Lesson Plan Reflection 2

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September 28, 2015

Cassie Mayer
EDUG 547

Reflection/Notes: (Please type and attach comments to lesson plan)

At the end of each tutoring session, write comments about the session regarding
the following areas:
1) your reaction to the session
a. I think the session went well. I am realizing that one of my tutees is
slightly farther along than the other, and she is also more interested in
reading and writing. They both really enjoyed the book I picked out to
read to them and also using the manipulatives I brought.
2) your tutee(s) reaction to the session
a. Jaci seemed to enjoy the session, she loves to read and write even
though she is struggles a little bit. She wants to copy every word from
the book we read down into her notebook. Its great seeing someone
who is so excited to read and write. Jennifer is a little behind Jaci in
reading and writing and needs more guidance, but she also enjoyed
the session except for the writing portion.
3) what you plan to focus on for the next tutoring session
a. Next tutoring session I want to work a little further on consonant
digraphs such as, sh, wh, ph, and th since they are having a hard time
grasping the sounds. Also, they really enjoyed the book I chose and
want to read more by that author. I am hoping to do some more
research to see if he has books that may be a bit more challenging
since they enjoyed the book so much.

Appendix H
Tutoring Reflection
Name: Cassie Mayer Lesson: 2 Date: September 28, 2015

Listen to your recording and reflect on your tutoring session by addressing the
following areas. Pay specific attention to the dialogue that you have with the tutees
and what insight you can gain from that. Write a short paragraph for each

1. Identify and analyze strengths of the lesson, include reflections

about written and oral comments from the Coach and/or professional
peer and insights gained after listening to your recording. [TPE 1A,
Based on the notes my coach gave me, I had a well thought out lesson plan. I
went into great detail about what I was going to do in my lessons, even what
questions I was going to ask my students and when. Something that really
benefited me was using sticky notes in the book I was reading to my students to
help remind me to ask certain questions. Another part of my lesson that went
well was using third grade standards but differentiating the lesson to better suit
my preprimer level tutees. They were able to complete what was asked of them
but with a little extra hands on help and modeling. The book I chose to read to
my tutees was perfect. They were both engaged and responsive to my
questions, predicting, problem solving, and analyzing the main characters. It
helped using a book that was below their grade level but above their
independent reading level. This next week I plan to read a more challenging
book, but still below their grade level, in order to better scaffold their knowledge

2. Identify and analyze problematic aspects of the lesson include

comments from the Coach, and/or professional peer and insights gained
after listening to your recording. [TPE 2,3]
The initial problem I faced with this lesson was getting my recorder to work, which it
didnt so I was unable to record my session. However, this was not a major issue
during the lesson, just for reviewing later. One thing I noticed was that one tutee,
Jennifer, likes working with me one on one and enjoys the attention of tutoring, but
she doesnt quite enjoy the actual work. Specifically with reading and writing, she
seems to shut down a little, but I believe it is because its challenging for her. She

did enjoy the manipulative scrabble letters I brought and we worked together to
create new words when we had five minutes extra time at the end of the lesson.
One challenge I personally have is looking at my lesson. With every activity I initially
look at what I am doing, but once instruction begins I can hardly look at the lesson
or find my place.

3. Describe possible changes to lesson if implemented a second time. [TPE

Changes in my lessons I am going to implement for Jaquelyn are giving her more
freedom in her writing, rather than using a sentence model she can free write an
opinion or narrative, as suggested by my coach. For Jaquelyn I am going to spend
more time one on one with her to give her the support she needs as well as use
manipulatives while we write, like creating the words with scrabble letters before
writing them on our paper. I would also like to initiate more technology into my
lessons. I have a tablet and I think using it for writing and reading would be
beneficial for twenty first century learning (Twenty First Century Skills Crosswalk).

4. Discuss insights about tutees. Discuss and analyze tutees work,

describe tutees behavior/attitudes, etc. How did you differentiate your
instruction/materials to meet the different needs of your tutees? What will
you work on next session based on your analysis of this session? [TPEs
Jaquelyn shows eagerness to learn and become a better reader and writer. She
loves copying words from the books I bring in and its almost a reward when I
provide her time to do so. Her hand writing is neat and she works hard at sounding
words out and spelling as best she can. We used a sentence model this week, I do
not think she will need one next week. Jaquelyn still needs work with digraphs, I am
going to use my tablet this next week to encourage this skill. According to the RICA
using colored letters to help the students remember the digraphs could be
Jennifer seems to enjoy going to tutoring but not doing the work. When something
seems challenging to her she shuts down or moves slowly. To better support her I
plan to use more explicit instruction and giveher hands on guidance. She is a little
behind Jaquelyn so in order to differentiate my lessons I will continue to give her
sentence or paragraph models. Jennifer also struggles with phonemic awareness so
I plan to work individually with her on her letters and sounds.

5. Discuss progress made toward becoming an exemplary teacher. Refer

to the RICA Competencies, TPEs, learning theories, etc.

I can see progress toward becoming an exemplary teaching by use of my formal and
informal assessments as well as how I monitor behavior. This connects both to TPE
2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction, and TPE 3: Interpretation and Use
of Assessments. This is clear in my lessons by how I differentiate, and use what I
learn through monitoring and assessments about my tutees and implement it in
future lessons. I have been putting competency 2 from the RICA, Reading
Assessments to use that I took during our first tutoring session. I have also been
using competency 3, Phonological and Phonemic awareness in my lessons,
specifically for Jennifer.

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