Weekly Journals

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Map of kindergarten

Weekly journal


Week 1

4 Oct 2015, Sunday:

This is the first day in my TP in Al Bahja Kindergarten. I felt happy to meet new teachers,
principal and students. I like the appearance of kindergarten from the outside and the
inside, where attract visitors and also the students to engorge them to learn and play in
safe environment. In terms of the curriculum (KG1= Arabic) (KG2= Arabic and English),
distribution units (each theme still 2 week) and times (studying, playing, eating), I
discuss this information with principal and I take paper for each of them. On other hand
I like the design of classroom that includes many areas (Art, Read, Act, science also
eating room) and each area have special rules and a questionnaire for student it is
packaged by teacher (observing).

Art area

Act area

Reading area

science area

A questionnaire

In this day they dont make assembly, they start the lesson directly. I entered 2 different
classes in KG 1. They start with new theme is (me), I observe that each teacher have
different learning style while the lesson was same. I believe teacher style of teaching
can affect children learning to be more active and participate with teacher in class and
teacher should use more questions to ask the student because that helps them to think
and use their knowledge, whoever use interest activity can make them happy and same
time the learn. The teachers were kind with use (training teacher) they greet us and
gave us foods to eat with them.

5 Oct 2015, Monday:

Second day for my TP, I went to another different classroom KG2. It was Arabic class
at 8:30, the class starts with attendants, student put the card that includes his or
her name and picture in the board that have pockets. They start with routine
morning song, attendants, review the lesson they take it before, then start with
new lesson. After the lesson it was eating time so the student went to eating
room. First, the students wash their hand take one dish to put the sand wash in it.

Basket that inched student dishes

Student cups

After they finish eating, it is areas time. Student should wear (card that represents the
area) each areas have a specific number of students can play in it) so the student who
dont have card they cant play in this area. At 10:15 am is time for playground. There
are two periods of rotation (observe student while they play) each period is 15 minutes,
the have table for teachers who will rotate in first and second period. Drink water
before the lesson, so the student go back to class and each of student have special cup
that have the name and image for student. They hold the cup and make the line and
the teacher pour the water in it. Second lesson start at 10:45am it was English class. She
start her listen by routine ,morning song and day of the week song ,then she start
the lesson by review the letter B and she give them worksheet to do it.
For the second day experience, routine can help student to be organizing and
interaction with teacher in class. Such as repeat the rules. Teacher make simple
move act like jumping, clap their hand when she feel that student are very active
or when they feel sleepy. The most things I interest is this classroom have at
least 3 student of special need, I have noticed one of them is very active he cant
site in same place. After the class she takes with me about these students, but I
am spires they are very smart and very active and participate with teacher.
Finally, the Arabic teacher has nice strategies to communicate with parent by
give the (note book( about what students have in this week, who the parent can
help the student and in the bottom of the note there is space for parent to
write advice, opinion or questions.

6 Oct 2015, Tuesday:

Finally in third days I stay in my basic class (KG2/2). First class was Arabic, teacher start with
greeting, chose helper hand to count student and change the day of the week. Then she starts
to give them letter ) (by show them the picture that start with this letter and give chance for
student to think about another words begin with) (. Show them words that have letter in
beginning, middle and end the word .Next she give them chance to write the letter in the board.
Finally, student does the worksheet. After the lesson it is time to eat then area time. At 10:15
am it is time to playground and I stay with my Mst because fist 15 minute she have rotation.
When 15 minute finished I went to teachers room to site and take break. In
10:45am time finish so they went to drink water and start to take the English
lesson. In this day English teacher was absent so the student play in areas and play

7 Oct 2015, Wednesday:

In this day I taught the student about letter F. I start with routine as teacher start with each
lesson with morning song, day of the week song and help hand. I show them my own rules I
make it for them like song to repeat it easy with me. For example look to the teacher so the
acting by put their hand in their eyes, listen to the teacher so they put their hand in their ear,
raise their your hand to speak . The entire rule have epical act to make sure student know the
meaning for each rules. I put for them abc song to start the lesson ,then I gave them cards that
start with letter f, explain each pictures then I tell them to raise (flag) that way I know if they
understand the letter and name of the pictures. After this activity I teach how they write letter F
by steps then give them chance to write it with clay in the paper so I observe them with them
doing the activity. Then we were moved to differentiation activity, Student in low level they
trace the letter( F,f), student in medium level they complete the puzzle for letter F while student
in high level they help three fish to find items that begin with sound f(worksheet).

Week 2

11 Oct 2015, Sunday:

As routine teacher start with morning song , day of the week then helper hand . After that she
start the lesson, for this lesson teacher make simple story for them it was about face part. She
make the story that include acting for example the story about (big green monster) she show
them picture about the monster and describe the face part like he have 2 small yellow eyes ,two
big purple ears , pig red mouth , big orange nose. During the teacher describe the face pare of
the monster the student touch their own face part after that they song go away big monster go
away. Then she move to mouse (go away big gray mouse) she chose animals that start with
letter m. in this activity student learn many thing such as (colors, size, face part). After the story
teacher give them envelop that include cards for face part, teacher tell them show me eyes so
the student raise the card that present the eye in this way student learn with each other and
also teacher can observe them to know if they are understand or not . Last activity was memory
cards, teacher put the cads in the floor (face part cards) she chose one student to jumps on the
picture that teacher tell them. this activity help student to memorize the word and pictures.

12 Oct 2015, Monday:

(teach number 2):
In this day I touch student about number 2, the theme for this week was body part so I relate
my lesson with theme. First I greeting the student by morning song I do it by my own (Hi, Hi,
How are you). After that start to repeated the rules in classroom by song, show them pictures
that present each rules and show them the motivate system and explained for them. Then
start lesson by simple story of (number 1 pink car and number 2 black cars, its talk about pink
car he was lonely and sad because he dont have friend after that other car hes name number
2 become friendly ) that show student we have new number is (2). Then put for them song
about number 2, start with first activity is game they (put the picture that includes 2 things in
the board for example, (2 eyes and 2 ears) stake it in the board and other words put it in floor
if dont include 2 like mouth and noise. The second activity is give the student empty face and
ask them in our face we have 2??? So they draw with marker 2 eyes and 2ears they turn the
board to writhe the number 2. In addition start to do the differentiation worksheet for three
different level (low level, they trace numbers 2 and color it (medium level, Put circle around
the small number that inside big number, for example big number 2 include many small
number, so the student must circle the small 2 number) (high level, the student should count
the pictures that have 2 object and match with number 2). Finally, I evaluate them by do

simple activity for all student , give them cards that include picture for face part(eyes , ears ,
noise ,mouth ,face) and give them to answer (number 1 and 2) so they count the pictures then
choose right answer by put the clothes pen.
It is first time I teach them so naturally I have some mistakes. My Mst gives me
some advice: use routine song for morning song it is better for them, use A4 of A3
pictures if use it for whole class. I have classroom management. On the other
she likes the song of rules and the way that I present it (with acting), also the
shes like the activities. I think in next time I should work more for how to manage
the student.

13 Oct 2015, Tuesday :

In 13 of Oct 2015, Tuesday I taught the student lesson about letter M. So first I was start with
routine (hello song, day of the week song then helper hand). For this lesson I start my lesson by
show them abc sound song to be active with me and do some movement to be fresh to start the
lesson. Then I start with guessing game by describe them the words that start with M such as
(monkey, milk, mouth, moon, mushroom and mango) this activity give the student chance to
memorize and thinking so that develop cognitive skills. After that I make review for them how to
write letter m because they already take it by write it in the air and in the carpet. Then move to
do the differentiation activity for 3 different levels. Students hows in low level they color letter
M by using paint and brush. Students hows in medium level they color the balloon that include
the letter m only, that help the student to recognize between the letters. Students hows in high
level they make litter M by using small pies of colorful papers it is collage technique. Finally last
activity we did is game, we make two line green and blue, I stick the pictures in board for
(monkey, milk, mouth, moon, mushroom and mango) so they should point the pictu re that I
went, student who pointed first they take one point for their groups.

14 Oct 2015, Wednesday:

Event for holiday, in this day the school make event for student in school theater they spoke
about how the healthy food benefit our body and give the students( PediaSure) they make
announcement for this kind of the milk. They did some activity like drawing and participate with
teacher to answer question.

Week 3
18 Oct 2015, Sunday:
In this day I help Arabic teacher in her lesson by gave the student exam for letter ( )while the
teacher complete the lesson ,each time she sent 3 student to me to do the exam. Also when
she gave them worksheet she send special need student to me to help them to complete his
work. I think is good chance to me to take experiment how to deal with epical need student in
future. During area time I observe student if they need something, sit with them and talk.in this
day they didnt take new lesson they review what they learn before.

19 Oct 2015, Monday:

In this day the teacher prepare for (Pajama Day) and student bring with them pajama, pillow
and blanket. For English lesson teacher review the letter that they take it before by put pictures
in the PowerPoint and ask the students about the letter and name of the picture. For example
picture of forge the student make the sound of letter F and how write it in the air. The Arabic
teacher was absent so another Arabic teacher take the student to teach them letter ( ).

20 Oct 2015, Tuesday:

In this day teacher was absent so I was in teacher place to teach the student letter S. teacher
prepare the all activities and materials that I need to teach them. Firstly, I taught class Kg2/2 in
first period I start with routine (Hello song, day of the week and helper hand). I start the lesson
with abc song then I gave them envelop that include 6 cards for pictures that start with letter S
such as (snake, sun, socks, shrubbery, sick, season) each time I said the name of the word they
raise that cards the present the word. After this activity the start to write the letter with clay,
during this activity I observe the student and help if they need. Finally we were moved to
worksheet for letter S. After they finish the lesson they take time to eat the breakf ast then they
went to play in playground. At 10:45 I prepare the lesson for another class and I did same
activities. This day was tired, but it was an experience to know the teacher life and how she deal
the student every day.

21 Oct 2015, Wednesday :

In this day I taught the student letter P. Firstly, I started with routine by (Hello song, attendees,
helper hand). Secondly, I put for them abc song sound and student act with each sound of the
letter for example (cookie cookie c c c so the student acting they eat cookie). After that start
with penguin story (penguin is hungry and he went to eat food that start with letter P) I showed
them pictures of food (pain apple, popcorn, pear, pizza) and repeated the name of the food.
Then I gave each of them card that include different type of food that start with letter P. the
penguin whisper me what he want to eat for example he went to eat popcorn so the student
how have popcorn cards they have to standup, jump, make line to feed the penguin while the
say the name of the food and the sound of the letter. Then we moved to guessing game by
describe them the word like (something we wear it before we sleep or we wear it at the
night=pajama) (something we eat it in cinema while we watching the movie=popcorn). Then
start to explain for them how to write letter p by show them the steps and do it 2 times in front
of them. Then they start to write the letter P after I gave them the small white board and
marker. Finally, it was differentiation activity, I make for them 3 different type of activity for 3
different level of student. For low level the student trice the letter P, then classify the letter P by
color the circle that include letter P. For medium level, do the puzzle activity, it look like letter P
that include pictures start with P. last activity for high level. Students classify the picture that
starts with letter P by make circle in it and draw line from popcorn to litter P so the student
identify letter P. In addition I make for student activity but I dont have enough time to present
it ,it is like envelope that include 4 pictures in 1 card with pen clothes and each time I tell them
to show me the specific pitcher that I tell them.

Week 4

25 Oct 2015, Sunday :

This was first lesson about the color that I taught student. I start the lesson by greet them with
Hello song, day of the week and helper hand. Firstly, I showed them video about yellow color,
the video include many shapes (circle, square, triangle) during the video I repeat the name of
the shape. Secondly, I bring object that have yellow color such as (banana, lemon, flower, and
balloon) that help student learn by touching that make student learn easer by give them
example in real life. Thirdly, guessing activity by show them in PowerPoint pictures about yellow
things (sun, star, fish, and bus) but first describe then show the pictures. For example
(something we see it in the night and it is very small in sky) that help student to think .After that
differentiation activities, I did not have idea about the type of activity I chose for color that
make me confuse and start to search about activity in websites for three different levels . low
level student they did (paint their hand) because I have special need student in my class so I
chose easy activity for them, medium level they color the pictures (sun , flower , banana, bee
and corn) and trace the word yellow while high level they circle the yellow pictures only. That
help them classify the between yellow color with others colors. Finally, Online game (classify the
pictures to groups of color) for example there are group of fruits so they classify depend with
color that help to make sure if they understand or need some help. In this day it was Hassan
birth day so they bring all things in yellow color.

26 Oct 2015, Monday:

Last week in my Tp I gave student lesson about letter A, I try to make the lesson interest for
them. As routine I start with morning song (Hello song) , (day of the week ) then chose helper
hand , ask the student what helper hand do and change the day. I begin the lesson by put for
them abc song sound in this time student learn some letters and the acting that present the
letter. Then I show them simple story that include characters begin with letter a in power point
such as ( ant, alligator, airplane, apple) .after that make quake review for the word that start
with A. Ask student to give word start with letter a. Then use clay to write letter first t did it in
front of them after that they do it by their own and I walk around and observe them If someone

need help. We were moved to differentiation activity. Low level student paint the letter a by
using brush and red color. Medium level they make apple by collage activity by using small pic of
color papers so they make like apple shape while high level student use small pic of strings to
make letter (A and a).

27 Oct 2015, Tuesday

This is the second lesson in math subject I taught for the student in KG2/2 which are 24
students. I start with change student place depends on the level of the student in circle area and
each group I gave them color (low=green, medium=blue and high=red). As usual I start with
routine (morning song, day of the week song and helper hand). Then warm up the lesson by
show them video about numbers from 1 to 20 and student act with it. Next, I tell them a (story
about Ahmad family) in PowerPoint and at the end of the story the student memorize the event
and characters by answer question. Then student Jump and clap hand 3 times and write number
three in the air, in the carpet and write it in a card. In addition, the student does the
differentiation activities low level they put cotton in three circles for (father, mother, boy) t
shirt, medium level student organize the puzzle to discover the hidden picture. That help
student to use cognitive and fine motor skills to complete the picture while high level Student
draw their (mother, father, themselves) in small pieces and stake it in wood then stick it
on the home. Last activity was clap hand game I show them numbers from 1 to 10 so each time
student sees the number 3 they should club their hand.

28 Oct 2015, Wednesday:

In this day we went to old people home in Ajman city with students .Student prepare the gift for
the old people and make simple event for them like (national song ,they dance with emeriti
song, act the story and give them gift)

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