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Aisha Eisa ALMatroushi



we went to Sharjah International Children's Films Festival

firstly, the teacher took the attendance then they make a
line to go to the bus so we go the bus after that we arrived
the place when we stop there was a student she don't felt
well so she vomit but the teacher was with the other kids
in front so me and my college we was with her so there
wasn't somebody that will clean her then the teacher's
helper came and took her to the toilet after that we
continue the tripe they took us to a theater and start to
show the kid cartoon but it was in Russian and translated
it in Arabic so how the kids will understand but the kids
cannot read they are too young to read translating, so
they start to move around and they felt bored so they
must to replace this cartoons to the Arabic or English
cartoons so the children understand what is the cartoon is
about, "learning is a necessary and universal aspect of the
process of developing culturally organized, specifically
human psychological function"(Saul McLeod,2007). but it was

so organized and well prepared and the other thing that I

do not like it that they don't put an activates that is in
their age so the teacher just took for them popcorn and
we left the place and return to the kindergarten so we
went to the class and then they eat their lunch after that
she took them to the center area and give them the lesson
.and do what she normally do in the normal days

Aisha Eisa ALMatroushi



McLeod, S. (2007). Lev Vygotsky. Retrieved 10 26, 2015, from

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