FRQ Summary

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Zachary Wolff

Sintich AP Biology
November 27, 2015


Summary #4
Standards: 1.B.1: a3, b, 2.B.3: c
Eukaryotes contain membrane bound organelles. They also have a nucleus. They are apart
of the domain eukarya which further umbrellas into the kingdoms of animalia, plantae, fungi,
and Protista. Almost all are multicellular however some Protista and fungi are unicellular. In
contrast, prokaryotic cells are unicellular. They also have a cell wall. No nucleus or membrane
bound organelles for prokaryotes either. Enzymes are used for many cellular functions. The DNA
is stored in the nucleoid region where it floats freely. Their domains are archae and bacteria. The
endosymbiotic theory is where free floating bacteria were engulfed by a bacteria to make
eukaryotic cells. These bacteria were mitochondria and chloroplasts. This is proven by these
organelles having their own DNA.




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