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Planning and Preparation

Description of each area (and photograph)

1.Artistic Area

- This area contains a plate and table and chairs,

also its have some materials like drawing tools.
Possible reasons for setting this area
-The important thing in this area is:
1.The child can develop his fine motor skills.
2. learn the colors.
Also when the child finish drawing, the teacher must put his
what he do on the wall because the child feel proud with them work.

Description of each area (and photograph)

2. Cognitive Games Area

Shaps, toys, chair, table, games, rugs, colors and cut outs.
Possible reasons for setting this area
In this area child learn how to focus, this focus can
help children to grow them mind when they start thinking.

Description of each area (and photograph)

3.Planning Area
Shelves, tabel, chairs, mini magnetic board, pencels, papers,
Fiels with the student picture, books and rugs, drawing of the alphabet.
Possible reasons for setting this area
On this area child strat learning writing.
Also they learn how to organize them work sheet for each area.

Description of each area (and photograph)

4.Reading Area
Shelves, books, rugs and sofa.
Possible reasons for setting this area
On this area student reading storys
so they develop reading skills.Children must relax when
they read so that why the teacher put Sofa for them.

Description of each area (and photograph)

5.Computer Area
Possible reasons for setting this area
-learn about computer parts
-teacher ask them to search about word
to extend their knowledge
-This area to for playing video games
Description of each area (and photograph)

6. Research and finding Area

Table, chairs, shelves, materiels about sciense and books.
Possible reasons for setting this area
Way of thinking, research and exploration.
Develop fine motor skills.
Teacher use (solving the problem) mothed.

Description of each area (and photograph)

7.Drama Area
Models for the household, toys, bedroom and rugs.
Possible reasons for setting this area
To tradition characters.
Learning life skills.

Description of each area (and photograph)

8.Assmbly & Block Area

Picture of rulers of united arab emirates, rugs, boards,
Shelves, cubes.
Possible reasons for setting this area
Morning assembly, group activites, installation cubes

#Were the materials, resources and equipment well prepared by the teacher? Why do
you think so?
Yes, because all materials were near to her and she was very organize.

#Did the topic of the lesson and learning activities together with the structure of the
lesson appear to maintain students interest and motivation? How do you know this?
Yes, because she use dolls theater to teach them about the senses. teacher was use distinctive way,
To attract student's attention

#Is there anything you observed that you would / would not do in your planning and
preparation as a teacher?
Yes, I like that teacher was link between rules and Islamic values. For example, before they eat they
must say besmalla and they must setting while they eat.

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