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Kalgoorlie Primary School

PO Box 5473, Dugan Street, KALGOORLIE WA 6430

T 08 9021 2513 F 08 9091 4583

Dear Vanessa
Thank you for meeting with me on Wednesday 11th November, and for your contributions to performance
management discussions this year. It is evident from our recent conversation, and our initial meeting in
May, that you are a dedicated, professional and reflective member of the Kalgoorlie Primary School (KPS)
During our meeting, we discussed your self-reflection against the AITSL standards and the KPS iPad
continuum. You identified that you have greatly increased in confidence and knowledge, moving towards,
and beyond, the Proficient stage of the AITSL professional capability continuum. I was very impressed by the
EAL/D student writing strategy you researched, modified and implemented in your classroom. This has led
directly to greatly improved outcomes for Junsy, and you should be very proud. Thank you also for sharing
this with your year three colleagues and the whole staff! You have such a strong commitment to ensuring
that every child in your class achieves, and a genuine care for each studentany parent would love to have
you teach their son or daughter. You are a key member of the year three collaborative team, and the way
you work together to plan, teach, assess and reflect on the success of learning programs is very impressive.
You continue to utilise iPads to allow students to demonstrate their learning from across the curriculum in a
range of ways, catering for different learning styles and writing abilities. Your students successfully use
PicCollage, Explain Everything and numerous other apps to show what they know. Congratulations on
implementing this tool so effectively in your classroom.
You identified professional learning goals for 2015/16 including;
Completing your portfolio for full teacher registration
I look forward to supporting you to achieve this goal.
Thank you again for meeting with me. As I stated during our conversation, it has been a privilege to observe
and support your professional growth over the past two years. I wish you all the best in your move to Perth,
you will be missed.
Yours sincerely

Melanie Langley
Deputy Principal
18th November 2015

A Family School
Independence & Respect

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