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Miranda Ramirez

Writing lesson two

Mini lesson 10/15/15
Garbage can words- mini lesson
Standard- w.4.2(d) (informative writing)
Objective Swbat- identify garbage can words and replace them with better vocabulary ( previously
learned). Afterwards, replace their garbage can words in their previously written informational
written work.
Lesson introductionPrior to the lesson, on the board the words
Will be present.
This week we have been learning about descriptive words, can someone remind
me what descriptive words are?
Choose (2 kids to answer aloud)
I heard someone say they are words that describe something. I agree, these
words will describe what you are talking about
As the students come to the carpet I will direct their attention to the chart.
" Students as you come to the carpet please take a look at the board, think to
yourself what can "garbage can words" can mean?
Today we will be learning about garbage can words! Can someone tell me how
these words got their nickname ?
Pick two people ( call on them) allow them to talk aloud and express the meaning
I heard someone say that they have these names because they belong in the
garbage. I agree, these words need to go away and belong in the garbage.
Model thinkingI believe we think these words make the story exciting, but they DO NOT! Infact these words
do not help the story at all and I think they are boring.
Today we will go through some sentences and get rid of the garbage can words and replace
them with vivid vocabulary.
I will do one and we will do the rest as a class.
(read the sentence out loud)
1. The sky is pretty.
I am going to get rid of the word pretty and replace it was phenomenal.
(Modeling thinking) I got rid the word pretty and threw it in the garbage! I changed the word with
a descriptive word.
How about,
2.) The cow is fat.
I was thinking that we can get rid of fat and use with use a different word

Class what word should we use? Please raise your hand if there is another word to use.
(call on only two)
That made the sentence so much better. Do you agree? Thumbs up or down?!
Great job!!!
Do you guys see how different the sentence is right now? Do you believe you can do this to
your writing? Thumbs up again if you agree.

(guided practice)
Now let's do the rest as a class...
1. My friend is nice.
2. I went somewhere fun.
3. The dog is cool.
Now turn and talk to your parent and talk about what should change.
I will circle in .
1,2,3 eyes on me. I will correct the sentences with the help of the students. Raise your hand to
change the sentence.
( hand marker to student)
Please cross out garbage can word and replace it. Hands up if you agree! Great job!
(Repeat until all sentences are done)
Independent practice (As I hand out the chart)
Now class please go back to your desk and get out your informative writing piece. Pick out your
GCW and replace them. As you do this, write on the chart the words you go rid of.
(40 minutes)
Follow up- carpet time
Class now let's come back to the carpet and share some garbage can words! Turn and talk to
your partner.
AssessmentI will assess the garbage can words that are in the chart and make sure they are not in their
written pieces.

Attach chart-

Please list all the Garbage Can Words inside the garbage can.

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