History in Electronics

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Electronics is the ability to
control electron flow.
1897 - J.J. Thomson first
discovered the cathode rays.
He conceptualized them to be
made up of particles smaller
than the atom-which were
then called the electrons.

The First Thermionic Valve

was invented in 1904 by
John Fleming.
Even before the
invention(since 1874),
certain crystals were known
to have rectifying abilities.
Diodes were initially just
referred to as rectifiers.

The first triode valve

was invented by Lee
De Forest in 1906.
These valves were the
major components of
radios for many years.
For this reason, the
guy is called himself as
The Father Of Radio.

The 3 element vacuum tube was made by adding a

control grid to Flemings valve. The device was
called The Audion with which we could control the
electron flow. The Audion however, could not
provide electronic amplification. However, it
formed the basis of the electronic amplifying triode.

In 1947, the first transistor was made. It was a

point contact transistor which could amplify
electric signals. It was invented at Bell Labs by
William Shockley(the father of the transistor)
along with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. The
term transistor was coined by John R. Pierce.

The way I provided the name, was to think of

what the device did. And at that time, it was
supposed to be the dual of the vacuum tube. The
vacuum tube had transconductance, so the
transistor would have transresistance. And the
name should fit in with the names of other
devices, such as varistor and thermistor. And. . . I
suggested the name transistor.
-John R. Pierce, interviewed for
PBS show Transistorized!

It was in 1954 when Gordon Teal at Texas

Instruments created the first Commercial Silicon
Transistor. Gordon Teal began his research at
Texas Instruments after leaving Bell Labs.
Previous studies and inventions were already
booming at Bell labs. But perhaps, Bell Labs did
not consider it a device too fancy for commercial

Jack Kilby invented the first
Integrated Circuit(IC) while
working for Texas
Instruments. He is also the
daddy of the first handheld
calculator & the first thermal

In 1971, Intel introduces the first CPU on a chipthe first Microprocessor. Named The Intel 4004,
it was a 4-bit CPU and was the
first commercially available microprocessor.

Proton, Neutron
and Electron

Atomic Number
Electron Shells
and Orbits

Valence Electrons
Number of Electrons
in each shell =

Conductors, Semiconductors, and Insulators

Energy bands

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