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The Manili massacre refers to the mass killings of 65-79 Moro Muslims, including

women and children committed in a mosque in Manili, Carmen, North Cotabato,

Philippines in June 19, 1971. The Ilaga militant group was suspected to be behind
the attacks but there were also allegations that the Philippine Constabulary were
also behind the incident and collaborated with the Ilaga. No one was found to be
responsible for the incident.[1][2] The incident resulted increased mistrust between
Moro Muslims and Christians.[3] In response to the incident, former Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi provided military aid to the secessionist group, Moro National
Liberation Front (MNLF)

The Malisbong Massacre or Tacbil Mosque massacre was an incident on

September 24, 1974 in Malisbong, Palimbang, Sultan Kudarat, Mindanao where the
15th 1B infantry battalion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines killed 1776 praying
Moro Muslim civilian worshippers. Moro girls were also taken aboard a Philippine
naval boat and subjected to mass rape. The incident took place amidst Moros
fighting for independence.

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