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delivered the lumber for the deck and the crew, with the help of the excavator had

the project wrapped up

by the end of the weekend. Nice Job! A big hats offand Thank you to all those who participated in this
project Thank You!
Ernest Jr. has been down and smooth things with everyone's favorite landowner for another year. He has
put up 48 fluorescent tipped Sade stakes and lots of "Please stay on Traif' sigus, hopefully we can keep

the yahoo's out of his fruit trees and gardens. Now if we could just figue out a way to keep them from
stopping right in front of his house and partying we might be able to make him happy, as long as we don't
bring up the bridge iszue, our big hurtle for getting the big groomer down though the village.

Its official the Clay Pond trail, trail4, from junction K to the Fryeburg junction is "CLOSED', for high
water. There is a very large, very productive family of beavers trying to build the Hoover dam just
downstream from our bridge. We have a trapper coming to help us out, but as I mentioned it is a very
large family, the odds of getting them ail are pretty slim, and we can't touch the dam until it is abandoned.
So our opJiogrs for connecting to Frye6urg this year will be Farnsworth Rd, which will have a short section
of plowed road, and the railroad bed.
The pria,fr-ry discussion at the meetingwas about the upcoming Christmas Parfy. The decision was made
to hold this year's event at Enrest Pereault's Residence. Happy hour will begin at 5:30, with dinner slated
for 6:00, followed by more happy hour and maybe there will even be a brief meeting in there somewhereSo please whip up your favorite potluck dish and join us on December 12e for our most joyous social
event of the season. Hope to see you there.

guess that is about

all I have for this month.

Life is short, Ride first!


waiting for snow.

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