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Voice Over Script Ms Richardson

Online dating is
Our obsession with technology has inevitably changed the pattern of dating in
the 21st century and produced a new format for modern day romance.
Nowadays, it is paradoxical to play hard-to-get since were constantly
connected and our entire stream of self-consciousness is displayed for all to
see online.
This documentary will be looking at whether Internet dating should be
embraced or approached with caution.
Online dating had been considered to be a desperate move in direction, but
now? Its one of the most popular ways for people to find a companion. This is
because of the fact that after leaving education it becomes challenging for
people to date, as theyre no longer in a constant environment of social
communication. Online dating on the other hand offers single people the
possibility to find love, however it comes with its fair share of drawbacks.
Internet dating allows people to be able to interact and find someone outside
of their social circle, giving them the chance to meet and see new people.
They have the opportunity to decide what type of people they would like to
meet according to their own preferences. This is because of the availability of
particular sites that fulfill the needs of certain fetishes, for example, cultures
religions sexuality ethnicity occupations age or even affairs.
Some say this is a negative aspect as it allows people to shop for the one,
whereas others believe that it is helpful for them to be able to find someone
compatible to them who share the similar values.
Though it is apparent that there are now too many potentials that could be the
right one, this makes it difficult for some people to be able to find someone
that they feel fully satisfies their needs. Still, finding compatibility may not be
an easy process and may cause an individual to overlook potentially good
partners in the process due to picking and choosing their ideal companion.

Do you think online dating is good?

Do you believe that internet dating is killing romance?
Do you believe that internet dating sites are exploiting consumers when it
comes to costing?
There have been so many negative stories about internet dating, does that
change your opinion on them?
What is your experience? Highlight one good and one bad.
What advice would you give to people who want to try internet dating?

The positives of online dating:


Personality tests make it easier to find a compatible match easily

Websites match you with so many people that you wouldnt find in your
daily lives

First dates are more exciting and less awkward as you already know a
lot about the person through the sites

Internet dating can build your self-esteem and courage

The negatives of online dating:


Internet dating can make it difficult to completely assess a potential

Computer-mediated communication can take away the romantic
qualities a person should find when speaking to a potential as it can
become quite artificial and unemotional
No element of surprise in the relationship as everything may feel too
planned and that you already know so much about a person before
even meeting them.

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