Research Process Paper Enigma PBL

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The process of conducting the Research for this project took a long time, but

ultimately was a fun and interesting way to learn more about an important
innovation in coding and modern technologythe Enigma machine.
We chose our topic first by brainstorming about innovations that, in addition
to contributing to the technological process of its era, had a significant historical
context and story. This immediately led us to think of the Enigma machine, an
innovation whose interest was sparked in our minds after seeing the 2015 Oscar
nominated film, The Imitation Game, a film about Alan Turing and his codebreaking
efforts at Bletchley Park, so we thought that it was a solid choice for the World
History Day innovation project.
We then conducted our research by splitting the effort into pieces. Each of
the members in the group were assigned four pieces of evidence to research, using
as many different forms of media possible. One member read parts of four different
World War II reference books, and the other three members conducted research
using reliable online resources, including a BBC documentary and reference articles
from historically certified websites. In addition, we analyzed primary source images
and documents found online to aid with context and historical accuracy.
We decided to use a website to structure our project because it was most
logical for how busy we all individually were; between the four of us in a group, we
had three different theatre shows we had rehearsal and performances for to
conduct research scheduling around. A website is easily accessible from home and
could easily be edited individually when meeting up as a group wasnt possible.
With that said, we all managed to meet together one time, and Travis and Jayce met
up one additional time to check in with each other and make sure that all of our
ideas for the project lined up with each others. Aside from those times, we
consulted with each other at school and assessed our progress individually over the
internet, editing each others additions to the website as necessary.
Enigma, despite being generally unknown to the general public because of its
safekeeping as a government secret, was a significant technological innovation that
caused some of the most revolutionary technology to be created in response.
Enigma itself and its complexity set a high bar for future coding technology such as
modern computer firewalls; in addition to the Enigma itself, the machine that was
designed to crack the code laid the foundation for modern computer technology as
a whole.

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