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Digital Signature Algorithm

Presented By
Asha Liza John

Digital Signature Standard (DSS)

US Govt. approved signature scheme
Designed by NIST in early 90s
Published as FIPS 186 in 1991
Revised in 1993, 1996, 2000, 2009, 2013
Uses the SHA hash algorithm
DSS is the standard. DSA is the algorithm

DSA algorithm is used for digital signature only

DSS vs. RSA Signature

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

Creates a 320-bit signature

Variant of ElGamal
Security depends on difficulty in computing

discrete logarithms.

DSA Key Generation

Shared global public key values (p,q,g) :
Choose 160-bit prime number q
Choose a large prime p with 2L-1 < p < 2L
Where 512 L 1024 and L 0 (mod 64)
Also, q is a 160 - bit prime factor of (p-1)

Choose g = h(p-1)/q mod p

Where 1 < h < p-1 and h(p-1)/q mod p >1

Users choose private key & compute public key :

Choose random private key x < q
Compute public key y = gx mod p

DSA Signature Generation

To sign a message M the

sender :
Generates a random signature

key k, k < q
Note : k is destroyed after use
and never reused
Then computes signature pair :

r = (gk mod p) mod q

s = [k-1(H(M) + xr)] mod q
Sends signature (r,s) with

message M

DSA Signature Verification

To verify a signature recipient

computes :
w = (s)-1 mod q
u1 = [H(M)w] mod q
u2 = (rw) mod q

v = [ (gu1yu2) mod p] mod q

If v=r then signature is


Key Generation
Let q=3, x=2,k=1, H(M) = 11
q is a prime factor of p-1. So p=nq+1 = 2(3)+1 = 7

= h(p-1)/q mod p

= gx mod p

= 26/3 mod 7

= 42 mod 7

= 22 mod 7 = 4

= 16 mod 7 = 2

Signature Generation

= (gk mod p) mod q

= [k-1(H(M)+xr)] mod q

= (41 mod 7) mod 3

= [4*(11+(2*1))] mod 3

= 4 mod 3 = 1

= [4*13] mod 3
= 52 mod 3 = 1

Send r=1, s=1 and message M.

Note : k*k-1 1 mod q

1* k-1 1 mod 3

k-1 = 4 ;

Signature Verification
Receives values M= M, s=s, r=r.

Calculate w, u1, u2 and v as follows and check if v=r :

= (s)-1 mod q

u2 = (r*w) mod q

= (1)-1 mod 3

= (1*1) mod 3

= 4 mod 3 = 1

= 1 mod 3 = 1

u1 = [ H(M)*w] mod q

= [(gu1yu2) mod p] mod q

= [11*1] mod 3

= [(42*21) mod 7] mod 3

= 11mod 3 = 2

= [32 mod 7] mod 3

Here, v=r so signature is verified.

= 4 mod 3 = 1

How v = r ??

How v = r ??
y(rw) mod q mod p = g(xrw) mod q mod p

How v = r ??
For any integer t, if g = h(p1)/q mod p then gt mod p = gt mod q mod p

By Fermat's theorem (Chapter 8), because h is relatively prime to
p, we have Hp1 mod p = 1. Hence, for any nonnegative integer n

How v = r ??
For any integer t, if g = h(p1)/q mod p then gt mod p = gt mod q mod p

Proof (Contd)

How v = r ??
For nonnegative integers a and b:
g(a mod q + b mod q) mod p = g(a+b) mod q mod p

How v = r ??
((H(M) + xr)w) mod q = k

How v = r ??
((H(M) + xr)w) mod q = k

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