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Alcohol Awareness

Date: November 9, 2015

Class: KIN 355
Grade Level: Grades 6-8
Time: 10:20-11:10
Targeted NASPE Standard(s):

Teacher: Jessica Smith

School: Michigan State Elementary
Equipment Used:
Soft dodgeballs, hula-hoops, cones.

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a

variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others.
Specific Objective: To understand the dangers of alcohol consumption.
Concomitant Objective: Students will run, giving them short bursts of high intensity
work out.
Procedures Followed
Warm Up: No warm up necessary


Transition: When I say go, I need everyone to line up

on the white line.

Set Induction: Has anyone ever heard of something

bad that has happened due to the consumption of
Learnable Piece: Alcohol can impair your vision and
___30__ coordination, making it difficult to perform tasks that
would normally be easy for you to complete.


Presentation of New Material/Directions: Today we

will play a game that will simulate impaired vision and
coordination from consumption of alcohol. I am going to
number you off into teams, and each team will stand in a
single file line behind their cone. Once each team is in
their spot, I will say go, and the first person in line must
spin around 10 times, with the help of their teammates.
Once the person has been spun around 10 times, the
person must retrieve a ball from their hula-hoop at the
other end of the gym and bring it back to their team.
Once the person returns, the next team member in line
must begin to spin ten times and then retrieve their ball.
Each member must retrieve one ball, and when the
entire team has a ball, sit down. Safety: After you spin
you will feel off-balance and dizzy, so make sure you
regain your coordination before you try to run fast.
Watch out for other students while you are playing, so




that we can avoid collision. If you feel too dizzy or offbalance to walk, take a moment. I do not want anyone to
get injured during this game. Also, teammates, you need
to make sure that the person being spun is facing in the
right direction after they have been spun. They will be
dizzy and if you do not point them in the right direction,
they will run into you.
Transition: When I say go, move to the cone of the
number that I have given you.
Activity: Students will be in line behind the cone of the
team number that I have given them. They will run to the
end of the gym, grab their item, and then run back.
Possible Modifications: If the activity is too difficult, I
will move the hula-hoops filled with the items to retrieve
closer to the students. If the activity is too easy, I will
move the hula-hoops further away.
Lesson Review: What was difficult about running to get
your object? What was different than normal? How do
you think this could impact your actions and the way you
interact with others if you were in this condition?

Notes: None


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