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Unit 3 Grade 9 The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

GLO 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences.

talk with others and experience a variety of oral, print and other media texts to explore, develop and justify
own opinions and points of view

GLO 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

use previous reading experiences, personal experiences and prior knowledge as a basis for reflecting on and
interpreting ideas encountered in texts
experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as essays,


broadcast advertisements, novels, poetry, documentaries, films, electronic magazines and realistic fiction
identify and discuss how timeless themes are developed in a variety of oral, print and other media text
consider historical context when developing own points of view or interpretations of oral, print and other
media texts
analyze how the choices and motives of characters portrayed in oral, print and other media texts provide
insight into those of self and others
identify and discuss theme and point of view in oral, print and other media texts
discuss how techniques, such as irony, symbolism, perspective and proportion, communicate meaning and
enhance effect in oral, print and other media texts


analyze creative uses of language and visuals in popular culture, such as advertisements, electronic
magazines and the Internet; recognize how imagery and figurative language, such as metaphor, create a
dominant impression, mood and tone

create oral, print and other media texts on common literary themes


GLO 3 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and

select types and sources of information to achieve an effective balance between researched information and
own ideas

develop coherence by relating all key ideas to the overall purpose of the oral, print or other media text


GLO 4 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication.

revise to ensure effective introductions, consistent points of view, effective transitions between ideas and appropriate

know that rules for punctuation can vary, and adjust punctuation use for effect in own writing


GLO 5 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and
collaborate with others.

examine how personal experiences, cultural traditions and Canadian perspectives are presented in oral,
print and other media texts

analyze how oral, print and other media texts reflect the traditions, beliefs and technologies of different
cultures, communities or periods in history

contribute to group efforts to reach consensus or conclusions, by engaging in dialogue to understand the
ideas and viewpoints of other
share responsibility for the completion of team projects by establishing clear purpose and procedures for
solving problems, monitoring progress and making modifications to meet stated objectives


Unit Objectives:

Define what Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, the Fuhrer, and the concentration camps were
and explain how they came to be
Explain the potentially dangerous consequences of silence and complacency
Discuss the potential dangers of blind obedience
Understand the importance of history and the cause and effect nature of it
Develop and defend your own opinion/idea
Analyze character development in the novel

Essential Questions:
1. What is the purpose of having a child narrate a story? Does it strengthen or weaken the
issue of genocide?
2. Was Hitler justified in his actions? Why/Why not?
3. Discuss the moral or message of the novel. What new insights and understandings does
John Boyne want the reader to gain from reading this story?
4. The experiences of women during wartimes have historically differed from those of men.
How does Boyne use the character of Mother to explore this issue?
5. One of the ways the Nazis defended their repulsive actions against Jews was by arguing
that the Aryan race was naturally "superior" to others. How does Boyne counter that
Gender inequality
Childlike misunderstanding of tragedy/innocence
War and genocide
Justification of evil actions
Human nature
The power of friendship

Lessons Overview:
Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

-terminology and symbols
-fully appreciate the full horrors of
-Ch. 1-2?
-Research 3 facts: How did this affect
Ch. 3/4
Introduce workbook
Discussion questions
Character Map
**mood/tone/setting/action that help
decide what kind of story this is
Ch. 5-9
Imagery (Ch. 6)
Round Table Discussion (4-6) (7-9)
**Unequal treatment. (Ch.7) Paval and
Brunos accident

Week 4

Ch. 10-15
Shmuels Journey/Venn Diagram (Ch.
Symbolism (Ch. 15)
Round Table Discussion (10-12)
**8 stages of genocide

Week 5

Ch. 16-20
Predictions (Ch. 18)
Brunos Misunderstandings/Weather to
Emphasize Change (Ch. 18)

relate to contemporary texts
-Hitler- Nazi Germany 1930s1940s
-For Every Person There is a
Name (YouTube clip)

KWL-chart (pre-assessment)
Against whom were the Germans
fighting in WW2?
How is the setting described in
Chapter 1?

Workbook completion
Exit Slip
Character Map

The students will have to

complete activities such as
chewing several crackers and
having to whistle Mary Had a
Little Lamb. One team will be
given a glass of water to drink
and one group will not. There
are several activities with unfair
advantages for one group. 3.
The students will write a short
journal entry immediately after
completing the activity to
discuss how the activity made
them feel
I Promised I would Tell
(Life in a Slave Labor Camp p
Then and Now

Film The Boy in the Striped

I Am Free from I Promised I
would Tell (p87)
Dead Poets Society on

Student workbook 10%- formative/summative

Workbook completion
Round Table Discussion
Free write
Create a timeline (Brunos birth to
through the end of the novel.
Pinpoint events of WW2 and events
that Bruno included)

-Workbook completion
-Round Table Discussion
-Venn Diagram Bruno and Shmuel
(Ch. 10)
-Journal Entry-graph the similarities
and differences between each piece
of artwork from the Holocaust, and
the photographs taken in 1996
Workbook completion
Film Analysis 5%
(Learn about the Holocaust)

Projects: 20% Theme Collage (depicts and explains important themes from the text-identifies
what the image represents and why it is important) - summative
Film Analysis: 5% - Students will complete a worksheet that requires some in-depth
compare/contrast between the novel and film- summative
Reading Quiz: 5%-Students will be given reading quiz to test their knowledge and reading
comprehension of a certain chapter. It is also to ensure that students are following along in the
text and reading the chapters that were assigned.
Research Project/ Presentation: 15%
In groups of 4, students will conduct a research project on a topic pertaining to the novel.
They are asked to create a presentation on their research. Students will be marked on their
research and their presentation. They will self-assess themselves, their partners, and the group.
The teacher will assess their 1-2 page paper on their research and presentation. Students will cite
their work/research. Author, Reputable Site, Date Published
Women of War
Nazis indoctrination of children
Concentration Camps
The Aryan race
Genocide (another occurrence in the world) (Learn about the Holocaust)

Essay 15%-minor- students will be given a choice between three essay topics and are expected to
write a five paragraph essay. They will be able to draw on examples from the novel as support or
conduct further research if needed. However, if research is done, students must cite their sourcessummative
Exam 30%-major- students will be given a small exam. MC, character analysis, and passage
identification. (quotes from the book)

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