Ielts 11

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IELTS Certification

Description: This is my certificate for IELTS exam, it show that I improve

my English skills which are; listening and I got band 5.5, reading 4.5,
writing 5.5 and speaking was 6.0.
Justification: I chose this certificate because I develop my learning skills
and that engage me to improve and achieve more things in my learning.

Study skills is the skills that you need to enable you to study and learn
efficiently. Learning skills are too important to get good grades. Helps you
succeed academically, it will also help you do well in life. And without
having effective study skills you will become overwhelmed and discouraged
(Hettich, 1998).

Hettich, P. I. (1998). Learning skills for college and career (2nd ed.). Pacific Grove,
Calif.: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.

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