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Angle Yoga

Date: November 25th, 2015

Teacher: Jessica Smith

School: Michigan State Elementary

Class: KIN 355

Equipment Used: Chalkboard
Grade Level: 3-5
Time: 9:10
Targeted NASPE Standard(s):
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates
competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and
Specific Objective: To know the difference between straight, acute, obtuse, and
right angles.
Concomitant Objective: To work the students abdominal muscles.
Procedures Followed
Warm Up: No warm up necessary.





Transition: Boys and girls, if you can hear me clap

once. If you can hear me clap twice.

Set Induction: What is a real world example that you

would need to use angles?
Examples: Building/ architecture, origami, engineers,
ballet feet/ arms, cutting pizza or cake, yoga.
Learnable Piece: There are many different types of
angles: acute, straight, obtuse, and right. Each type of
angle is a different size. Acute angles are less than 90
degrees, obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees,
right angles are exactly 90 degrees and straight angles
are 180 degrees.
Presentation of New Material/Directions: Today we
are going to take what we learned about angles and play
Simon Says. For this game, you will keep your feet
planted, and just use the top half of your body to
complete the angles. When I say acute angle youre
going to bend down and make an acute angle. When I
say obtuse angle you will bring your upper body further
back. When I say right angle, you will create a right
angle with upper body. When I say straight angle you
are going to put your hands straight in the air and
straighten your body. If you make an angle when I dont
say Simon Says before it, you will have to do 10
squats before you rejoin the game. Safety: Make sure
that you are far enough away from your partner so that





you dont collide. Also, make sure you have enough

distance from the desks and chairs so that you dont hit
your head.
Transition: When I say go, I need everyone to stand up.

Activity: First review the directions and then do a

practice round. Next, play Simon Says as a class with
acute, obtuse, straight, and 90-degree angles.
Possible Modifications: I will slow down or speed up
the rate at which I read off the directions if it needs to be
slowed down or sped up.
Lesson Review: How would you describe an acute
angle? An obtuse angle? A straight angle? A right angle?

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