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Sunday, 18 October 2015

Khawla AlNuaimi H00330338

Lesson Presentation
Types of activity the students
were engaged in

Describe what they were doing

for each activity if it was used
in the class

Whole class activities

The classs main whole class

activity consists of the children
sitting in a circle with the teacher to
discuss the topic of the day.
An example of a whole class activity
I saw in TP is when the teacher
showed her students a box with A3
cards that had pictures of faces that
had different emotions, and from
there the students started sharing
their ideas bout feelings, emotions
what makes them feel happy and
what makes them feel sad.
I think this activity was well done
because the students found the
activity fun and tried to answer and
share their opinions.

Small group/paired activities

Group activities are when the

children are put in pairs or when
they are put in a group of three or
more to work on a given task.
In this activity, the children worked
together in groups of four or five.
The task was different for each
group; they had varied activities on
each chart. For example, one group
had to match between the number
one and pictures that go with it
while the other group had to stick
images that match with the number
The children are mainly four years
old, so they are in their
preoperational stage. Therefore,
they are egocentric which means

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Khawla AlNuaimi H00330338

that they are still unable to see a

situation from another person's
point of view. So, the teacher
predicted that the children are not
going to work together but to our
astonishment the children work in
groups when with the flow and the
activity was a success.

Independent activities

Independent activities are work

done individually by the children.
The children were hard working
most of the time and tried to do the
task assigned effectively.
The student did two activities in one
day the first one was after the
group discussion when the teacher
gave each student a bag with two
balls, a card that had the number
one, and another one that had the
number two. After, the bags being
given to all the children the teacher
instructed to find the card that has
the number one and put it next to
one ball on the ground, in front of
The other individual activity was
assigned after breakfast. The
students were given their exercise
books and were asked to answer
the page and after that they were
given a worksheet about the
number one to color. This activity
was beneficial, but the students
struggled to finish it because either
they were above the average and
felt that it was simple for them that
they decided not to answer it, or
they felt a difficulty in doing the
task, so they decided to colour on
the sides of the page. I think that
the teacher could have done better

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Khawla AlNuaimi H00330338

if she separated the students based

on average and gave them larger
colouring pencils because the ones
they were writing with were small,
and many of the children were not
yet accustomed to holding a pencil
in the right way.

1. How does the teacher make sure the students are prepared
for the day?
The teacher can make sure that the students are ready for the day
by planning for the lesson taken and assessing if the students
levels enable them to understand the lesson and accomplish the
objectives of the day. Moreover, the teacher has to bring all the
materials needed and the quantity necessary for each student. Also,
if there were something the teacher wants the students to bring
from home she should send a letter to the parents beforehand to
inform them.
2. How many tasks do they complete in one hour?
The students complete two tasks in one hour, but sometimes the
children go over time and take more time, so the teacher has to
change her plan accordingly. I think this delay to finish the teacher
can fix the tasks by putting the steps into small chunks and
repeating it more than once so the children understand what they
have to do.
3. Did the teacher use a variety of different types of learning
Yes, the teacher used a variety of various kinds of learning activities.
For example, she put the class in groups to word on charts. Also, she
gave each child his book to work individually on answering the
exercise book..
4. What materials did they use?
Small balls
Exercise books
5. Were the instructions, explanations and questions clear and
appropriate for the students needs? Give examples.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Khawla AlNuaimi H00330338

No, the instructions were not clear for the students. I think the
instructions were not clear because some of the students started
colouring instead if work. I think she could have done better by
showing them pictures of instructions they need to follow.
6. What strategies did the teacher use to ensure the students
understood what they are about to do?
Ask the students what were the instructions what they should do.
7. How does s/he make sure all students are involved and
She maintains the eye contact with the students and goes around
and checks if all the students are working and if she sees that
someone is misbehaving she goes to them and asks them to repeat
the instructions.
8. What signals can identify that the children have had enough?
We know when the children have had enough when they ask to go to
the toilet, colour or scribble on their books also when they think it is
time to go home, and they decide to take their bags from the hanger.
9. What signals do children show that indicate they are proud
of their achievement or disappointed?
Children showed they were happy with their achievements when
their facial expressions change to happiness. Their attitude changes
for the better and sometimes they will try to show the other children.
10.How do children demonstrate their frustration?
Children express their frustration when they start hitting, throwing
things or crying.
11.Do the children observe others?
Yes, children observe each other. For example, when one student
does something kind and good the other children will see the student
and try to copy him to get praised by the teacher. Also, students may
follow others when they are misbehaving and try to copy each other.
12.Do the children interact with another child during the task?
Yes, they try to interact with each other because they are beginning
to learn to be social towards each other.
13.What do they say or do while completing the tasks?
When the children complete the assigned task they start moving
from their place to show the teacher their work; they do that
because the want to be praised and acknowledged.

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