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Moses Folauhola

Professor Quinn
Math 1010
Reflection 2
In life, you have to have good problem solving skills to be able to dig you a way out of a
situation that you are trying to get out of. In both math and the real world, it is those people who
have great problem solving skills that usually go far in life. Sometimes its not about solving a
problem in life the way that youre supposed to, but its about the way you know how to solve
the problem. Whatever method of solving a certain problem may work for you it is always a
good idea to use which ever problem solving skill you know how to use to solve a problem in the
class room, the work place and in life. In math, learning excellent problem solving skills is
important to passing the class. It is so important because there is always a method to solving a
problem and sometimes there can be more than one. Usually people use the method that sticks to
their brain the most. And sometimes it isnt always the one that everyone else uses. There is not a
problem with using different methods of solving problems and being able to come up with the
correct answer in the end. At first some people may get uncomfortable and confused with the
way a person chooses to tackle a problem because he or she is looking at it from a different type
of angle. But once the problem starts becoming fixed more and more the person who was
confused at first, starts believing that there is almost always more than one way to solve
problems, once again, it may not be the way they are used to seeing it being dealt with but its
always exciting to see how people are able to solve the same type of problem with a different
type of excellent problem solving skill. I love learning new ways to solve problems because it

gives me one more tool in my toolbox for solving problems whether they be in the classroom
or in the real world.

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