Presentation 1

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Decision or wrong
By : Kreighton Tsuruda-Gaspar
Ms. Moore
English 101

Thesis statement
But I think going to College is still the best
option and opportunity. The benefits of
going to college out weigh the risks and
costs. Going to college is the right choice
because the returns are far better than
skipping it and working right out of high
school. You can get a higher paying job with
a college degree and may have more job

Graph 1

Graph 1
The graph in the previous slide shows that
you may make more money if you go to
college and graduate with a bachelors
By the age of fifty you could be possibly
making more then 4,000 dollars more then
a non college graduate.

The best studies suggest that the return to
an additional year of school is around 10
percent.(Owens, and Isabel PG#205)
. If we apply this 10 percent rate to the
median earnings of about $30,000 for a 25to 34- year-old high school graduate
working full time in 2010, this implies that
every year of college increases earnings by
3,000, and four years increases them by
$12,000. (Owens, and Isabel PG #206)

Income and the affects

The benefits will always outweigh the risks,
because you will have invest 4 years but
may earn an extra 12,000 dollars, which
makes for more freedom and a comfortable
If you have a steady income then you will
be more flexible in your opportunities and
you can explore more options

The risks of going to college may scare you.
It can cost a large sum of money but the
money you put in will be paid back I full
then some

The risks you take are outweighed by the rewards
you will receive
You benefit a lot from college in ways you may not
It prepares you for life
Makes you responsible
Teaches you time management and budgeting
You also further your education and can become an
expert in a certain field

Steady job
Getting you ready for the real world
How to work efficiently
Teaches you value
And most of all how to be appreciative of
the opportunity and the teachers

It makes you look better on a resume
Gives you confidence
Gives you an edge over other competitors
Also gives you better chances to explore
other opportunities

Better Lifestyle?
With a college degree which can lead to a
steady job you will have more freedom.
You are free to explore other options like a
bigger house or maybe extra curricular
Maybe pets etc

College is the best option because it will
free you up financially and give you great
benefits in the end. The rewards out weigh
the risks by thousands and a lot for freedom

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