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Chapter Reflection

Maleah Harris

Chapter Number: 2

This chapter first begins off exploring how communication can work in a classroom with the
teacher as the sender and the student as the receiver. This leads in to a bigger discussion of
different learning styles and the cognitive retention of a students which in turn impacts their
learning. There are multiple intelligences that are displayed in classrooms and different
technologies that can help adhere to them. Technology also helps to cater to diverse learners and
build a better bridge of communication.

Key Chapter Points

Point One. Learning as Communication

Point Two. Environmental Factors
Point Three. Psychological Factors
Point Four. Personal Filters
Point five. The Behaviorist
Point six. The Cognitivist Perspective
Point seven. The Constructive Perspective
Point eight. Toward an Integrated View of Learning
Point nine. Cognitive Styles
Point ten. Learning Styles
Point eleven. Intelligence
Point twelve. Technology to Reinforce Learning
Point thirteen. Technology to Address Diversity
Point fourteen. Technology to Foster Critical Thinking
Point fifteen. Technology to Foster Creativity

Major Topics Covered

Topic 1: Theoretical Perspectives on Learning
Topic 2: The Learner: A Closer Look
Topic 3: Technology for Teaching
Topic 4: Teaching, Learning, and Using Educational Technology: A Personal Synthesis
Topic 5: Technology to Foster Communication and Collaboration

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Topic 6: Technology to Assess Competency

Topic7: Educational Technology: Past, Present, and Future
Topic 8: Education, Technology, and You

Technology helps to adhere to many diverse learning style that you can find within a classroom
for example a visual learner would probably be engaged with something like a video or a powerpoint. This also help to identify different type of intelligence that would normally be brushed
aside. Technology in conclusion helps for a better-rounded classroom which and better cater to
its recipients.

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