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MCD Spreadsheet and Fries Reflection

Student Name:
Lonnie Barton
Portfolio Artifact Description:
MCD Spreadsheet and Fries Create a spreadsheet in excel using information to
create different types of charts and graphics. Chats and graphics must include a line
graph, a pie chart and a bar graph.
What you learned:
I am a huge fan of Excel. I love excel. I find excel very easy to use and like a lot of the
features it has to offer. However, with that being said I would not call myself an expert
in the excel program. What I learned in this assignment was the ability to add charts
and graphics directly into my spreadsheet. Normally I do not use charts to display data
because I always was intimidated to create them. However, I realized that after a few
practices that it is not as hard as it looks. Charts and graphs make data easier to read
and understand so I want to become more comfortable at creating them more
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed:
Standard #3- Model digital age work and learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital society.
c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents and
peers using a variety of digital age media and formats.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future:
Like I mentioned above charts and graphs make data easier to read and understands
so I want to become more comfortable at creating them. Once I become a master at
charts and graphics I can see myself creating line graphics on student progress and
grades throughout the year, I can also see myself creating class averages, or even
comparing test scores among students. If I also have time I can see myself creating
charts and graphs to display or show data students as part of a lesson plan so that they
can visually see data. Possibilities are endless I am excited to incorporate this skill in
the future.

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