Day 1

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Teacher(s) Name: Amanda Leonard, Abby Johnson, and Alexis Sanders

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Civic Ideals and Practices/ Classroom Rules/ Kindergarten
Wiki space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 1: Eyes Watching, Ears Listening
Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal:
Students will define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules at school
and in the community.

NCSS Themes
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation
Sunshine State Standards


Learning Objectives:
Depending on the topic, 4 objectives are ample. All should begin with:
1. The students will discuss connections from the read aloud character to
2. The students will participate in a freeze dance to practice using listening
3. The students will participate in a group activity to practice eyes
4. The students will make connections to following rules in the classroom,
at home, and in the community.
NCSS theme(s):
Civic Ideals and Practices
Common Core State Standard(s):
LAFS. K.RL.4.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with
purpose and understanding.
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SS.K.C.1.1 Define and give examples of rules and laws, and why they
are important.
SS.K.C.1.2 Explain the purpose and necessity of rules and laws at
home, school, and community.
PE.K.C.2.7 Identify personal and general space.
HE.K.B.1.2 Demonstrate listening skills to enhance health.
Unit Pre-Assessment:
5 picture scenarios (one for each rule) students will circle correct rule, and
cross out wrong rule
3 true or false questions on following rules (read aloud when taking test)
1 drawing of Mr. Potato Head labeling
Eyes Watching
Ears Listening
Mouths for nice words, zipped lips when others talking
Hands for helping, cleaning up messes, and not hurting others
Feet are for walking, lining up, and all on the floor when sitting in a


Unit Post-Assessment:
5 picture scenarios (one for each rule) students will circle correct rule, and
cross out wrong rule
3 true or false questions on following rules (read aloud when taking test)
1 drawing of Mr. Potato Head labeling
Eyes Watching
Ears Listening
Mouths for nice words, zipped lips when others talking
Hands for helping, cleaning up messes, and not hurting others
Feet are for walking, lining up, and all on the floor when sitting in a
On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment:
On-going assessment and monitoring in response to class discussions
Monitoring students stopping during freeze dance
Monitoring students starring their I Spy object
Scale self-assessment during Gold Star activity
Monitor responses in flipbook
SCALE for Self-Assessment
4 meaning they can will define, describe the purpose, and give examples of
rules at school and in the community and teach a peer
3 meaning they can define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules at
school and in the community
2 meaning they need more help defining, describe the purpose, and give
examples of rules at school and in the community
1 meaning they cannot define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules
at school and in the community.
Design for Instruction
Student Activities &

1. Gather students to the front of the room.

2. Daily Read Aloud: David Goes to School
-Remind students when listening to a story being read they should be
sitting still, listening to the reader, looking at the book, and focusing the best
they can.
*Provide praise to students who are performing good read aloud
behaviors, and use as an example. (ESE Modification)
-Teacher should hold the book so that all students can view the pictures,
panning from side-to-side. Read with enthusiasm, at an appropriate pace, and
with clear annunciation. (ESOL Modification)
-Pre-reading: book is about David on his first day of school, but he as A
LOT to learn, especially about school rules (which is what we are learning
about this week!). Tell students you want them to listen and look for what rules
David breaks, and think about he could have made better choices.
-Read through the entire book.
-Book discussion
Why did Davids teacher want him to follow the rules at school?
(Ex: So she could teach everyone equally without distractions.)
Do you think the other students wanted David to follow the



(Ex. Yes, so they can all learn together.)

What happened at the end of the story when David followed the
(Ex: Teacher gave him a gold star for good behavior.)
Why do you think we should follow rules at in our own

(Ex. To stay safe, to learn, to share, to be fair, etc.)
Where else do we need to follow rules?
(Ex: home, classroom, school, community, laws, etc.)
Who are some people in our community that we should listen to
because they tell us very important things to keep us safe, healthy, happy?
(Ex. Police officers, Fire fighters, Doctors, Dentists, Teachers,
Parents, Families, Coaches, Crossing Guards, etc.)
Why is it important to follow the rules in other places?
(Home, school, community, even nation to keep safe, order, to
be kind, to have fun)
3. Introduce Classroom Rules
-Explain to students this week they are going to be learning about the
classroom rules. We have rules to keep us safe, so we can all learn together, to
be fair, to have fun, and to keep order in our classroom. With the help of Mr.
Potato Head, we are going to learn each day how we can use parts of Mr. Potato
Head to remind us how to follow the rules.
-Todays rules: Eyes Watching and Ears Listening
On chart paper, attach Mr. Potato Heads eyes and ears to the
Eyes Watching, Ears Listeningwhen someone is talking, your
eyes should be watching them. Tell students that since you (teacher) are
speaking, all of their eyes should be on you. Make eye contact with each
student to acknowledge their eyes are watching. Additionally, since you are
speaking, they should be listening to you, following directions, listening to you
reading, and not talking or playing with others/objects.
-It is important to have eyes watching and ears listening
here in our classroom so you know what is going on, hear directions, see
important things, but why do you think it is important to use those same rules at
home? (Ex: listen to parents/families because they have important things to tell
us, see what people are showing us, watch things, shows you are paying
attention, etc. ) What about in our community? (Ex. If crossing the road, we
need to watch and listen for cars and other traffic. If in the grocery store, we
need to watch and listen for other shopping carts so we dont bump in to others.
If playing outside, we should look and listen for changes in weather that signal
we need to go inside. If someone is speaking to us, we need to look at them and
listen to show respect and find out what they are telling us.)
On-going assessment: Monitor for students understanding by
checking that students are watching you, listening by paying attention, not
playing or talking to neighbor.
4. Daily Student Activities


Student Activity 1: Freeze Dance

-Tell students we are going to working on our ears listening.
-Teacher will play The Freeze. Students are to dance and
move around, but when they hear the word FREEZE they are to immediately
stop. When they music and singing continue, they can dance and move about
again until freeze is said again. Play two times through.
Student Activity 2: I Spy
-Gather students back to the front of the room. Tell students they
are going to participate in an I Spy game, practicing Eyes Watching skill.
-Pass out I Spy cards, one per student. Each card will have a
picture of an object that is on the collage.
-Tell students to look at their card and to start looking for the
object on their card on the collage. As they find their object, they should come
up to the IWB, and put a stamp on their object.
-If students need assistance, they may ask a friend for help.
(ESOL Modification)
Student Activity 3: Gold Star Self-Assessment
-Pass out to students a gold star die-cut and a pencil. Explain to
students they will be using their 1,2,3, or 4 scale to rate how well they know
todays rules. Remind them of the 1-4 levels that should be on display at the
front of the classroom.
-As students finish rating their learning, remind them to write
their name on the back of the star, and bring both their star and their pencil to
you before returning to their seat.
5. Wrap Up
-Have students return to their seat for a wrap up activity.
-Explain to students they are going to create their own Mr. Potato Head
Flipbook. In the flipbook they will record the days rule/s on Mr. Potato Head,
and draw a picture to help them remember todays rule. They can write/draw
something from the read aloud, activities, or discussions. The flipbook is for
them to keep, but remind them you will be monitoring it for their completion
and participation.
(ESOL Modification)
-Write todays rule on the teacher flipchart on the IWB. Point to the Mr.
Potato Head Rule Chart that is on display in the front of the room.
-As students complete their charts and write/draw memorable
words/pictures, circulate room checking for progress, answering questions, and
checking for understanding.
On-going assessment: Observe students as completing charts, both rules
(eyes watching, ears listening), and memorable words/pictures

ALL resources should be noted here including but not limited to: internet sites,
professional resources- books, journals (titles and authors), childrens
literature, etc.


David Goes to School by David Shannon

Interactive White Board (IWB)
Interactive White Board pen
Pre-made Mr. Potato Head Flipbook
Die-cut stars
Internet access/Wifi
Freeze Dance video
I Spy collage
I Spy cards for each student with one picture from collage
Scale at front of classroom
Mr. Potato Head pieces
Velcro for Mr. Potato Head attachment pieces
Discussion Notes: Make comments here related to ideas for assessment measures, parent involvement, field
trips, or extension to the unit plan ideas.

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