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Final Reflection 1:

Choose a song or musical composition that communicates your experience with writing
and UWRT 1102. Consider including a video of the song. Explain your choice.

If I were to choose a song that could communicate my experience in writing and UWRT
1102, it would have to be Mind Of A Beast by Glitch Mob. Besides the fact that I play this
song often when writing anything, the pace of the song also matches what I work like. At the
beginning there is a calm, which is like thinking before writing. After this period there are
sections of fast paced, intense music. This intense music is like the drive and inspiration to create
the piece and the motivation I feel to complete writing something once I start it. Toward the end
of the song, it tapers off to a calm conclusion, like my writing should be and like how UWRT
1102 is ending.

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