 1 and half
hour. Then we went out again to walk
around and see the areas and what they
have. They did many areas, not only for the games they include different areas for
taking pictures for the students too and we took from these areas pictures for the
students. There was one area that have screen to write on it for example your schools
name. My MST wrote on it Al-Qrayen kindergarten in Arabic and we took a photo for
the students with this screen. After we finish from all the areas we were waiting for the
bus to come near to the door. We went back to school at 11:00 and we were in school
at 11:30.
Students were talking with the MST about their trip and how wonderful it was. After
that she opens different song for them and she didnt give them lesson for that day

because they were tired. They went to their home in that day at 12:00 and I went back
at 1:00.
On Wednesday I went to the school at 7:17 and I went to the class to get my materials
ready because I was preparing for the review lesson. At 7:30 the MST came and after 15
minutes we went outside to do morning session after they finished they went back to
their class and I went to English class. I was greeting my student and get them set on the
circle and I choose one of the girls to count the girls by shakes their hands and I choose
Mariam to write the number of the girls. Then I choose Mohammed to count numbers
of the boys by shakes their hands. Then I choose Ahmed to write the number on the
board. After that we start with morning song and I let the students stand up and sing
this song with the singer. When they finish with this song I open the alphabet sounds for
them. Then I showed them the pictures which start with letter B and they knew what
they have done with Ms.Ebtisam. After that I asked them to write the letter B on the
smart board. Then we finish the lesson at 9:15 and I took the students after I asked
them to get in two lines one for the girls and other for the boys. They went to
playground area. For 30 minutes after that they went to wash their hands and get ready
to eat their breakfast. They eat their breakfast and their healthy food and after they
finish they pray after that and they went to wash their hands again. When they came
back it was the time for them to play with games make light from the battery. After that
they were setting in the circle and the MST told the students story. They went back to
home at 12:30 and I leave the school at 1:00

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