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FHS 2600 Activity/ Lesson Plan Evaluation #2: Math Activity


Fall 2015
(Attach Part 1 and Part 3 to this Evaluation when you submit it. This evaluation must be typed)
Student Name: Jordyn Aldrich

Center or Program / Teachers: Grizzlies/Susan and April

Todays Date: November 16, 2015 Date of Activity Implementation: November 9, 2015
Assessing and Reflecting:
1. Describe and explain the strengths of your Activity Lesson Plan and implementation (reference your
plan, use specific examples): The children were able to demonstrate and strengthen their abilities of counting,
shapes, and special recognition, as well as their ability to show they understand sequential directions. The
children chose their paper color, they shape they wanted to draw, and how many bear noodles they were going to
use. By asking them what shape they were going to draw before they drew it, the children demonstrated their
understanding of shapes and geometry. As they were gluing the noodles into their individual shapes, I asked
them to count how many bears there were, demonstrating their counting abilities. They all placed the bears
inside the shape, demonstrating their special recognition, and then a few of them decided to create story pictures
including the bear noodles.
2. Describe and explain the areas for improvements in your Activity Lesson Plan and implementation
(reference your plan, use specific examples): The activity was fun and the kids enjoyed it however, I didnt
feel as if there a great blend of creativity with it; it was pretty black and white, draw this and glue this here. Next
time, I would bring more noodles of various shapes, sized and colors, and instead of having them draw the
shape, I would ask them to create the shape out of the noodles. The differences in the noodles would also add a
layer to their learning by exposing them to quantity means comparison.
3. Describe and analyze the documentation that you collected (attach all documentation to this form):
The first attachment shows the childs understanding of special sense. She drew a circle and then placed the three
noodles inside of the circle. When I asked her how many bears there were she responded with three. I had her
count them from one to demonstrate her knowledge of one to one correspondence and she did so without
skipping a beat. The fact that this child only placed three noodles suggests, to me, that she has the basic concept
of spatial recognition. The second one is a large, colored in circle, filled with several more bears filling it. She
counted them with a few bumps as the number approached the upper teens, but as we started over, she picked up
on where she goofed before and corrected herself. This child demonstrated one to one correspondence, shapes,
and a great understanding of spatial sense by filling the shape almost entirely. The last example is very different
from the others. This child chose to create a story picture but she still demonstrates everything that I was looking
for, she just did it slightly differently. She first drew a house and placed four individual bears in the individual
shapes, fulfilling the directions of drawing a shape and placing the bears inside of the shape. She flawlessly
counted every bear, demonstrating her one to one correspondence, as well as described her understanding of
quantity means of comparison. She did this by explaining the roles of the bears based off of their color. The
yellow bears did this, the orange bears did this, and the green bears did this. She demonstrated the relationships
of the shapes by creating a house; triangle for the roof, rectangle for the door, circle for the door window, square
for the house window, etc. To me, the last example, although different from the others, shows an advanced
understanding of concepts dealing with math.
Teaching Effectiveness:
1. How did advance preparation (or lack of it) contribute to the success (or lack of success) of the activity?
It was a little more difficult to really prepare for this activity since I knew not one child would be the same as
another; however, that didnt stop me. Taking into count my creative arts activity, I wanted to have a little more
control over what was going on so it didnt feel as chaotic and I could make sure I had the proper amount of
supplies. I prepackaged about 15 baggies of noodles with three different patterns of color so the children could
have a variety and I could make sure that I had enough supplies, which helped me feel a little more prepared for

the activity.
2. Was the activity carried out as planned? What changes to your plan were made and why? Did the
changes enhance or detract from the activity?
The activity was carried out as planned, no changes were made to the activity.
3. If you were to use this activity again, what would you repeat and what would you change? Why?
As I stated before, the activity was a lot of fun and the children enjoyed, however I am creative person and enjoy
having fun with activities so I would like my lesson plans to reflect that. I would add more variety to the colors,
shapes, and sizes of the noodles. This would expose the children to more depth in regards towards their math
concepts. I would also place less requirements regarding the instructions; ie: having them create whatever they
want out simply out of the macaroni, then I would assess their understanding of the concepts based of their final
master piece.

4. Reflect on your teaching experience. What did YOU learn from this activity?
I learned that I truly want learning to be fun and creative in every aspect. I want to know and understand the levels
of learning each child has, as individuals, so I can better understand how to reach them intellectually. Some of the
children are more creatively developed and other children are more calculated in their thoughts and actions; so the
more I know about the children collectively, the developmentally appropriate I can make my lesson plans. From a
personal experience with school, I have trigger words that send my brain spiraling and in turn I dont perform to
my full capacity. My reflection from this experience is that I want my lesson plans to alleviate these stressors for
the children. I know that not everything will be easy and that everyone has their own unique intelligence but I want
to instill a sense of enjoyment for every area of learning that I can, so when the children grow and face these
trigger words and subjects, they will have a subconscious sense of peace towards their obstacles.

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