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Lim meng meng

No 2 taman Berjaya,
84600 muar ,
The President
The Municipal Council,
86000 Muar,

30 Nov

Dear Sir,
Complaint About Clogged Drains, Uncut Grass and Stray Dogs and Cats.
On behalf of Taman Berjaya residents, I wish to lodge a complaint about the
clogged drains in my area. My drains area was clogged almost two weeks due to
rubbish get stuck inside the drains. The rubbish collection service in my area is
irregular. So the stench is very strong and bearable for the residents.
Since the bins are full the lids cannot fit. Stray dogs and cats easily knock the
bins down and scatter the rubbish all over. Therefore, its easy for search food
stray dogs and cats rove through this area. This makes the whole area vey untidy
and dirty.
Beside the two complaints above the grass has not been cut for more the two
months. It is long an unsightly to children cannot play outside their houses
because snacks may be hiding in the long grass.
We hope you will take action at once. Thanks you

Yours faithfully

Lim Meng Meng

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