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Running head: Poly-pharmacy

Poly-Pharmacy Paper (Written Assignment 3)

Maritza Cruz

Explanation of Poly-Pharmacy, how it occurs, and how it can be prevented.


Poly-Pharmacy Paper (Written Assignment 3)

Poly-Pharmacy is a term typically to address an increasing number of prescriptions given

to a single patient which exceed five or more prescriptions or over-the-counter medications
simultaneously (Anthony J Avery Division of Primary Care, 2011). With the increase of
medications available to treat so many different aliments, from minor to chronic, patients are
becoming overly medicated. Furthermore, with the ease of access to herbal supplements,
[Heading 1]
Older patients, such as seniors, are particularly prone to adverse consequences due to
age-related physiological changes altering the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics
characteristics of many medicines (Anthony J Avery Division of Primary Care, 2011). The
taking of many medications can lead to many adverse effects but can also cause permanent
damage and even death.
[Heading 2]1
Addressing inappropriate prescribing as well as prescription education for patients and care
givers is crucial. Patients typically are treated by multiple physicians for multiple issues so it is
not only the responsibility of the physician to interview patients and requesting what they are
currently taking, prescription and OTC, but how they are taking the medications and how often.
How well a patient adheres to the instructions given by their physician makes the difference on
the success of the therapy. Adverse medication outcomes have been estimated as the fourth or
fifth leading cause of mortality in hospitals (Demetra E. Antimisiaris PharmD, n.d.).
[Heading 3]. To help lower the adverse effects of polypharmacy, patients and care-givers
need to educate themselves on what they are being prescribed and why. Questioning your
physician on the reasons as to why you are being prescribe what your prescribed can aid in


understanding how the medication is supposed to work (Demetra E. Antimisiaris PharmD, n.d.).
Reading all information provided by you pharmacy will give insight on possible adverse
reactions and side-effects. Making a list of all your medications to include dose and strength, and
listing all OTC medications as well as herbal supplements to provide to physicians can provide
valuable information on a patients habit. Periodically request a pharmacist run medications list
through a drug interaction databases to identify possible interactions. Before taking any OTC
medications, consult with a pharmacist about possible interactions (Top 10 Tips for Preventing
Polypharmacy, n.d.).
Awareness and education are key in avoiding the pitfalls and the many possible adverse
reactions associated with Poly-Pharmacy.



Anthony J Avery Division of Primary Care, T. M. (2011, 02 01). Polypharmacy: one of the
greatest prescribing challenges in general practice. Retrieved from US National Library
of Medicine:
Demetra E. Antimisiaris PharmD, C. F. (n.d.). Polypharmacy: A Modern Day Silent Epidemic.
Retrieved from Poly-Pharmacy Initiative:
Top 10 Tips for Preventing Polypharmacy. (n.d.). Retrieved from hap:

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