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Inquiry Reflection

Multi-Modal and Storify

Moving towards this project, I was excited to learn more about what
exactly America is doing to help the issue of Juvenile Delinquency from rising
and becoming an epidemic COMPLETLEY out of control. Here I was assigned
to use social media outlets and other multimedia sources in order to retain
information on my topics. Storify was used to create a story a type of essay
embodying the information I regained through different sources.
Twitter, was a main source for me where I typed in the key words
Juvenile Delinquency, Beyond Scared Straight and Teen Offenders.
From those words I was able to collect several tweets that show what I
needed. The biggest hit I got came from the key words Beyond Scared
Straight Social media is something hilarious but is also sometimes used as
serious moments of realizations. Tweets featuring Beyond Scared Straight
include those of some mockeries and some of awareness.

In the research I did on twitter, it hit me that most programs that are used
to prevent child crime are taken as a joke, to participants and Americans,

alike. This made me ask what this was really used for. Why is no one taking
this seriously?
Another source was YouTube, videos discussing the issues of
childhood nightmares how children grow up bound to become a certain way
Bound to Environment. Children everyday are created and grow up as
products of their own environment. Growing up in the hood, is a basis for
juvenile delinquency breeding. Kids look at what the adults are doing around
them and follow suite. Open discussions about the expectations that parents
in the hood expect their children to become supporters of the household
whether that be selling drugs or stealing. WHICH leads them to become
children of the system, criminals and even could lead them to the grave.
Several videos and documentaries display the REAL deal that juveniles go
through even before they are labeled as so. They do what they know and it is
shown in several videos.
I honestly enjoyed viewing documentaries to regain more information
on what the factor of family and environment had on a child becoming a
delinquent. Thinking deeper into the situation, makes me personalize it and
realize how blessed I am myself to have the strength to change.

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