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Cold War Lesson Plan

Author's Name: Maisy Martinez

Subject Area(s): Social Studies
Academic Content Standard: TOPIC: THE COLD WAR (1945-1991) Conflicting
political and economic ideologies after World War II resulted in the Cold War. The
Cold War overlapped with the era of decolonization and national liberation.
Technology Standard: Technology and Society Interaction: Students
recognize interactions among society, the environment and technology, and
understand technology's relationship with history. Consideration of these concepts
forms a foundation for engaging in responsible and ethical use of technology.
Grade Level: 12
Time required: 5 days

Analyze Learners

21 grade level learners, 1 ADHD, 2 Visually Impaired and 1 Hearing Impaired.

State Learning Objectives

Students will understand the conflicting political and economic ideologies after WWII
that resulted in the Cold War by creating a Prezi presentation project that includes
at least 10 frames, 10 images, one embedded video, background music and
sufficient text within the ten frames to demonstrate a through understanding and
extensive deep knowledge on the Cold War.

Select Methods (Strategies), Media, and Materials

Computers, Prezi FREE software, SMARTBOARD, Google Slides
Differentiated Instructional Strategies
ADHD students will be offered headphones or a different place to sit that
provides less distractions.
Visually impaired students will be paired with at least one visual student as
well as access the system preferences on our Macintosh computers to zoom
into the text.

Hearing impaired will be paired with one hearing student as well as access
the feature on our Macintosh computers to show text on screen.

Utilize Media & Materials

Day 1: Using Smart board I will access a variety of different internet websites as well
as display my Google slides presentation on the Cold War to give the students even
background knowledge on the topic.
Day 2: I will then demonstrate how to use the FREE Prezi software also on the
SMARTBOARD so students understand how to use the technology. This would also be
the time I would be handing out rubrics and answering any questions they have on
the requirements.
Day 3-4: Students will be given the option to both work alone or with partners and
begin creating their creative and personalized Prezi presentation about the Cold
War. During this time I can answer any questions or concerns about project as well
as offer any advice on how to use Prezi.
Day 5: Students will present their projects to the class demonstrating their deep
knowledge about the Cold War, analyzing the material, describing the events and
making inferences.

Require Learner Participation

Students will answer questions and break off into group discussions during Day 1,
create the Prezi presentation either with a partner or alone, and then respectfully
watch everyones presentations.

(You must provide some form of evaluation for all the categories below.)
Academic Content
The frames within the Prezi, and what is in each of them, will demonstrate if
the student thoroughly understand the material presented and the
significance of the Cold War.
21st Century Skills
Great collaboration with partner, creativity and personalization
Use of Technology
Beneficial use of Prezi and various other Internet and media sources, will
ensure rubric is followed
Instruction of Lesson
Final project grades, if students were collaborating well, were students given
enough instruction and determining if the issue is the background knowledge
or the use of technology.

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