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LifeStraw Donation Program

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What We Do
Professional Development
& Consulting
Sustainable School

The Freshwater Water Crisis: Get Involved!

Lack of safe drinking water is a global health crisis. Each year, 443 million school days are lost due to
water-related illness which keeps students from attending school. Every 20 seconds, a child dies from
a water-related illness, and more than 783 million people do not have access to an improved water
source. Hundreds of millions more use municipal water systems that are poorly maintained and
deliver contaminated water.

CELF Summer Institute


In addition, safe water is vital for economic growth. In many nations, water shortage is a cause of
violent conflict. Without safe water, there is no sustainable future for much of the developing

JUNE 2015: Thanks to your

donations, 15 LifeStraw
Community Water Purifiers
shipped to 5 communities in Nepal.
MARCH 2015: 25 LifeStraw
Community Water Purifiers sent to
schools in Kenya where
contaminated water caused
students to conract typhoid fever.

Learning with Leaders

School Eco-Footprint
CELF Student
Ambassador Program

LIKE the
"100 Schools"
Water Campaign

2014-15: CELF "100 Schools"

Water Campaign funded 69
Community filters to schools in
Kenya, Haiti and Nepal.

Want to purchase a
LifeStraw for use in
your classroom?
Discounts are available to
educators directly from
Vestergaard Frandsen US
retail partners: Earth Easy
Email Ben Seaman or call
(888) 451-6752, mention
CELF referral.
endorses the CELF
LifeStraw "100 Schools"
Campaign in Haiti!
Michel J Dodard M.D,
U of Miami Medical Center
Dir of the Office of
Community Health,
Dept of Family Medicine
and Community Health
Associate Professor of
Family Medicine and
Community Health

CLICK HERE to read some

LifeStraw Community Stories

Building on their existing LifeStraw water filtration technology, Vestergaard created the LifeStraw
Community. The LifeStraw removes 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria, 99.999% of viruses, and
99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites preventing waterborne illnesses - without the use of harmful
chemicals. With your help, families around the world will have access to clean drinking water.


Participate in the CELF LifeStraw "100 Schools" Water Campaign
You and your school or community can help bring clean and safe drinking water, preventing
waterborne illnesses to children and communities around the world. Raise money by initiating
fundraising activities of your choice.
Submit tax-deductible donations online or send your check
payable to: CELF LifeStraw Campaign
Mail to: CELF, PO Box 412, Chappaqua, NY 10514

Email us event photos and fundraising stories to share here and our Campaign Facebook page!
All donations will go towards the purchase, distribution, training and repair of LifeStraw
Communities. Each tax deductible donation of $350 delivers a
school or community-based LifeStraw Community filter that
will provide up to 100,000 liters of safe water, providing over 50
students drinking water for up to four years. Vestergaard will
also donate funds to CELFs educational mission.


THE WORLD, includes over
30 student activities

Contact for ideas and support for a

LifeStraw Donation program in your community. Send us your
photos to share your successes here!


39 to schools in KENYA; 15 to schools in HAITI; 15 to schools in NEPAL
FUNDRAISER: Send us your news and photos!
Miami, FL: This project represents a collaborative effort
between CELF and Whole Foods Market South Beach. We
are grateful to Whole Foods South Beach for giving CELF
this opportunity, to the students from the Miami High
School who helped make this possible, and to the
shoppers who, through their purchases, are providing over
a 1.5 million liters of safe drinking water for school children


LifeStraw Donation Program

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in the Haiti over the coming years. CELF is excited to

partner with University of Miami Medical Center and Project
Medishare for the delivery of donated water filters to 15
schools in the Central Plateau Region of Haiti. Medishare
healthcare workers picked up the units and were trained by
Vestergaard Haiti distributor Pluripharm S.A., who then trained local healthcare workers and students
about safe behaviors associated with water consumption, hygiene and sanitation.
Miami High School students greeted Whole Foods Market customers and distributed information
about the 100 Schools Water Program throughout "5% Day." The event was the result of
tremendous effort in planning and coordination by MHS senior Juliette Gruener (above), who worked
closely with CELF and Whole Foods over the past year to bring the event to fruition, including
recruiting and training friends and classmates as volunteers.
Four times a year, Whole Foods Market South Beach gives back to theMiamicommunity by selecting a
local organization as the beneficiary of "5% Day" proceeds. CELF 100 Schools Water Campaign
was selected because of the extensive number of Haitian employees and community members in the
Miami who understand that safe drinking water is an incredibly scare and sought to provide this lifesaving relief to their families back home in Haiti.
Sharon, MA: The First Lego League (FLL)
team, Robo Rampage, grades 3-5 from
Sharon, MA, raised almost $300 this Saturday,
12/14/13, towards the donation of a LifeStraw

High School Students:

Become a

Community filter to a school. The team won

two awards & advanced to the State finals

Train in sustainability concepts and
related water-issues. Represent
CELF and demonstrate the

while raising money for this worthy cause.

They were thrilled with the idea of providing
freshwater to hundreds of kids in Kenya! The
team hopes to continue raising funds as their
team gains momentum! Follow Robo
Rampage. Read about FFL.
Phoenix, AZ: Explorer Middle School student and Bat Mitzvah
girl Lindsey F. raised money for the campaign by asking guests to
support the CELF LifeStraw 100 Schools Campaign - in lieu of
giving her gifts. Lindsey's passion for environmental and social
issues began long ago, so giving to the campaign was a natural fit
between her studies and her caring for others.

LifeStraw in CELF and

community programs locally,
regionally and nationally where
they speak about water-related
health, economic & social issues,
as well as innovations in
humanitarian design.
Learn more!

Blacksburg, VA: Congratulations to Blacksburg High School Interact Club, whose fundraising efforts
resulted in total a donations of $1,326. The efforts were part of a full school year club effort to raise
money for the Water Campaign.

Boise, ID: Girl Scout Brownie Troop #451 from

Sage International Charter School (2nd & 3rd
graders), as part of their WOW (Wonders of Water)
Journey badge, participated in several meetings
where they learned about using water wisely in their
community and globally. Part of that Journey
included fundraising for a Water related cause. With
research they found out about Lifestraws,
purchased one giving the girls the ability to see and
learn how the the straws work. As a result they
decided to donate $450 of the money earned during
their Girl Scout cookie sales towards Lifestraws.
Additionally, their Journey including educating their community about water & water resources. The
troop made fundraising posters about LifeStraw which they hung in 3 Boise organizations that work in
fields related to the environment and water. Through this effort they raised another $300, for a total
donation to the Water Campaign of $750.
Woodlands, TX: 5th graders in the Mitchell
Intermediate School H2O Service Club (Heroes 2
Others) chose LifeStraw as their favorite charity. Over
300 community service hours were contributed during a
variety of fund-raising efforts, and their results - $780
was donated! Funds raised were donated through the
Fort Lauderdale Rotary Club and 120 LifeStraws were
donated. Congratulations to Mitchell Students, faculty
and parent volunteers for their tremendous efforts!


LifeStraw Donation Program

Copyright 2014. Childrens Environmental Literacy Foundation. All Rights Reserved. CELF-taught is a Service Mark of CELF.

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