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The Road Final Essay Assignment

Now that we have finished reading some significant works of literature, its time to do some
writing. You will be writing one of the following essays that analyzes a facet of The Road.
500-600 words (just over two pages)
Written in formal voice
No personal pronouns (with the exception of parts of essay #2)
Sophisticated language and approach
You will be graded on ideas/analysis, word choice, grammar/conventions, and
sentence fluency
Option #1 Using characterization, symbolism, and evidence from each text, compare and
contrast the journeys undertaken by characters in both The Road and The Odyssey. Then
consider a journey that people take today that might also be considered a heros journey.
How does this real life journey compare to those portrayed in the two works of fiction you
Option #2 Using evidence from any text read this semester, analyze how every action in
life has a reaction or consequence. Then, relate the evidence you gathered to your own life
and the choices you make or will make.
Option #3 What have the texts we have read this semester taught you about
perseverance, courage, and hope? Make a claim related to your attitude on each topic, and
use evidence gathered from each text to support your claim.
Option #4 Use the article we read over the biology of heroism (What Makes a Hero? from
Discover) to analyze the behavior of both Odysseus and the man in The Road. How does
science explain the actions of these characters? If you choose this option, you will be
required to find one more source that supports your argument.
Option #5 The Road has often been praised as an important work of environmentalism
(advocacy of the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment;
especially : the movement to control pollution). Write an essay that supports this point of
Option #6 Dealers choice. Develop your own idea for an essay. You will have to get your
idea approved by me.
The rough draft of this paper will be due on Friday, November 13. Final drafts and
publication on your website must be completed by Friday, November 20. We will discuss
the publication to your website as we get closer to the ultimate due date.
You must write your essay within this very document.
Go to Insert and select Page Break (or just hit ctrl + enter)
Format your paper correctly and begin writing

Give your paper a title and be sure to indicate in your papers title what option
youve chosen

Did you know that whenever you do something, something else happens because of your
actions? In life you must think about everything you do because you never know what could
happen because of your actions. Both The Road by Cormac McCarthy and the article Are
humans Hardwired for Heroism? by Elizabeth Svoboda clearly shows that every action has a

In The Road there are multiple examples of the man having to decide to what to do and
then having to face the consequences of his actions. An example of this is when the man and his
son were discovered by a road rat and the road rat took his son hostage. The man had to shoot
the road rat in the head which caused to severe consequences (McCarthy 62-65). First of all, he
used a bullet of his gun which meant he only had one bullet left so he could not kill his son and
himself if the need arises. Secondly, the boy clutching his forehead, covered in gore and as
mute as a stone (McCarthy 66). The boy was traumatized by this, seeing his dad kill a man and
getting covered in the gore of the road rat. Another example of when the man had to face the
consequences of his decision was when he decided to open the second bunker after just finding
another bunker that was full of human cattle. Crate upon crate Tomatoes, peaches, beans,
apricots (McCarthy 138). Sometimes our decisions can have positive reactions also and this was
an example of it.

Another source that demonstrates how every action has a reaction is in the article Are
Humans Hardwired for Heroism? by Elizabeth Svoboda. In the article it talks about a woman
who goes skydiving with an instructor but her parachute fails so the instructor maneuvers her on
top of him and he takes the impact, saving the woman but paralyzing himself (Svoboda Are

humans hardwired). The mans action was putting himself under the woman to protect her and
the reaction was the woman surviving with minor injuries but the man being paralyzed from the
neck down.

All this applies to everyday life as well. For me I have to constantly think about what I do
or do not do and how that will affect me. Like with wrestling I have to chose to work my hardest
and improve. If I work harder the reaction will be me improving in the sport, but if I chose to
take practice lightly then I will not only fail to improve, I will get worse. Another way that my
life shows that every action has a reaction is in my schoolwork. I could chose to spend all my
time perfecting my homework and as a result improve my grades, or I could chose to not work
my hardest and have my grade reflect this.

Everything that exists has to face the dilemma of how every action causes a reaction. In
every book, movie or song there is some form of action and reaction. As I have shown you both
The Road and Are Humans Hardwired for Heroism? exemplify that every action has a reaction.

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