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Teacher(s) Name: Amanda Leonard, Abby Johnson, and Alexis Sanders

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: 10. Civic Ideals and Practices/ Classroom Rules/ Kindergarten
Wiki space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 4: Walking Feet
Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal:
Students will define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules at school
and in the community.
Learning Objectives: FOUR which support goal and align with standards:

NCSS Themes
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation
Sunshine State Standards

1. The student will learn how to use feet for quiet walking, lining up in
straight lines, and keeping feet on the floor when sitting in a chair.
2. The student will learn what a constitution is at the classroom,
community, and national level.
3. The student will learn to follow rules while participating in physical
4. The student will activate prior knowledge while reviewing previously
learned classroom rules.
NCSS theme(s):
Civic Ideals and Practices
Common Core State Standard(s): LAFS and MAFS
LAFS.K.RL.4.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with
purpose and understanding.
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SS.K.C.1.1 Define and give examples of rules and laws, and why they
are important.
SS.K.C.1.2 Explain the purpose and necessity of rules and laws at
home, school, and community.
PE.K.R.5.3 Identify ways to treat others with respect during physical
PE.K.C.2.2 Recognize physical activities have safety rules and


Unit Pre-Assessment:
5 picture scenarios (one for each rule) students will circle correct rule, and
cross out wrong rule
3 true or false questions on following rules (read aloud when taking test)
1 drawing of Mr. Potato Head labeling
Eyes Watching
Ears Listening
Mouths for nice words, zipped lips when others talking
Hands for helping, cleaning up messes, and not hurting others
Feet are for walking, lining up, and all on the floor when sitting in a
Unit Post-Assessment:
5 picture scenarios (one for each rule) students will circle correct rule, and
cross out wrong rule
3 true or false questions on following rules (read aloud when taking test)


1 drawing of Mr. Potato Head labeling

Eyes Watching
Ears Listening
Mouths for nice words, zipped lips when others talking
Hands for helping, cleaning up messes, and not hurting others
Feet are for walking, lining up, and all on the floor when sitting in a
On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment:
Observation in participation during group discussion
Observation during participation in physical activities
Observation while lining up and walking in line
Scale before introduction of rule and before Red Light Green Light
Scale after Red Light Green Light and after completing flipbook
Traced outlined with Class Rules Constitution (following directions)

Design for Instruction

Student Activities &

SCALE for Self-Assessment

4 meaning they can will define, describe the purpose, and give examples of
rules at school and in the community and teach a peer
3 meaning they can define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules at
school and in the community
2 meaning they need more help defining, describe the purpose, and give
examples of rules at school and in the community
1 meaning they cannot define, describe the purpose, and give examples of rules
at school and in the community.
1. Gather students to the front of the room.
2. Review Days 1-3 rules (Eyes watching, Ears listening, Using mouth for kind
words and inside voices, and Use nice, helping hands). As you review, be sure
to point to the Mr. Potato Head pieces posted on the previous days.
Self-assess: Teacher should say, Using a 1,2,3, or 4 over your heart,
please tell me how well you know how to use not walking feet.
3. Introduce new rule of the day: Use our feet for quiet walking, lining up in
straight lines, and keeping our feet on the floor when we sit in a chair! (Post
feet to Mr. Potato Head chart)
Have one student demonstrate nice walking feet from the front of the
classroom to the back of the class, and back. (Point out that running
inside isnt safe in case they fall down, trip, hurt themselves/others)
Have 5 students line up quietly and nicely at the front of the room.
(Explain the importance of keeping order so teacher can quickly see all
students, everyone moves in the same place without getting lost, and
they wont get lost/bump into others)
Have one student demonstrate the correct way to sit in a chair with all
four chair legs on the floor as well as their own two feet on the floor.
(Explain that chairs tipping over and hitting their head on the floor
would be very unsafe and dangerous)


4. Daily Read Aloud: Class Constitution

Explain to students that a constitution is a set of rules that helps life at
home, school, community, and in our country run smoothly. We need these
rules to be safe, to get along with our friends, neighbors, and other citizens, and
to be fair. Just like we have rules at home, and out in the community, we are
going to have a constitution for our classroom.
Using the Interactive White Board (IWB), display the Class Rules
Constitution. Using a pointer, read the Class Rules Constitution aloud to the
students. Be sure to read an an appropriate pace for students to follow along.
At the conclusion, ask students to raise their hands to review the rules in
the constitution. (Eyes watching, Ears listening, Using mouths for kind words,
Zipped lips when others are talking, Nice helping hands to help friend, clean up
after themselves, and keep hands to themselves, and Nice feet for lining up,
walking, and on the floor when sitting in a chair).
Self-assess: Teacher should say, Using a 1,2,3, or 4 over your
heart, please tell me how well you know the rules from this week.
*Quickly review students response. If 4 or more
students are below a 3, continue to review.
After rules have been reviewed, let the students know we are
transitioning into our daily activities.
5. Daily Student Activities
Student Activity 1: Tracing on bulletin board paper
-Gather students in a circle at the front of the classroom. Tell
students they are going to be tracing an outline of a partner onto bulletin board
paper using a crayon. Once they have traced Partner 1, they will trade, and
trace Partner 2 on another piece of bulletin board paper. Finally, they will glue a
copy of the Class Rules Constitution on to the center of their traced body.
Model for students this process.
*Remind students to ONLY TRACE their partner, and
NOT to write, color, draw, etc. INSIDE the traced body.
*Place example at the front of the room, and remind
students it is there so they can monitor themselves to be sure their own tracing
and constitution looks like the example.
-Partner the students (assigning a Partner 1 and a Partner 2)
and send them with a crayon, two pieces of bulletin board paper, two precopied constitutions, and one glue stick to an open area of the classroom.
Instruct the students that once they sit down in an open area, they should each
write their name on their own piece of bulletin board paper, then they may
begin to trace Partner 1. After they finish Partner 1, they should trade, and trace
Partner 2 on a separate bulletin board paper. Once they have both traced, they
should take turns gluing their constitution to the center of their outlines. (ESOL
Modification) (ESE Modification)
*Remind students that when they are finished drawing to
their traced bodies to the front of the room and sit back
in the
circle to get ready for the next activity.
Student Activity 2: I Can Follow the Rules Dance

-Remind students that they are to be gentle, find some
open space, and then follow along with the man in the video. Students will
watch once, then dance a second time. They may sing along with the song!
(Subtitles are provided to help with the words.) (ESOL Modification) (ESE
Student Activity 3: Red Light Green Light
Self-assess: Teacher should say, Using a 1,2,3, or 4 over your
heart, please tell me how well you understand todays rule and how to follow
the rule.
*Quickly review students response. If 4 or more
students are below a 3, review with guidelines.
-Have students line up at the door. Remind them to reflect on
todays rule Using quiet walking feet to line up in a straight line at the door.
Before you exit the classroom, also remind students to use zipped lips in the
-Guide them to playground or open field
-Give students the rules:
Red light= STOP
Green light= Quick Walking Feet
*Set up a starting line (for students to all line up going
across (horizontally), and a finish line (where teacher and/or caller stands)
Use listening ears to the caller (start with teacher) for the
colors. When the caller says Green Light students should use quick walking
feet and make their way to the finish line where the teacher is standing. When
the caller says, Red Light the students should quickly stop. If the students
continue moving after the caller says Red Light and before they say Green
Light, they are to go back to the starting line. The first student to reach the
caller, becomes the new caller and the game will start over. Remind students
that this is for fun and there is no arguing. Teacher is the judge of whether or
not students move after red light and must return to the starting line.
Play several rounds.
Before going back inside, have students line up again
using walking feet and in a straight line.
Self-assess: Teacher should say, Using a 1,2,3 or 4 high in the
sky (meaning hold it above their head) tell me how comfortable you are using
todays rule of walking feet and lining up in a straight line.
*Quickly monitor student responses. If 4 or more are below a 3,
review again when students get back to the classroom before writing in
Remind them zipped lips once they get to the hallway.
6. Wrap Up: Have students return to their seats and pull out their Mr. Potato
Head Rules Flipbook. Tell them to turn to THURSDAY, and fill in todays rule.
Guide them from the front of the room on what to write for todays rule.
Students should also draw a picture to assist their memory of the days rule.
(ESOL Modification)

Mr. Potato Head Chart with pieces

Student chair at the front of the room (for demonstration of sitting in chair


Class Rules Constitution
Interactive White Board (IWB)
Bulletin board paper (1 piece for each student)
Crayons (1 per group of two)
Glue Sticks (1 per group of two)
Pre-copied Class Rules Constitution (1 per student)
Internet Access (for I Can Follow the Rules video)
Playground/Open field/Gym (area for Red Light Green Light)
Mr. Potato Head Flipbook
Pencils (filling out flipbook)
I Can Follow the Rules video
Discussion Notes: Make comments here related to ideas for assessment measures, parent involvement, field
trips, or extension to the unit plan ideas.

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